I feel like watching some dishonest anti-art kinos

>I feel like watching some dishonest anti-art kinos
>say no more pham

>dogme 95

The Master and Birdman were completely and utterly honest

it would be ok if they didn't want us to take them so seriously
that's why i don't mind pta, he doesn't seem to have much pretension about him

Ridlet are still mad about based Denis

please explain how any of these directors' movies are dishonest please, thanks in advance

Yeah I bet all these guys wish they could only express ideas via dead twitter memes.

>one kino per year
The hardest working man in Hollywood

I like all of these directors. How are they dishonest?

>Ridlet are still mad about based Denis
lmao even the shitty alien covenant made more money than flop runner
ridley made two films in one year, nice try soyneuve

"Dishonest" is the hot new forced meme. OP is a faggot

Both of those statements are dishonest


this, but ironically enough he is also the best film maker out of the above listed. there will be blood, boogie nights, magnolia and inherent vice were all really good movies no matter how you slice it

Boogie nights is pure kino tho

Did Ryan Gosling fuck your girlfriend or something? Why are you so obsessed?

hello r*ddit

>shitty alien covenant
I'm watching this right now and it's pretty good. When does it get bad?


lol sure

Go to bed Scott...

Denis made your movie looks like an unecessary prequel

>ridley made two films in one year, nice try soyneuve
Once. 5 films in 5 years is still very impressive

PTA > Denis >>> Inarritu >>> Wright

>muh more money
Fuck off capeshitter

remove wright(hes not dishonest hes more pure reddit) and add steve mcqueen and jeff nichols

Inarritu has a good aesthetic sense, even if his stories are trash. PTA has made two genuine kinos. Denis is okay, but he's overrated on reddit so we have to hate him. Wright is genuine trash and the definition of a soyboy director.

all 4 have the same shaggy beard and facial features.

i don't think any of these fags make "kino".

>that film was dishonest
I think the moment I ultimately gave up on Sup Forums was when they stopped knowing what words meant.

lmao hilarious dude!

jesus christ


the moment any character makes a decision

Just finished it and I kind of liked it

OP is a faggot