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It's like she's purposefully ruining the best parts of herself

Spooky scary skeleton

>so what style are you going to adopt?
>I want to try the "I'm old and busted but I'm taking one last desperate grasp at relevancy by being weird but not too weird I don't want to alienate anyone" look!
>I gotchu,

She's not old or busted, just anorexic. Her body frame requires some meat

She is 35 and has zero kids. Her Jewish parents must really fucking hate her

Jared Leto looks like that?


Trinity is that you?

She should honestly be ashamed of herself.

her face looks dead


it's a FUCK YOU to all boob fetishists

Matches her on the inside.

>implying you wouldn't

>blocks your path

a-annie clark??

GOOD hair

god fucking damn yes

Pretty classic case of a woman trying to impress other women. She gives zero fucks whether her look is appealing to men. She's just looking to hear other women tell her how thin and beautiful she is.

Literally no straight man on Earth would say to her "you know, you're starting to look a little older. You know what would help? Losing weight and cutting your hair short!"

If I was a woman I would contemplate suicide. No matter how beautiful you are you only have like 15 good years, maximum.

why do we allow women to live past 30?

>No matter how beautiful you are you only have like 15 good years, maximum.
Tell that to Winona Ryder, my neckbeard friend.

Can anyone explain the aging process in technical terms? I can intrinsically recognize that she looks older and less attractive, but I can put into words exactly what's changed.

That's 15 more than you will have.

Who's the blonde? I want her milkies

She can't even block broom cabinet with that frame.

Why are you posting pictures of Jared Leto?

if you are a man, you have 0 good year

Kek (笑´・艸・) Cuz she doesn’t hafta rely on particular part of the physical presence anymore I guess ...

where'd her tits go

Up her ears

Short hair on women is automatically less youthful

why did he do it?

she looks like kathy griffin now

here's your (You)

he gay

Losing weight is something the vast majority of women need to do. They need to hear it more often.

her nose looks shopped

looks like a basquiat. how the fuck she can afford one?

take that you disgusting boob fetishists


>what are replicas?

Betty Gilpin, who is about 4 years younger than her as well. Prime Amazonian waifu


>I have to look cold and unattractive because I'm a feminist
Pretty sad

Everyone fucking chill, it's not like she got a breast reduction she taped up her boobs for a dress, they'll be back tomorrow

drying out like a fruit left on the windowsill

What boobs

I wanna ruffle her hair

Is this her best performance?


>your brother-in-law

wait what, James Franco is her brother-in-law?

are you retarded?