Did you see a sign outside my house that said dead nigger storage?

Did you see a sign outside my house that said dead nigger storage?

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what brand of coffee did he buy?

Tortellini's finished for sure.

This is some damn good coffee

I don't understand how people are outraged by this. This isn't some deeply buried scandal, it's a scene he wrote directed and starred in. IT'S BEEN OUT FOR DISCUSSION FOR NEARLY 25 YEARS

Where is the outrage?

Leftist media and twitter from what I can see. He's basically a rapist and a cruel man with bigoted hate speech who should have been left in the 20th century etc

I don't understand, why would he have a sign that says "Dead Nigger Storage"? Wouldn't such a sign be considered highly distasteful, not to mention if you really were keeping dead bodies you probably wouldn't want to advertise it with a sign. All in all I found this scene very confusing.

Who's saying it's because of this scene? Thats ridiculous

They're not but it's a quick and unflattering soundbyte they're using to build up a case against him.
It's honestly quite sad

>in Pulp Fiction 2 Jimmy makes a fortune converting his garage into a storage space for dead niggers

>They're not but it's a quick and unflattering soundbyte they're using to build up a case against him.
>It's honestly quite sad
So they're not saying it...but you think they will, and you're outraged by that. Fucking hell



He is a rasis with a foot fetish please excuse the cracked upload only source I can find.

No Quentin Tarantino cameo makes sense in his movies to be fair, except for Mr Brown I guess

>be a hollywood director
>write yourself a character who has a perfect excuse to say nigger a bunch of times
>the character isnt even a racist

Based Tarantino

I'm outraged that they're decades later using clips from his movies for character assassination and lumping it together as part of the MeToo package.

>Breaking: Disgraced Film Director, Uma Thurman Crasher, and Fergie Biter Quentin Tarantino Admits To Possessing "Dead Nigger Storage" — And That's A Good Thing

Alright this is odd lets be honest why is he talking like that

>it was a different time back then! you have to understand
t. Tarantino before being raped by dead niggers


>misquoting it this hard

Cause his mom was a loosey goose who banged some black guys and this fucking guy developed a complex over it and needs to emasculate black men any chance he gets. Also the foot fetish thing is another indicator of his inferiority complex. Im a powerful director but just let me sniff your feet and jerk off. This was common knowledge years ago thanks to Kathy Griffin. This guy jerked off to her feet.

When Bonnie goes shopping, she buys shit.

He grew up watching blacksploitation flicks and thinking black people were cool, so when he's around black people, he tries to fit in by talking how he thinks they talk.

I grew up in a black neighborhood, and I kind of do the same thing, except it doesn't sound awkward when I do it, because speaking that way is kind of normal for me. It obviously isn't for Tarantino, so it sounds forced and awkward.

This, he thinks because Sam Jackson likes him he's an honorary gangster

>Alright this is odd lets be honest why is he talking like that
its a black male thing

>Did you see a sign under my sign *dead white man storage* that said dead nigger storage?

Oh for fuck sake

Is this all because Uma Cuntman wanted to get on the le molested Hollywood wimminz list because of that car crash?

Women sure do love bandwagoning, even if it's at the cost of some poor foot munching cunts reputation. Learn to drive you useless cocksleeve.

this film introduced me to kino!

but you said they arent using it. So youre outraged at something thats hasnt happened. One might call that fake outrage

who's baby foot is that


Holy shit, I wish one of them had called him out on that. I can't imagine sitting through that shit.

It happens all the time with revisionist justice warriors.
Take all the movies that casually used gay panic like once bitten and lucas. It was literally fucking nothing at the time they were made - said time being when parents were still warning their kids to stay close in public parks because of gays lurking in the underbrush - but they can't stand that at any point in the past that was acceptable societal mores and start throwing out the retroactive shaming.

I actually painted this on someone's house once because they annoyed me. It was up for a fucking month before they noticed.

lets just say he met her from a a certain friend

No I said they aren't claiming outright he's a misogynist/rapist BECAUSE of that scene but they are using it to show he's bigoted.
The question earlier was stated strangely and I was on shrooms while I answered, let it be clear SJWs are sharing the above clip on twitter in outrage.

You must have done it heaps small and hidden for them to not realise graffiti on their own house. thats not how chad would do it

i did actually

Each letter was about 8 inches tall in black spray paint. They're just retarded.

based footfag. we nee more heroes like this

Based autismposter

Jimmy you know I ain't seen no sign

Samuel Jackson said that Quentin legitimately just thinks he is a black

the lightning in this scene is so great

