Why do good guys never get the girl ?

Why do good guys never get the girl ?
I felt so bad for him during the dance, thank God for based Nancy

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He's a fake good guy. Girls hate that.

Dios mio...

How is 56% supposed to compete with 0%?

dancing with your friends sister might be even more pathetic than not dancing at all though. it's like dancing with a teacher at the fucking dance.

in reality though 6th and 7th grade dances didn't have much dancing and kissing at all though, at least when i was that age 20 years ago. it was usually boys on one side of the gym, girls on the other. they used to call them "socials" at my middle school not even dances.

>dancing with your friends sister might be even more pathetic than not dancing at all though

Nancy is the hottest piece of ass in the entire school.

you're kidding, right? Nobody wants to give in to the pity acceptance. If she doesn't like him and doesn't want to dance with him then there's no situation where they dance together and it's an honest experience. She would be annoyed and he would get false happiness. Gotta teach em young, shit doesn't always work out how you want it to.

I like this meme

maybe if you're into spooky skeletons

Felt bad for him naturally but that’s life, good thing he learnt it young and won’t embarrass himself when he’s older (unlike me).

>won’t embarrass himself when he’s older (unlike me).

I think in real life 'Dustin' got the pussy and the writer did not. This is his way of getting back at him

This. What Nancy did wasn't best for him, it was best for her because it made her feel good. If anything in reality it would hve made him feel worse.

Nancy wouldn't have understood this though because girls don't really get self reliance / pride the same way men do.

didnt he tell her to fuck off at some point , then she left and started speaking with lil nigga

Dios Mio, El original de goblino

>who she actually ended up with
Oh gee you tell me why (((they))) didn't write the obvious characters together.

It really activates my almonds

good guys are boring as hell, nobody wants that


Its fiction, user. Kids at the school seem to think so.

If the show is realistic he'll go from being the goofball to something more jaded and depressed as the seasons pile on. This show is written for Tumblr though so expect him to become a happy cuck fetishist.

they used to in old movies then that became cliché and now its the other way around.\

its just trends dude

if somebody does something and it works a bunch of losers will copy it and then some OG goes and makes something else that works and he gets copied and so on till you go full circle

because they're ugly

In what way was Lucas not a good guy? He showed her more attention than the others and actually valued her as part of the group. Mike was dick because muh party and Dustin just wanted dat ginger ass.

Not to be that guy (because I genuinely think interracial relationships are way to common and forced on tv) but if he was white no one would care.

Even Will got a girl before Dustin. And he's gay.

He’s going to look fucking weird when he grows up


El ogro de las americas...

He will be fine. He already looks good when his fake teeth are in

What even is "white" anyway?

She prefers chad.

so who will be the new unnecessary character in the 3rd season?

Not him that's for sure

Two of the party members aren't paired up yet, and depending on if they pull the plug on Jopper, Joyce's vagina might need a new sacrificial offering. I guess Steve might get a new GF as well.

nigga what? are you forgetting /ourguy/ steve?

Absolutamente horrifico



shut this thread down

I wish more films were truthful when I was younger. What's inside counts for shit. Be fat and ugly and you'll die alone. Based ST2 keeping it real.

Who else here knows who best girl is? Everybody should be jealous of Mike.

They are. They constantly bicker about who gets to be MIKE's best friend. Mike is the Regina George of DnD.

Mike deserves to get a better girl than the ugly and bitchy Eleven
He should be with Max

I want to kiss her on the lips

But you already kissed her yesterday. You're insatiable.

Mike's an asshole


Mike & Max otp forever

I actually enjoyed that quite a bit. Very realistic for once.


Would you play video games with Gaten?


I would never stop calling him a nigger





/r/ing the IMAGINE copypasta with finn and millie

whats going on here?

>Finds an interdimensional slug monster that is growing rapidly immediately after barely surviving an encounter with a creature from that same dimension.

>Decides to keep Sci-Fi Original CGI monster anyway despite his friends' completely rational insistence that he doesn't.


>Nancy is the hottest piece of ass in the entire school.
This. Stacy and those other girls were jealous as fuck when they saw Dustin dance with her. As a result, he's going to be drowning in pussy when he enters high school

Steve did nothing wrong

la creatura...

>kids are stupid

Nancy is like the weirdest looking chick ever. One second she's absolutely gorgeous and the next they catch her at a weird angle and you realize nobody's face is shaped like that

She is just a bit too skinny, otherwise she is adorable

>internet + TV + phone

Here in Europoor it's €29.99 for the same shit ($37)...

In the first couple of episodes of season 1 I was literally crying because I will never have such a cutie gf, then I saw the hollywood skellington pics and I changed my mind.

Daily reminder that Billy did nothing wrong.


mmm same

mike's a fucking sperg

An actually competent and non jewish writer would’ve had max crush on steve and thus not be with either niglet or 56% kid. But since they are both incompetent and jewish they pushed racemixing shit instead. Show dropped

that thing has the face of jabba the hutt and I'm having a hard time pinning down it's ethnicity.

Mike is the best boy in ST and you can't prove me wrong.

Objective power rankings



Nah, frog boy should stay with mouse girl. Plus they're both kind of assholes so it works out well.

they should turn 11 into the villain next season and have Mike kill her, it'd actually make the story more interesting instead of your cookie cutter teenage romance story

Needs some more >>> between Nancy's mom and Whynona.

Mike would never kill her though, unless... if they went for Mike/Max angle and had El threaten Max, it would be interesting and dramatic desu

Black kid should get addicted to crack and sell Eleven out to the government for more drugs.

If we're being realistic, that's what would happen.

>this entire thread

Nancy is a hooker. Steve is husbando.

Steve is absolutely the best boy


Some child murder in this show would unironically make it better

Steve is great, he is my favourite teenager. It goes like this:
>best tween character: Mike
>best teenage character: Steve
>best adult character: Hopper

shoo shoo skelly

I'd love to see them together too.
Like, how his hate/despise for her could slowly turns into a crush as she grows older and prettier, all his mixed feelings about not liking his first love anymore.
Yeah, but it's never going to happen. 11 and him are too canon in the normies heart.

>Yeah, but it's never going to happen.
I still hold out some hope


What are you bumping for?

the thread user,,,,

It's a shitty thread anyway

This actually sounds like it could work. I mean they made her look kind of frumpy in the show but I know which one high school me would choose.

There's absolutely no way Mike and El are just going to be in a flawless relationship for the rest of the series from now on, drama is inevitable, it's writing 101.

meant for

Max is sooo crushing on Mike, the Duffers know what they are doing

Are you okay, friend?


i really shouldn't post when im drinking, kek