What are some other films that deal with hyperreality?

what are some other films that deal with hyperreality?

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>Dude le constant drone soundtrack means it's deep and arthouse avantgarde meta commentary xD

I fucking hate this dude, had to turn that shit off after 5 minutes

nobody cares brainlet. go back to your entertainment

Wolf of Wallstreet

james ferraro's visual work

that's not a real thing

>Dude government funded "documentaries" lmao



Eyes Wide Shut



>Trying to understand how the technocrats are running my life is too hard for me! Where's my marvel mobie?

Most of Adam Curtis' other work

Not that user but this was a shit documentary. The only point where it verged on novel or philosophically interesting insight was when it briefly covered the titular Soviet concept of 'hypernormalization' (it's telling that this bit was simply repeating what actually competent people had observed).
Of course, it only spent about 60 seconds on that and otherwise descended into trite millenarian doggerel over vaguely related stock footage.

So the only part of the film you actually understood is what's explained to you in the synopsis itself? kek

but i watched it and it didn't provide any insight into anything, all it did was leap from topic to topic and make a conclusion that was beyond retarded in claiming that the west was at the brink of an economic collapse

It wasn't about the west being on the brink of economic collapse retard. It was about the west experiencing an even more ingrained version of what happened with the information within the soviet block. How stupid do you have to be not to realize this.


he did make that claim. and it was a fantasy.


The guy who made that video wrote an article about how it was meant as a joke and he enjoys Curtis's work, saying that it's embarrassing some brainlets took it seriously.

He said it was just a joke but maintained his criticism that Curtis had lost the plot at some point


don't watch this shitty movie

Spring Breakers (not even joking) and Haneke's film.

It'll be a recurrent theme of my works once I become a filmmaker.

>the government and society at large has their head in the sand and is founded on deception and fear because they want to ignore the truth
Okay, I'm listening

>the truth that there's literally nothing wrong with Islam and the neocons just want you to fear it

Oh for fuck's sake this dude was right

How does it feel to be a brainwashed tard?

t. Muhammad Ahmed

At least you're not trying to deny it.

t. hohammed mohammadeen

Not even the one that posted it, sandnigger


t. Moshe Goldberg


middle one is me

>if you don't love Muslims you're a Jew
Yeah, that is really the only possible reason to dislike their bullshit.

And besides, how the fuck can there be a global governmental and media campaign to demonize Muslims when every journalist and politician to the left of Nigel Farage won't shut the fuck up about how noble and beautiful Muslims are? Fucking George W. Bush even white knighted for them!

Someone hadn't watched the documentary.

>how the fuck can there be a global governmental and media campaign to demonize Muslims when every journalist and politician to the left of Nigel Farage won't shut the fuck up about how noble and beautiful Muslims are
>this is your brain on Sup Forums


>the UK government arrests people for Islamophobia and imports millions of Muslims because they secretly hate Islam that much

The fuck are you on about? Every segment was "much terrism Gaddafi dindu nothin," I was waiting for him to change the topic but he never did

Typical cuckservative. Can't have a coherent thought and just spouts buzzwords. You're a shame for the right wing movement.

>this guy only spouts buzzwords
>he's such a cuck

lmao it's like one of those ironic posts where burgers show off how clueless they are about the world but you're not only serious but also apparently a bong

This is every Adam Curtis documentary

Thanks to him, I've learned that every politician, author, doctor, economist, religious leader, environmentalist, computer programmer and statistician in history is a fucking retard. All of them.

You tell me.

Seriously dude, leftist conspiracy theories are fucking ridiculous when every ceo, celebrity and politician supports the world-view thats supposedly being suppressed.

This was good until he went full retard in the last 10 minutes