Detective Comics #962 Storytime


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Wait, did they bring back AzBats?

uh oh








Cass confirmed for gay.






You broke the unwritten code. Granted its more of a guidline actually.


Get in line you two.

Hal Jordan/GLC: JLA: New Super-man: Support your local comic shop!

Well yeah, didn't you see her with Harper in B&R Eternal?

It's always nice when Batman is allowed to joke.

lol wut?

Seeing this just makes me desperately wish that Batman hooked up with Zatanna instead of Selina. They vibe so well together.

Jesus Christ, I like the box-in-a-box stories where it's revealed there are many parts in single plot but this is insane.

I love it, but who the hell is the mastermind in all this?

Thanks Norrin. Eagerly waiting for RHatO now.

Nope. I dropped that shit. Chose to do something better with my time than read that shit story.

Az became a small child.


Down girl! Girls. Down girls!

I want Kate to show more lust for other women.

This is literally the worst book i've ever read..

Oh my god i need the tittle to put it on my black list What a shit:

This sounds like a really bad fanfiction.

Was this a JPV arc?

Also, read more comics before posting dumb opinions.

It's almost as if the publisher knew what a shit book it was and tried to convince people to stay away with the cover

Are you trying to shit on AzBats?

I guarantee you that the guy wrote this book just so he could masturbate to the main male character Tim Drake.

Even worse than Twilight and 50 Shades?

Detective Comics 962 (2017) (Webrip) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Sometimes I think my writing is awful but when I see books like this I realise I'm not that bad of an author.

Same person.

The cover tells me everything about the book. I mean ... honestly. It's hilarious.

the only horror in this book is how horrible the tumblr romance and plot is.

Did the writer hurt you user?

I don't why, but I can't buy Batman’s "sadness" over Tim. It's seems so forced.

Supposedly, but it focused more on Batman and Zatanna.

No shit. Why are you giving him all those yous and encouraging him?

>I don't why, but I can't buy Batman’s "sadness" over Tim. It's seems so forced.
but the question is... is it worse than n B&R Eternal ?

He's upset that Batwoman turned out to be a lesbian and made a comment about liking another woman. Sup Forums gonna Sup Forums.

Still better than Twili-- ..........nevermind. It's just as bad.I just don't know how someone can look at that cover and read it thinking it's not going to be horrible. The cover shows you exactly what you're getting into just like all those kinds of books do.

I want this on a t-shirt.

literately fuck Bruce
Tim didn't give up when he "died"
Bruce is a bitch compared to Tim
hope he gets married and retires so Drake can be best Batman

but Cass/Kon is my ship
this faggot writer just made an enemy

>New Azreal suit

Good, Bat-Azreal always looked weird to me

>but who the hell is the mastermind in all this?

I see Tynion's been watching "Gotham" with its "Falcone manipulated by Wayne Ent,, manipulated by Hugo Strange, manipulated by The Court of Owls, manipulated by the League of Shadows".

>The kind of power it would take to fake a person's death and hide it from Batman
>This person must be incredibly powerful

Thank you, Norrin.

It is pretty horrible. This is truly the worst week of the comics cycle, with shit like this and JLA.

Bruce, you haven't even fucking looked
you've been too busy fucking around with the JLA and going all driving miss Daisy

Because you know that Tim's alive and almost well, doubly so because not only it's a staple that he wouldn't be dead, Tynion subverted it by not even trying to lie to the audience
also because he'd have to be MIA for more than a year to develop something in this busy storytelling

How did I enjoy this more than Kings Batman?

he's BFF's with some of the most powerful beings on the planet


idk you have shit taste maybe

Cause King's Batman is not that god?

Anyone know what specific Mignola cover they're referencing here?

Cause it's good stuff! :)

So I think this was supposed to happen in the Button (Red Robin being on the cover of Flash 22), but they waited to do it here to please supreme Timfag Tynion.

Because you grew up in the 90s and enjoy seeing all those lame side characters again

I'm gonna be honest here. I just read the panels with Clayface and skim through everything else.

The Nth metal.

If you think this was bad you should have read the last issue about Steph and what she was doing to fight against gotham's need for vigilantism. That was abhorrent.

Abhorrent to people because they can't read or understand unreliable narrators.

Right on.

Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader was already written.

they had hand sex

Maybe you like teams? I'm a Azrael fag and this iteration of JVP I really like.

Is detective comic happening before or after the batman comic?

So freaking hot!

Batman is currently in a past arc


god this series is garbage.

I liked it.

Cass x Ballerina when?

Dear God, if Cass nabs Stephanie in the next arc she'll have a freaking harem at this point with based Basil, Christine, and Harper.

>Implying that's actually Bruce in JLA and not J'onn

Don't forget Batwoman is a GAY. A GAAAAYY.
DC diversity!

damn you Cass, you little angle.

yes.... you literally just watched it happen

Whatever it was totally ruined the ending of the League arc by just having Kate and Bruce brood things over in front of a Bat computer.

I don't know why people says AzBats
is ugly, I find him vary badass, especially the first edition armor

Nomoz is pretty cute


What's the difference between Dickbat , Brucebat , and AzBats ?
What's each of their strong points and weaknesses are when fighting crime anf villains

AzBats relies heavily on tech and his brutal skills, but isn't as keen a Detective like Dick or Bruce are.

Dick also isn't a god of preptime like Bruce is.

That would be a great scene if Tynion wasn't such a hack writer, get him of this book asap