Movie title is a single abstract noun

>movie title is a single abstract noun

>movie title starts with The

>movie title is Grace of Monaco


>movie title is an adjective
-t. Disney Animation Studios

>Movie title is a pronoun
>Is a horror movie but contains a clown
>XD so randumb epic lol lmao rofl xD

Every rule has an exception

>movie title is a hyphenated adjectival phrase without any consonants

>Movie title is in English
>Gets renamed to another English title in Germany

Name ONE movie where this happens

>movie title is a pun about time

Movie title is the main characters name

Punch-Drunk Love

Taken -> 96 Hours
Tomorrowland -> A world beyond
Wild Hogs -> Born to be Wild
Captain America The Winter Soldier -> The Return of the First Avenger
The Man -> Cool & Fool
Bring It On -> Girls United

Germany does this shit way too often.

"IT" was changed to "thing" in Germany because It is slang for penis in german

>the movie title explains exactly what the appeal is
i want more like this

name 1 (one (uno)) movie that does this

These fucking suck

just like how im straight and am not attracted to dick.

You'll one day find a man you wouldn't mind kissing, sleeping next to and waking up with. it's biology

We need more very descriptive titles

>American ___________

>American Superman IV The Quest for Peace
>American Austin Powers International Man of Mystery

Why do they do it?
>Born to be Wild
This one is an improvement desu
Worst offence about German kinoplex experience is dubbing instead of subbing movies
Should I point out the consonants to you, user?
What is the slang, "it" or "es"?

>American Spider-Man
Dropped it right there

>Movie title reveals the ending

yeah the victorians would have entire paragraphs for book titles, that way you knew wtf you were buying

Oh, never mind

>Maid in America
we get it guys wow

They had to rename the Captain America movies in Germany because the name is trademarked by another company. So the title Captain America became "The First Avenger".

Yep, no consonants to be found.

>Why do they do it?
Several reasons. Bend it like Bekham got renamed to Kick it like Bekham because no German would understand what bend means in this case.

Why they renamed Thor: Ragnarok though? Is Ragnarok also trademarked or are they triggered by norse mythology?

>movie title is a sentence
>movie title starts with "a" or "an"
So clunky and uncomfortable to talk about

I like what The Hangover is called in Polish:
Kac Vegas
With "kac" meaning hangover

you're attracted to your dick most likely

>he hasn't seen James White

>Death ___________
>Dead ___________
>Movie title has Kill in the title

>movie title is a pun

These are the best, you fucking pleb.

>An Education
>A Topiary

>End of Evangelion
Bravo Anno

>Episode title reveals the big twist

>movie title starts with Tyler Perry's


i like that


too real. i am attracted to dicks that llook like mine. and im attracted to sucking dick because i picture the dick is mine.

what is happening right now

"a" in the title is always cringey, even if it doesn't start with it
>"a star wars story"

>movie is an adaptation of a book
>it has the name of the book author in the title
>not the director's

>reading movie titles

>A spike lee joint

>Movie title starts with Return

The Revenge Death of The Return of The Killer Dead: II.2

Name ONE bad movie where this happens

>movie title starts with The last

The Last Samurai was pretty good.

>movie title ends with a period.

The Return of the Last Jedi: A star wars story.

The Return of Michael Myers
Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave
Return to House on Haunted Hill
return of killer tomatoes

bravo rian

> movie title is a full subject-object-predicate sentence
I wish there were more of these

I'm getting sick of this shit.
It's making it tedious to quickly google definitions on the fly.

>movie title is in Latin

A History of Violence is a good title.

>movie title doesn't actually give you any information or feeling about the movie itself

>movie title is in Latin

>Movie title is a word you have to look up in the dictionary.

Agreed. Good movie btw.

How do they call Thor: Ragnarok?

>has never seen James Bond

Thor: Tag der Entscheidung, which means Decision Day.

>movie title has more than one colon

>Movie title only has a small, tangential connection to the plot of the movie in any literal sense, but at a deeper level offers a profound insight into the underlying themes and characters' minds.

I cannot think of a single one.


This is way better than:
>movie title is said out loud by one of the characters during a crucial moment in the story


Is English not your first language?

Pretty sure the Stephanie Queen novel turned movie Xer does this

>Jaws (jaws is the name of the shark)

>movie title is a reference to an Ancient Greek play

>Citizen Kane
>Annie Hall
>Forrest Gump

Literal excrement

We all saw you fuck up your shitpost