What are some disaster movies where the scientists are ignored and everything goes to shit?

What are some disaster movies where the scientists are ignored and everything goes to shit?

hard mode: You can't list Outbreak

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>Using movies to make political arguments.

Damn... republicans are about to get triggered!

the core

>Using movies to support your argument

>the right ignores pollution
>the left ignores biology

honestly the right seems worse in this case desu

I'm a scientist and I say people need to stop worrying about the health of the planet. There's nothing humans have done that can't be fixed in several million years. If you'd rather live in Star trek versus mad Max you're retarded.

whats the disaster and whos ignoring it

>Not using disposable pop culture to make your political points

Tips Punisher beanie

>there's nothing political about art
>implying movies don't create and reinforce norms and stereotypes
>believing that movies are unconnected with behavior in real life

The left is only concerned by pollution created by white males. China, India and Mexico are free to pollute as much as they wish.

love it


*meanwhile censors studies and articles about race IQ, climate science and gender dysphoria*

Except all three of those countries have pledged to reduce emissions via the Paris agreement.

Guess which country with a white male figurehead decided not to?

>the Paris agreement.

>That sign

Ackshually, Krypton exploded because it's star went supernova; not because scientists were censored.

Krypton's destruction was absolutely inevitable.

art imitates life imitates art

really makes you think

Why are Leftists so fucking gullible?

>I pwomise
lmao, they ask $100b a year from the US and just a pinky swear from Chynah. Fuck them frog fags.

she looks like she fucks black guys

Yea but the reason millions or at least thousands of Kryptonians weren't saved with evacuation plans was because a scientist was ignored. but yea, casuals.

>censors studies and articles about climate science
The other two of those aren't scientific they're sociological, the right believes in sociology now?

2012 with based woody harrelson

pokemon go to the polls!

>Implying there would've been time and resources to evacuate thousands of people into space when the planet exploded just days after one scientist made the claim with no evidence to back it up

many movies have an evil scientist causing the problems (see also an evil hacker/coder (or at least a hired gun))

But that's not what the sign said!


It could be entirely me getting Superman origins confused but it does vary as to how long Jor-El had after or before failing to convince them that the the world was in danger. In some cases he doesn't start constructing the ship for his son until after their refusal.

My assumption is that "saving the world" is almost always about saving ourselves. Climate change isn't going to explode the world it just makes it difficult for humans to survive. So saving the world seems inseparable from saving sentient life because who cares otherwise. But you are right, that is not what the sign says.

>That movie with Frodo and the meteor

Daily reminder a shitty debater will actually debate what the signs says. A good one will point out how ridiculous it is to compare real life with fiction.

>the Paris agreement

is this bait or are you actually retarded

2012 for a bit

Why didn't they just fly off the planet with the big eagles?

While the Paris agreement literally holds no real power over any nation, a lot of countries are still going along with what they agreed to do. China is already ahead of schedule in converting their energy sector to solar power while the US is the only country in the world that backed out of the deal.


there are no sources because they're censored

Ok then, riddle me this trumptards. Why is it okay to cite books and not movies hmm? And no I'm not talking about peer reviewed academic journals, which you inbred are too dumb to read. I'm talking about the Bible which is all you retard thump all the time

Hmm tell me this?

