Was sands of time the most underrated videogame movie ever made...

Was sands of time the most underrated videogame movie ever made? Its a real gem especially among the gutter trash that comes out of Hollywood these days.

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I liked it but honestly how many video game movies are out there? the warcraft movie? I can't think of any others

A lot, actually.

Resident Evil, 1 and 2 were passable, then just went to shit.
Silent Hill was excellent.
All the fighting game movies made in the 80s and early 90s, those are so bad they are funny.

How how about the historically bad ones, like Alone in the Dark and Dungeons and Dragons.

i liked it as well. good movie to watch. i like movies with sand, very comfy

oh yeah like mortal kombat and street fighter, duh. I guess I just have a short term memory

I didn't know Silent Hill or Alone in the Dark were vidya, but I'm not much for horror


You wouldn't be saying this if he was black or brown skinned like he was supposed to be

Silent Hill is a very successful title and the movie lived up to it.

Alone in the Dark was a really good video game and the only thing the movie had in common with it was the Title.

Reminder that a Max Payne adaptation starring Mark Wahlberg exists.

dead or alive was the most accurate movie based on a video game, go play the game then watch the flim, you know im right

How was it? I like Mark Wahlberg, he could be great in that roll, if the directors let the movie be good.

It was pretty kino alas people hated it because they didn't cast an actual Persian to play Dastan.

house of the dead

This movie is unbelievably /comfy/

As you say, underrated.

More importantly it works as a comedy regardless of whether you give a shit about the video games or not.

user... why do you have to b8? Brown is perfectly reasonable.

It has angels and demons in it...

shit, eveytime there might be a a big action scene mark/max left the scene, i dont even remember if there was actual action in it, it could have been really cool,

>Every single movie like this from now on is going to be full of non-white actors

Figures, could have been a perfect combo.

also this

As shit as most of his movies are, Uwe Boll made a pretty good Postal movie. Wasn't overly accurate to the game but the resemblance was there, and I liked that he gave Vince Desi a cameo where he told Boll the movie was shit and started fighting him

i saw it in the kinoplex, it was pretty good

More like
>every single Egyptian movie will only have black actors from now on instead of arabs, whites, jews

>DUDE DONT wORRY NOTHING HAPPENED: the game: the movie: the anime: the animated series: the game : the movie
Yea sure

Perhaps, until a few people declare bankruptcy.

I liked it but I love Gemma, so maybe that's why

The Warcraft movie was good. Critics hated it because it released during the whole "refugees" invading Europe thing.

i hate sand

Never saw it. Never even saw a ripple over the internet when it was released.

I hate using this meaningless buzzword but it was a fun movie. Both Gemma and Jake were hot as fuck in it too

The frogs have a pretty nice take on counter strike. They even thought about the faggot abusing the ingame voice chat.

mfw no strong willed princess arterton gf