Tfw we are yet to get a proper batman movie

>tfw we are yet to get a proper batman movie

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The animated films are good at least

Still waiting for a scene like in the Arkham games where Batman goes stealth to take out enemies.


It will never happen until movie makers take the look of the characters seriously and trust that the audiences will also.
We were halfway there in 89. Joker was perfect, even had the chemical bath origin. BVS got close with Batman, but fucked up the textures and cowl (yes I know it's SUPPOSED to be from DKR).
We need something like the Asylum suit, but with less lines.

Is Gotham dieselpunk?

No, it's 40's noir mixed with art deco.

How about some Gotham?

*blocks your path*

The fight scene in BvS was pretty much straight out of Arkham Asylum

>tfw millennials dont know batman begins is the perfect batman movie

Actual capekino

There's a large amount of Streamline Moderne in there too. Pic related (my local cinema)

i unironically like all those stupid batman games. they're mindless fun

Arguably the second or third worst Batman movie. Go back and rewatch this one, it doesn't hold up at all.

batman returns gave a whole lot of people a latex fetish

One of the worst posts I’ve ever seen on Sup Forums

Batfleck is the best batman put to screen and anyone that denies this is a pseud

>hire Gareth Evans for DCU
>have him do Deathstroke instead Arkham Asylum

An Evans Arkham trilogy would be the only way I'd watch capeshit.

tf is wrong with his head

um sweetie they already made it

and series

At least Under the Red Hood was pretty good

What is Gotham Knight

The games are unironically kino

>best batman put to screen
live-action I agree but BTAS Batman is best Batman

these games were really incredible. the storytelling was better than any batman movie. the end of arkham city and arkham knight was pure kino.

>batman finally gets rid of joker and that causes batman to finally die
fucking incredible

He's detecting as a detective.

Keaton is the patrician choice. He’s the only one who feels like a genuinely unstable person who’s just as fucked in the head as his villains instead of a manchild power fantasy.

also, white eyes. These realistic eyes have always bothered me.

This is definitely a good film, but it is not the quintessential Batman film. The perfect one would look more like OP's image.

Fuck capeshit and everyone who watch it

King of the Wicker People.

nobody would argue on that, I believe.

what would be the story?

Is Batman riding on Catwoman's shoulders while riding on Penguin's shoulders?

Just gonna say it... Arkham Knight was a very good and well polished game that got fucked from Batmobile overuse (and a shitty PC launch)

Nolan movies were good

Yeah, but they didn't have a batman/gotham city feel to them.

>tfw Arkham Knight could have been perfect if it had some actual boss fights and the final one wasn't total dogshit.

Batman has no arc and is literally irrelevant thru out the film. You could swamp any other char in for batman and it would be the same movie. Outside of some cool imagery, Returns is easily one of the worst batman films.

Minus the writing and how fuck-ugly the character models were in Asylum

begins had the gotham feel, but nolan lost touch after that. tdk was still good, but it couldve been better

TDK really doesn't hold up as much as I was hoping it would.

LEGO Batman Movie you dope

They should have stuck with the purely Batman stuff. The franchise-gasm at the end was neat to see, but detracted from the story.

I'm working on it, user. I promise.

OP, have you played BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS?!? Because the cutscene's make what I'd consider the best Batman movie I've ever seen. Seriously, watch it from 1:06:45 to 1:12:55 and tell me that isn't fucking great!!!FACT!!!

>>tfw millennials dont know batman begins is the perfect batman movie

That would be Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, you pleb!!!FACT!!!

Watch Batman Begins

As much as I love Keaton, Alec Baldwin should have played Bruce Wayne/Batman!!!FACT!!!

you fucking missed it...

good choice, but he was too unstable for all the alcohol and cocaine he was under that period.

I fucking love Mr. Freeze in City. Cool voice and suit. Best boss fight as well.

Saw Batman opening day in 89 when I was 11 and it was an incredible movie going experience, my second favorite after Terminator 2!!!FACT!!!


That's a Joker movie, not a Batman movie

Same user, I was your age when I went to the theater and was blown away. Got the VHS for Christmas and almost memorized it.

If you batman fags are going to keep complaining about it, I hope it never comes. You can't even be happy with a good movie. No, it has to cater to your autistic familiarity with a particular era of the comic books (the era of the last 25 years).

>the perfect one would look more like OP's image
So like this then

>We were halfway there in 89. Joker was perfect, even had the chemical bath origin.
The man who killed Batman's parents and Joker are not supposed to be the same person.

List one valid reason that this is a flaw in that movie.

ok, but ever since then the Joker's origin have been tossed around at the leisure of producers and directors. Make up your mind then. The 1989 Batman movie is a stable in the film narrative.

Joker killing Wayne's parents is a little too convenient but, truth be told, without that the third act wouldn't have much momentum except for action and Vicki showing up in the batcave. I'm fine with it!!!FACT!!!

true that.

That's just a dude in black fighting thugs in a circle.

It's not based on any canonical sources, and the fight between Batman and the Joker shouldn't be based on deeply personal matters, and that complicates things.

Just leaving this here

No the Dark Knight is not the best Batman movie. The only reason it did well was because of the villains. Bale lost his charisma.
1989 Batman is cheesy af and you know it.

Its coming user

>posts shitty screenshot that looks like its out of black panther with pleb pandering neon horse shit
>probably posts about how black panther is terrible

Literally going down a pleb fucking checklist.

>not based on any canonical sources
Disregarding that right off the bat.
>a fight between then shouldn't be based on personal matters
Why? That only strengthens the conflict between protagonist and antagonist.

>We were halfway there in 89. Joker was perfect
Bowie should have played the Joker. Nicholson was so miscast

Based Jake

Batman 89 is still a classic. The cheese only adds to the charm and you're an edgelord if you can't stomach it.

Unless they are making Joaquin Bruce Wayne's brother, he should not be cast as the Joker in the Batman movie if Jake is playing Bruce. Look too similar.

Just fuckin get Willem Dafoe

Joaquin is Joker in the elseworld Joker film, it doesn't take place in the DCEU

Leto is still Joker in the DCEU

>Batman 89 is still a classic.
It's literally not. Stop making your friendly childhood memories overtake the truth.

>Leto is still Joker in the DCEU
But The Batman movie isn't connected to the DCEU from what I heard. I mean Affleck won't be in it so

>The Batman movie isn't connected to the DCEU
thats false information, Matt Reeves came out saying it was in the DCEU just that its not going to rely on any of the stories that have happened so far.

So Justice League happened but any of the members wont be making cameos because he wants it to be a Batman film.

It's about the feeling on Gotham city being alive, and batman being a detective instead of a guy who punches the truth out of people.

>tfw still no release date for this Joker figure
Love the silver jacket and red shirt. Leto's best look in the film

>Matt Reeves came out saying it was in the DCEU just that its not going to rely on any of the stories that have happened so far.
This is some Sony/Marvel levels of confusion. So how do they explain Affleck not present? Who is playing Alfred?

God please let those rumors be true. Jake is great in everything he is in and with Ape Kino Reeve, this is our only chance of getting an actual good Comicbook movie since TDK.

Jake would work perfect in a Killing Joke adaptation. Sadly looks like we may never see a violent Batman again since BvS bombed

Sorry, man, 89 might not be the action packed blockbuster your ADHD brain needs to sustain itself but it's fun as hell and I dare you not to crack a smile watching it. It's also the closest they've ever gotten to making Batman scary.

It is pretty messy but the popular speculation right now is that Affleck will make his final apperance in Flashpoint before Barry changes the timeline slightly that ends up altering Bruce's appearance and thats how they explain the recast.

I'd much prefer they didnt waste Afflecks last role on a retcon and instead put him in Squad 2 to fight Leto at least once before he leaves the role

It's fucking insane to think of all the Batman characters Troy Baker has voiced.

I really do hope we get to actually see him as Batman, but I have a feeling they won't.

>That's just a dude in black fighting thugs in a circle.

THIS, no smoke bombs, no subterfuge, nothing and don't get fucking started about TDK when he goes into that club and starts beating up bouncers, jumps up on the fucking table and stares at Maroni like he's Steven Seagal!?!


A real Batman movie would have had Batman drop a smoke bomb and yank Maroni through a skylight, not this DTV action shit fer fuck sakes!!! The ONLY thing Nolan got right with TDK was that he recognized that Batman/Joker/Two-Face represented Order/Chaos/Chance and gave the script a strong structure. Otherwise they're aesthetic dogshit with horrible production design, bad cinematography, terrible costumes and just overall fuck ugly as Maggie Gyllenhaal with absolutely ZERO FUCKING STYLE!!!FACT!!!

oh also Jeremy Irons is believed to still be on board, same as J.K as Gordon etc its just Affleck that's not really committing anymore

Agreed, I LOVE Batman 89 and there has NEVER been a movie as hyped as that in the last 29 years since!!!FACT!!!

>Kevin Conroy will die in your lifetime

feels real bad.


Know what fucking sucks, Snyder was a TERRIBLE choice for Superman but I would have LOVED to see him make a Batman movie with Goyer scripting. Justice League was shit but I loved everything to do with Batman in Gotham City which looked the way I always imagined it!!!FACT!!!

More like just adds another parallel thread of conflict.

They had him in black armor earlier this season. He's on a bender right now though in the story, fuckin sluts and drinking himself to sleep

>Friendly reminder that Adam West wanted to cameo in Afflecks solo film

I was screaming on every fucking board for years that Troy Baker should be playing The Joker live action. He's got the looks, the body and does a near perfect take on Hamill's version!!!FACT!!!


Oh, i know, but I I want the show to last long enough for him to formally become Batman. I know Gordon is the focus, but I want to see them team up.