Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!

Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!


But enough about me, how was your day?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm going to try and get through the entire run of 9th Doctor DWM stories... which, given that there's only four of them, shouldn't be too hard.

He typed, hoping against hope...






































Sorry, real life intervened.





































What are some good Doctor Who comics, Sup Forums? I want to like Doctor Who but I can't get into its live-action tv format. I feel it's really restrictive. Comics by their very nature aren't restricted by a tight budget the way television is, so I've always felt like comics would be a better medium to explore the universe of Doctor Who than television. What are some good recs?


Well, DWM has always been solid - the Panini reprints are must-buys, so your preferences are mostly by favourite Doctors or comic book creators (Gibbons, Morrison, Cornell, Langridge, etc.) However, they've only been going for the past 40 years so if you want anything for Hartnell, Troughton or Pertwee then you're shit out of luck for the most part.

IDW did a pretty good job, for the most part; the TNG crossover was amazing, but they did crappy colourised reprints of Gibbons' DWM work with some atrocious modern shading that didn't fit at all, and The Forgotten was pretty blah, even though the covers were nice.

I have no idea what Titan's Doctor Who comics are like, but I've heard they're mostly alright.

The older stuff, like TV Comic and TV Action are a fairly mixed bag; Hartnell is quaint, Troughton is mostly good with the occasional lapse in characterisation ("Die, hideous creature... die!’) and Pertwee ranges from "Rather good indeed" to "What the bloody hell is this bollocks".


















That's enough of Doctor Who for today...

... J Lee Thompson, who directed the last two 70's Planet of The Apes movies, was born 103 years ago last Tuesday...

... Jackie Ormes was born 106 years ago...

... Richard Pearson would've been 99...

... Val Bettin was 94...