Did Black Panther just become 'The Greatest Movie In Cinematic History'?

>Website lulz.com claimed a victory on Thursday saying the upcoming superhero movie, Black Panther, bet big on "diversity" and became king of cinema.

>Some quotes from their article:
>"Black Panther famously bet the farm on diversity and went full black everything, and it paid off in equal measure."

>First, we don't think lulz.com understands what diversity truly means, so we're going to help them out.

>Merriam-Webster defines the word diversity as the following:

>The condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety; especially : the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization programs intended to promote diversity in schools.

>"The masterpiece Marvel movie has achieved an unprecedented 100% TomatoMeter and 97% “Want to See” rating on premier movie rating website RottenTomatoes, with independent thinkers in other outlets all joining in on the orgiastic heaping of praise."

>We just had a peek at RT's score for Black Panther and, surprisingly enough, the TomatoMeter score dipped two percentage points, bringing it to 98%.

>Now, the two critics who voted the movie as "rotten" may have just committed career suicide as no doubt countless of misinformed SJWs will accuse them of being racist.

>"Keen observers will note that it certainly didn’t hurt that pasty cave trolls from the active white supremacist cyberterrorism group Sup Forums came up with 'operations' to attack the movie — which, as usual, immediately blew up in their faces (thanks in part to our exposé)."

>Really? Labeling Sup Forums as a "cyberterrorism group" and using ad hominem attacks by calling them "white supremacist pasty cave trolls" isn't really helping to prove your case, lulz.


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only in hamburgherica
the rest of world sees it other way
german reviewer (not related to RT) said it's "ethno-kitsch" made to please afro-americans and got nothing to do with africa.
africans find it funny how afro-americans are LARPing something they got no clue about
other reviews say the movie is full of boring and overblown dialogues about unimportant bullshit

Can't say I've seen any of that. All the reviews except two were glowing.


greatest mask for robberies of all time

german one
aussie one
there is 1 more from france can't find link

Black Banter


Are reviews the new polls? Completely fake and totally irrelevant?

>german one
I can't read german, but if it really criticized it so harshly they're going to get convicted

holy fuck you guys found my lulz website? sat on that domain for ages and thought i'd fuck around with the murkin niggers

brb throwing some shrimp on the barbie

It's a legit site that gets written up by other legit sites. You're a troller.

ya m8 i totally am haha, digeridoo

I do it for the LULZ -- dot com!

not that harsh, just saying that this is nothing more than how afro-americans imagine africa
he says it's ok movie but way, way, WAAAAY overrated and nothing as special as media are trying to make it

>just saying that this is nothing more than how afro-americans imagine africa
Grey area. They'd get convicted for racism for this if they didn't have establishment media shill cred

i wanna see actual africans shitting on it and saying it's just awfull madeup bullshit and they feel offended by this and nigger rap soundtrack
wondering how hamburgerican media would react

>Black Panther, bet big on "diversity" and became king of cinema.

Fuck Disney, George did it first!

That shit bombed so hard, it was a different time

The heise review is actually pretty retarded and the criticism is for the movie not being progressive enough because it shows monarchy as something good.

Red Tails bombed? It was a media spectacle for months. It wasn't that long ago, I remember it clearly.

>every character is an ape

>It wasn't that long ago, I remember it clearly

Fuck, I thought it was 2 years ago.

You know, I don't outright hate Marvel films, but to call this King of Cinema is just insane, people have low standards and just don't want to be labelled racist

>Now, the two critics who voted the movie as "rotten" may have just committed career suicide as no doubt countless of misinformed SJWs will accuse them of being racist.

So this is the sex assault fake accusations for critics now. Good job Western World

There are pussified white people who don't want to appear to be racist. But I think something else is going on when they all praise it to the sky. They didn't have to do that. No one will think you're racist for just giving it a passing grade.

>pussified white people
back to Sup Forums toxic shit

Disgusting niggers

>when the estrogen hits just right

God I hate that album

I have never heard of these websites, what makes their opinions worth our time?

Those people are conformists. Who also didnt want to be appear non-nazi in WW2 Germany.

The media wouldn't cover their opinions. I remember some black celeb saying he hated the n word and thought blacks shouldn't use it. Only tmz covered his comments.

God I love that album