Shere Khan

What the fuck was his problem?

Humans. Sexy Indian cubs particularly.

He's a fuckin tiger. He's entitled to fuck shit up in the animal kingdom. He see's some weak brown boy running around in his roost and he isn't supposed to kill him?

chip in his shoulder since a human humiliated/scarred him for life

He probably thought really highly of himself being king of the jungle and all and his ego wouldn't allow him to simply "drop" the whole mancub thingy as he demands the utmost respect from everyone

>the same actor who played Khan in the unnecessary Wrath of Khan remake is going to play Khan in the unnecessary Jungle Book remake

He hates brown people coming into his territory.

Another fucking Jungle Book remake? Wasn't there one last year or something?

yes. there's another remake coming out this year with benedict cumberbunson

He is a tiger dammit. Do you know how they got those stripes?

His problem was how the rest of the jungle so openly turned a blind eye to man, but viewed Khan as vicious simply because he was top of the food chain to them.

Khan was fair; he gave warning, he kept his word, and would hunt simply to survive or keep balance to the jungle. He knew the true power of man

He was named Khan.

Well, he has a lame paw, and so as a result he can't hunt for prey normally, like a regular tiger. He's forced by disability to be a man-eater, which makes him contemptible and despicable in the eyes of the rest of the jungle. He compensates for this by puffing himself up and acting with immense pride, but it doesn't fully cover for his inadequacy.

This is from the Kipling books, by the way. Fuck the Disney movies, both of them.

daily reminder that this grossed 970 million and is the true minority kino without any unnecessary pandering

the last was was a cgi remake of the original disney animated film

the next one will be an adaptation of the book

My cat has one eye like this now. It's just from old age with him though.

fuck i never noticed he has one eye

This one is Warner Bros grimdark style

This movie was way better than it had any right to be. So much shit could've gone wrong
>Bill Murray voicing Baloo
>Christopher Walken voicing King Louie
>whats her name from lord of the rings as Ka
But everyone did a great job, and the songs were pretty good, even that surreal fucking version of 'I wanna be like you'
This shit was lightning in a bottle, and its gonna be really tough to pull it off again

>without any unnecessary pandering
its a jungle book remake. it relied on indulging viewers of a story they already loved. pandered to the fans.

unironically want Moner to play shanti in the sequel

i meant compared to black pander

Very cool
