The main character of your favorite movie has now been replaced by Larry David. How much better is your movie?

The main character of your favorite movie has now been replaced by Larry David. How much better is your movie?

>dante from clerks
honestly its almost the same without the hockey scene



kill youreself

>Billy costigan
Things go remarkably the same except Larry is just in disbelief the entire time. Him and Frank Costello have a great camaraderie, such as in the scene the severed hand is brought out Larry performs slapstick antics with it, pretends to be choked by it etc, Frank roaring with laughter.
The final rooftop confrontation with Colin Sullivan is far less hostile in nature, though it starts with a bit of a squabble, Larry talks Colin into a very clever compromise that allows both of them to walk free of their differences, they're joking and laughing in the elevator when Trooper Barrigan arrives and shoots Larry point blank in the head.
Overall solid flick, even funnier than the original

>there will be blood
>a rich guy who doesn't like people
Basically playing himself

>Shuya from Battle Royale
it's gone to shit

>Florida project

>Larry David as Indiana Jones

>The Ritual
I don't think there is any reality where Larry David goes hiking through northern Sweden.

The dad in a christmas story lol

>Larry David is Barry Lyndon

It's kind of the same.

>well, Herr Mozart, what did you think of my opera?
>well- I guess I could see what you were going for yeah
>so you liked it?
>what can I say? I heard it and I thought, Salieri!
>you are too kind Herr Mozart, too kind
>yeah, no, not really

>the man with no name is now Larry David

He dies very quickly because he doesn't know how to operate a single action revolver.

Larry David as Dirk Digger

>I've heard you got a great cock, son.

I'm from beunos aires and I say ehhh kill em all, what the hell

Would watch.

>Larry David in 'A Serious Man'
Literally 100% unchanged.

holy shit i'm already picturing it in my head

>Larry David now plays a gibberish spouting gypsy who bare knuckle boxes

It would be a great comedy.

Lol, this was my first thought as well


>Veronica Sawyer from Heathers
He'd tell J.D. and the Heathers to fuck off.

Larry David in my Dinner Andre. What a fucking trip that would be

Larry David in After Hours.
That would be pretty cool.

Larry David in Road to Perdition. He'd just ditch his kid and drive off.

The story would be about the same, except there would be no love plot or coherent motivation. He would disrupt the system and get shut down just the same, but it would all be a series of misunderstandings and ill-conceived lies to cover them up.

>Larry David as Frodo

He takes a pass on taking the Ring to Mordor.

This was mine, temple of doom

The Master

Its pretty pretty pretty.. pretty big.

Or he somehow manages to toss the ring into Mount Doom and the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme starts playing as Mordor crumbles to bits.

>Larry David instead of Clarice in Silence of the Lambs
>starts passive aggressively criticizing Lecter
>gets humerously caught in a pickle midway through the movie with nothing to protect him from Lecter

I dont see how it would still function in its original script. Larry would get eaten for being a rude prick.

fuck off neckbeard

>"what's the deal with people and lotion?"

Top kek


Larry David is George S. Patton

It would play out about the same way, with Patton sperging out and getting cucked left and right, but it would be a different kind of sperging out.


Murphy waits for backup before he goes into Clarence's hideout. he doesn't get killed and turned into robocop.

some other cop becomes robocop, eventually arrests Clarence, finds out about the corruption, tries to arrest Dick Jones, and Murphy is one of the cops who is firing his gun at robocop in the OCP parking garage

>It's my big dick!

> I guess I know Kung Fu
> Isn't Karate the better one
> When I think Made in Japan, I think nice cars and electronics
> When I think Made in China it's cheap shit and fried rice


Locke in Lost

sign me the fuck in

>pretyyyyyyyyyy guud

>Big Lebowski
>Every time he says dude it sounds really ironic and full of sarcasm

I guess I'll go with Taxi Driver... Maybe I just have shit imagination, but I don't see him in a Scorsese movie.