Are Netflix movies really this bad or this work of the shills?

Are Netflix movies really this bad or this work of the shills?

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I thought it was a perfectly fun movie. The problem with the Cloverfield 'franchise' anthology thing is people (many on this board included) keep expecting a direct sequel to Cloverfield, which they aren't getting

obvious paid shills by the movie industry to shit on direct-to-streaming new releases, its so fucking blatant and they dont even try to hide it as well

I watched that yesterday, it wasn't that bad at all. I've seen way, waaay worse with much better scores.

This seems apparent with Bright as well.

I wouldn't say that movie is representative of Netflix's ability. Not to say Netflix is amazing but all they did was buy the movie from Paramount.

>Beasts of No Nation

Netflix movies are good actually but their Netflix original shows are god tier.

It's almost as if each movie these movies that you list with a decent rating try to push some sort of political agenda.

I had no problem with the movie, I took it as a B movie really with pretty visuals, it felt more silly and funny then it did scary. The problem it tends to have is linking itself to Cloverfield.

But the movie was garbage

it wasn't silly or funny it was awful and everything netflix makes has been dog shit

Movie was rushed body horror schlock with too many deus ex machina fixes for all of their ailments so none of our characters felt like they had any stakes despite literally dying

4/10 but not without enjoyable moments. I enjoy plenty of Netflix originals, too

Cloverfield Paradox is actually a fucking garbage.
>entire "plot" is told in 15 seconds scene of tv news in the beginning
>le particle accelerator technobabble
>le asspull World War III for ENERGY
>all the lolrandom TWISTS lead nowhere
>shitty characters
>shoehorned connection to original Cloverfield
>gravity along rotation axis on space station
>nigger director

This. Netflix originals are where it's at. They're all great.

>>entire "plot" is told in 15 seconds scene of tv news in the beginning
I turned it off after that to be honest. It was such a shit amateur move and obviously wasn't going to be worth watching

You're a fucking idiot

Bright was fucking awful

>nigger director

>Worms puke up "found the worms"
>Arm cut off "wheres muh arm."
>About to die "oh fuck"

Please understand, when I say silly and funny, it isn't a compliment at all, the movie was awful, but to me it just came off as a B movie from a time forgot, so what was supposed to be scary became silly or funny, its a bad movie.

Netflix are even easier to pirate, and you're worried they're shilling here? Of all places?

>I took it as a B movie
except it clearly wasn't
So it was just a bad movie

What did imdb mean by this?

>OP is Rotten Tomato critic score

wtf I love imdb now!

yuropoor education hours. just ignore him

Sorry, should've paid more attention, but the point still stands.
A lot of people here kept discussing and criticising Netflix, and as for RT or even IMDB, there's no doubt there's shilling going on, most likely a tug-of-war between Netflix and the usual Hollywood.

Damn, that guy was my former neighbour. His name is Aksel Hennie

This movie was absolutely awful. Honestly laughably bad.
>Scientists from all nations unite to save the world's energy crisis
>The Britbong is black
>The American is black
>The German and Russian are evil whit men

That's what bothered you? For fucks sake, you should be castrated

They are hit and miss desu
it doesn't really matter to netflix how good it ends up being just as long as they a stream on new content exclusively on their platform

Hemmlock groove or scream, orange is the new black, sense8, outlander, van hellsing, blacklightnig and manymore would like to have a word with you.
hell even

I don't get why Sup Forums or 4 chan they aren't part of the shilling.

Honestly, I thought it was shit. It did not keep me hooked in at all. Characters died, I didn't care.

The only cool guy who created tension was the Russian guy and and he died way too soon.

You have to admit, le evil Russian is getting fucking old.

Netflix movies have mostly been shit. As well as their 'comedy specials'. Some of their original shows are pretty decent though.

It's getting pretty old in real life too but that isn't stopping Russia. the russian guy wasn't even evil though

>Characters died, I didn't care.
characters died and nobody cared not even the other characters

This energy war didn't make sense because the world already moved into cheap solar energy. We only need to build solar plant in 10% the area of the Sahara desert to have enough solar energy for the whole world. Even if we ran out of space, we can still build solar satellites to beam energy back to Earth.

Rotten Tomatoes proved it can't be trusted with Netflix movie ratings when Bright came out. They are protecting their careers.

Bright was alright, critics and studios were so mad at being undercut they published all those articles calling it the worst movie of the year.

>look up the trailer for cloverfield paradox
>it's straight up teasing about how the monster came to be in the original movie
Yea I wonder why people expect it to be a direct sequel

Yeah when i saw that a nigger directed this it explained pretty much everything

Not just a nigger, but like a true blend in with a black background daddy's in prison speaks in clicks negroid

>black panther 99%
>cloverfield 16%

Critics are a joke, how can you possible conceive that there is such a gap in quality between these two films.

That ending especially showed the primitive and juvenile negroid mind in all of its simplicity imo


>and den, we end da movie wif da big monsta wat a twist
>but sir, literally everyone knows about the big monster it's the only reason people will watch this
>git out ma face honkey black power reprasent

It's the writer that did bad though, not the nigger director. The directing wasn't even offensive and he actually managed to get decent performances from a completely retarded script.

>Critics are a joke, how can you possible conceive that there is such a gap in quality between these two films.

You're using RT scores to compare, not critics scores. You don't understand how RT works. RT is just a 1/0 aggregation. The slightest bit of controversy in a movie sinks the score. If it's a difficult movie, it sinks the score.

Any artistic merit tends to produce enough of a mixed response to give a movie shitty RT scores - of course, a genuinely shitty movie will also have such scores so I'm not saying it's good because it's low on RT.

The point is RT is fucking retarded.

If you look at the actual reviews it's sometimes incomprehensible to see what rates as rotten and what rates as fresh, and since it's just a binary option it shouldn't be surprising that it gives you a very bad set of recommendations. This is the same for all binary systems. Reddit, Youtube, Netflix. Thumbs up, thumbs down. The most idiotic banal bullshit rises to the top because it hits the lowest common denominator.

This is why you're on Sup Forums.

Almost ALL marvel movies always get near perfect scores, Netflix usually gets average or bad ones, DC also
I'd say Marvel buys reviews but can you really buy reviews without anyone spilling the beans eventually?

>set up an almost unimaginable situation of 2 colliding parallel universes
>one of the characters figures it out perfectly after a couple of scenes
>he also figures out the solution which turns out to be the exact right answer

Was I the only one annoyed by this?
It's like he was just reading the synopsis of the movie.

>The Britbong is black
you've never been have you

It's not a netflix movie

I have never seen a Netflix original that wasn't complete shit, that said I hope they keep trying because competition is good. But I'm not paying money to stream at a shitty bitrate in 720p.

Its not THAT bad but the way its forcefully and nonsensically tied in into Cloverfield universe makes it deserving of a 1/10 score.
There are entire fucking scenes that waste your time only so you can get a glimpse of a "monster" which is just something in fog, and the after ending scene made me physically angry. What a fucking lack minute. jump scare wanna be, pointless ass pull scene.

Netflix gets the movies so bad they aren't released in theaters.

What's the next genre for Cloverfield?
How completely unrelated to any of the current 3 will it be?
Personally, I'm hoping for a Seth Rogan style, stoner comedy.

>Netflix usually gets average or bad ones
Because Netflix films are usually average or bad compared to their original series. And please don't fucking shill for Netflix just because you're under the assumption its under attack by Disney. They still produce garbage.

>can you really buy reviews without anyone spilling the beans eventually?
Ask Sup Forums.

>Are the sloppy seconds that movie companies choose to give Netflix rather than give a theatrical run bad?


I actually liked it, it was entertaining enough and the cloverfield movies have always been kind of mediocre, the advertising is usually better than the actual movies. The second is still the best because so many thigh shots of Winstead.


>Consumers still getting gas
>No mention of nuclear, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, etc

>World is running out of energy (We have enough coal to power the planet for thousands of years in reality but whatever)
>In a space station to do a science thing which gives free energy somehow
>Science thing goes wrong somehow
>Reality breaks and people start dying because things keep randomly teleporting between realities
>People start betraying each other because that happens in dramas and I guess we need tension
>Science thing goes right in the end
>Also aliens lmao

Fuck this movie.

The thing that got me was the LITERAL "Chekov's Gun."

It's like a fucking brainlet who read a few screenwriting for dummies wrote this.

Beasts of No Nation shows Africans as entirely responsible for their own shithole situation