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I'd honestly like the movie more if it didn't take itself seriously and had this tone

>That drop
10/10 would preorder tickets

Ron Howard is a good director so im sure this will be a good movie, just not a good star wars movie so prepare for canonfags to throw a hissy fit yet again

nevar forgetti

nobody cares


>Ron Howard is a good director
yea like Apollo 13 and uh.. umm... Angels and Demons??

whoever did that poster did a great job

My main problem with the guy playing Han is the voice. He sounds nothing like Harrison Ford, even a little bit.

Mutha fuckin' Willow.

>Mutha fuckin' Willow.
oh shit forgot about that one

Cinderella Man?

what the fuck is that music.
christ this looks awful

Ugh. Garbage.
The eyebrow acting in this will be off the charts.

>That music


what the fuck was Disney thinking

Fan trailer. But not so far off from what they'd be dumb enough to do as to be instantly unbelievable.

A beautiful mind

Did they shop more hair onto his head?

Too bad he only directed the reshoots.

you just have to feel sorry for them at this point


im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo im a soylo

That's like feeling sorry for someone who bought a 16 year old a Ferrari and then they go and wrap it around a telephone pole.

Disney deserves everything they have done.

>t. alt-right nazis

A more apt analogy is that Star Wars is like a vw van that you remember fondly and now it's breaking down because it wasn't meant to last 40 years and go on long road trips

Unironically 10/10, holy shit

That's a fucking retarded analogy. Since there is no expiration date on fantasy movies.

I gotta admit, I got pretty pumped up at that trailer and I really want to see it.... even after I vowed not to return to theaters for Star Wars after 7 and 8 (but Rogue One was kino).

I hope that it's as good as the trailer implies and not the garbage that I instinctual feel it will be, after all the major production problems. If I get fucked over by another bad Star Wars within a 5 year frame, I'm done. Nothing but torrents after that.

As funny as it was that was 10/10 editing to make the music synchronise in all those places, that poor bastard probably cares more about that movie than the majority of the people working on it combined.

I said that you remember fondly. vw vans are still iconic m8

Wait for reviews both pro and personal accounts.

That music was ear AIDS, holy shit (those fucking lyrics).

Who the fuck gives a shit about trailers anyways. Seriously, why do you give a shit. It's a fucking commercial. It means nothing about the quality of the film.

>Didn't like 7, so decided to watch RO and 8 in theaters.
>Decides to watch Solo

Dance for Disney, little puppet.

fags love to hate the howard

Rush, also

How did the guy isolated the voice bitsfrom the trailer so well?

the branding for this movie is so fucking bad

all i can think of is solo softdrinks with that logo


Yeah, I remember when a good story with quality characters with out identity politics rammed down our throats and social messages being the theme to build stories around was canon.

I also remember when caring about something wasn't met with snide, nihilistic, sarcasm and derogatory insults.

and Rush and Nixon/Frost and Beautiful Mind...

stripping out certain frequencies or masking it out with a sample of the score (or facsimile of it)

doesn't sound that well done though. probably just lowered the volume in between words

Holy fucking shit you shills have no shame

no he definitely not just lowered the volume between words, which would be dumb anyway since you'd still hear the score

This trailer is actually kino

This isn't new what the fuck?
I've seen similar threads to this every day for a week now.
How hard is this shit getting marketed here?

Pure kinography

well then he did the other stuff i posted. thanks for the pointless reply

He WAS a good director, but the newer seasons of Arrested Development and Angels & Demons is showing the start of his downfall



>GotG-style poster
>80s synth trailer music
>Marvel "badass but sensitive character" arc

It's gonna be another TLJ, isn't it.

Did they name the movie after what the review scores are going to be?


At worst Indie 4. At best Rogue One.

Swiggity sweal, the trailer's not real

It's named after the protagonist, Ranger Solo, dude.

The newer season of Arrested Development could have been kino but all the character's shtick wears thin if it focuses on just one of them the whole episode. When it's all of them doing their own brand of crazy the mayhem of each episode was really fun. This really wasn't Ron's fault, but with that many lead actors it was really hard to get them all to commit to working at the same time.

jesus christ they couldnt have picked worse music if they were feminazis



Holy shit this thread is full of retards.

The music in op video is fan added

wish movie makers would listen to Bruce Lee more

>thank Kang nigga

Bruce Lee is maybe the biggest lie of the history of cinema.

Dudeeee Bruce Lee wa invincible, he could kill boxers and everybody. He would have destroyed McGregor, he would have been invincible in mma...

Has anyone shooped up some fake headlines to rustle some jimmies yet?

>So low

>So low

They will be high, the audiences are loving this movie and trailers.

Who has actually said those things?

He was pretty badass, but I think some people exaggerate.


and this movie has racing elements

>mistaking canon for politics
HELLO Sup Forums

>not even the first post
You don't deserve those dubs, you retarded newfag

>people actually unironically like Rush

How? That movie was like a cheesy made for tv romp and the score is easily one of Zimmer's absolute worst next to Amazing Spider-Man's ost.

>Sure buddy.

Please stop posting pictures of the whitest woman in Britain, thanks.

Just pre-ordered tickets to black panther because of this.

Would you rather be directing a movie that has massive hype behind it or something that is getting speculation on constantly? Which is the better position for a blockbuster type movie?



More keen to see Lando more than anything, might cream myself if Lobot gets a cameo

>this song will forever be associated with the character of Han Solo
better than the original trailer

Holy shit I made this. Not even kidding. Really surreal to see something you make get posted here. I didn't expect it to blow up so much.

With a mirthless chuckle you quip
> "You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?"
And with a rueful indignance, retort
> "It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs."

we already got a solo movie

What's with the little H's at the bottom?

sure you did kiddo

Oh.I've got some news for you, regardig certain people once being involved in this project.


damn emilia clarke looks so damn good in this

Is it shilling season already?

I actually did

That movie sucked though.

I didn't know they were doing a movie on young Roger Moore

>emilia clarke
nah dude
just nah

sure ;^)

>stupid characters
>shit female character
>nigger tier song

Utter garbage.

People like you are the reason Disney keeps Shitting out these movies

How much more proof do you need? Why would I lie about this?

I am actually mad that Nazi-Kennedy fired those two directors who wanted to create a comedy movie. That bitch should've fired Johnson for Marvel jokes in TLJ, but nothing wrong with humor in a movie about scoundrels and smugglers.

it's ok, i believe you buddy

Unironically would've been better than whether serious shit we're going to get.