



I am here for the character assasination of Emma frost



>just /m/ problems




Okay, I laughed.



You're pretty late.


>Bachalo's black costume is gone
I'll take the little joys




Wait, I thought that Hercules killed Gorgon?




>US of A not completely fucking up as soon as they set foot in a foreign country and making the sensible decisions instead
Suspension of disbelief fucking destroyed, I know this is fiction but come on






Nope, can't convince me to support that pathetic "rallying cry speech" Captain Nigger



I am fucking done with marvel and their events with inhuman donut steel deux ex machina


REEEEEEEE, Spencer is such a hack, it's so obvious that Secret Empire was written with a real Tony Stark in mind

One thing that Nick Spencer manages to consistently do is introduce ridiculous/comedic characters or moments only to have them be plot-relevant to serious stuff. He almost always does this at one point in his series, but I can at least appreciate that one almost never sees it come

So this time the ass-pull is actually a throat-pull


>Guys track record was astonishingly solid
>What are the odds? That Ulysses gets it right every time but this one?
What the fuck? This completely contradicts Civil War II. The whole point was that Ulysses' visions weren't reliable. It's why they were fighting in the first place.
Remember briefcase lady?


An Inhuman never before mentioned vomits up a plot central item.
I haven't bought anything from Marvel in years, and now I now longer feel even the slightest bit guilty.


>Astonishingly solid
Maybe if you're a weatherman.


>An Inhuman never before mentioned vomits up a plot central item.
Dude, he was in the very first issue of Secret Empire. He puked a lunchbox, remember?

>Pymtron didn't teach him the importance of strings


He was shown in the first page of the first issue.

And people predicted he'd be a Deus ex Machina straight away.

>That Nazi sword and blade
Yeah this is going to go well.

Are you gonna dump Secret Empire, too?

>I do have a plan
>Bend me over and call me Susan Storm

I can already hear the waterfall in fujo's pants

Already have

I wanna like Sam as Cap, I do, but he has made it very, very difficult.

Poor Sam.

Coates actually set this whole Faustus thing up in BP's solo.

Who didn't see this coming? It was pretty weird for Namor to have a white "Atlantean" as a bodyguard.

Oh good catch.

It's dumb but it was seeded well enough.

No really, what do the tentacles add to the airships? They don't even look cool

Shut up Captain Communism.


Gonna take

Wait is that Wonderman!?!? Isn't he dead!?!?!

>entire event is how Hydra are not nazis
>gives Zemo nazi sword and blade

> MCU Sam managed to be heroic and witty.
> Comics Sam is "soulful black man preacher #14578"


>the axis of the world

Wonder Man was just stuck inside of Rogue, but he was freed at the end of Duggan's uncanny avengers,

I don't mind the preaching, he's just such a fucking whiner.
>Help, people are being mean to me because I have political opinions!
>What do you mean my extralegal surveillance of American citizens isn't admissible in court?!
>I don't believe in America anymore! I'm gonna go sulk in the desert!

I forgot all about this guy.

Thanks for the storytime.

>Wonder Man was just stuck inside of Rogue

DESU who hasn't?

So this guy is Fat Chance?

Was it explained in another series how Faustus can basically straight up control people now after a few minutes? Last I checked, he was a hypnotist, not some kind of emma-frost type telepath

the colors on this book are so fucking atrocious it's unbelievable.

Black and White Manga killed an entire generation of artists. Colorists this generation are absolutely fucking atrocious.

Oddly enough a Super-Flat, anime-esque color pallet would actually fit most of the books with the way heavy inks have returned.

>I see the men and women who stood up when Galactus came
Really? Because I don't see the Fantastic Four in this crowd.

oh fuck off

user, the Thing is right here And I'm pretty sure everyone has faced Galactus at one point.

>An Inhuman never before mentioned
He had two scenes devoted to him in the core Secret Empire book.

It's not really a deus ex when they set it up before hand. It's just a chekhov's gun.

this is the most ridiculous shit ever

Gorgon is a mutant. They're on the express lane for coming back from the dead.

Kind of weird how at no point during this entire event has the fact that Gorgon is a mutant ever been brought up.
Like somebody questions why Gorgon isn't being exiled to New Tian and he answers something like "Unlike the X-Men and all the others, I am Hydra first and a mutant second".

I feel like it was brought up somewhere but resolved so quickly that most people didn't notice.

>Illegal Territory called New Tian
No editors noticed Steve signing trade treaties with New Tian in the other issues of the crossover?

A prophecy can be interpreted the wrong way. All he saw was Cap lying on the ground, Miles above him - you assumed that it meant Cap's death.

That torsos huge

I hope there is some kind of reason he has Nazi weapon set, maybe forged my Nazi mystics or something, rather than just someone thinking they were cheeky.

Maybe it used to belong to Strucker?

This is the dumbest thing in this event so far and possibly in the past few years. Spit out a fucking Cosmic Cube fragment like it was nothing

I thought he ate the lunchbox and was spitting it up
So he teleports the object to his stomach to barf them? Or makes them?

>I thought he ate the lunchbox and was spitting it up
Were you just only looking at the pictures and not actually reading any of the text? Like, you can fault the comic for plenty of things, but it takes a special kind of stupid to not understand what's being explicitly spelled out in an event comic, the lowest common denominator of comics.

No homo: The Cover.

At least there's a reason for Miles being a pussy.

marvel, are you even trying?

Doesn't this completely fucking ruin Miles' character development, though?
If the fragment was the thing that made him decide not to kill, that just makes him more of a fucking chump than he already was.

Why not just vomit an entire cosmic cube at that point?