Is this going to be the worst film of all time?

Is this going to be the worst film of all time?
The greatest film trio that have ever lived partnered with Al Pacino in their goodbye to the world.

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There's only one irishman here

>netflix produced
Take a wild guess.

>all those old italians

00% on RT confirmed

>de niro
oh boy. don't do this, martin.


That's why it's not called The Irishmen

Love Marty. Love Goodfellas and Casino. Love De Niro, Pacino, Pesci, etc. etc. But Christ it's gonna take a lot to get me to watch these crusty old farts stumble and mumble around the set trying to remember their lines and not piss themselves. Everyone in this movie has to be better than they've been in decades.

>De Niro
>Solid Mafia story about the man who supposedly killed Hoffa.

If it's not one of the best fucking movies of the past 5 years, I'll eat my fucking hat.

Scorsese is one of my favorite directors of all time and the man has a perfect record for making movies about organized crime. All 10/10s as I see it. It'll be amazing.

uh oh spaghettios

Scorsese always delivers the goods. Should be at least a seven.

>Scorsese is one of my favorite directors of all time and the man has a perfect record for making movies about organized crime.
yes but when he does the cast have been under 70 years old.

All of those "crusty old farts" are still solid (though some of De Niro's and Pacino's most recent movies choices have been questionable)... well with the exception of Pacino who I think is getting a touch senile. But Scorsese is a master perfectionist and if the take isn't perfect, he'll reshoot until it is.

>All of those "crusty old farts" are still solid

How are De Niro, Pacino and Pesci still solid? Pesci has been retired forever and De Niro and Pacino have made nothing worth a shit in decades


But Scorsese is the last classic old school director who isn't either dead or making trash in their senile days, he's still got it. The only worry I have is how goofy de niro is going to look being 5'9 trying to act as 6'3 jimmy hoffa.

are they really CGI all their faces for the whole movie instead of hiring younger actors? That must cost a fucking gorillion dolars

DeNiro is playing Frank Sheeran, not Jimmy Hoffa.

>All of those "crusty old farts" are still solid

When was De Niro's last good movie?
When was Pacino's last good movie?

Pesci was the only one with the sense and dignity to at least retire. His legacy isn't as rich but it's not fucked by being a money grubbing old man.

De Niro and Pacino are up there with Harrison Ford in lackluster lifeless cash grab movies. Especially De Niro won't even look alive when phoning it in.

There's some pictures of him in ridiculous platform shoes so that he towers over Pacino

>Manlet De Niro playing a 6'4 Irishman
>Manlet Pacino playing a tall man of Dutchman

Why are they casting wogs to play white people?

>From the Producers of The Cloverfield Paradox and Bright


>See Ray Romano's going to be in it
>He must be the youngest guy on set by far
>Check his age
>He's fucking 60

All together now:


It worked so well in Terminator, why not?


Dirty Grandpa
Jack and Jill

Yeah its real late and im forgetting the story but either way those platform shoes look ridiculous.

Don't forget that Harvey Keitel is in it too.

No it didn't

hes not playing hoffa thats pachino


I said "good".

De niro has a little bit of everything really, I think only his grandparents were from italy.

>why the fuck did we agree to this shit, Bobby?

The entire cast of The Godfather.....
> We Irish Now

Joe Pesci wasn't in the Godfather you absolute baboon

>We used to be actors, ya kno, just like old times!


>Is that you, Joe? Come a little closer so I can see ya

would make for a good crime comedy
who else could we get


Stallone did the superior Hoffa movie decades ago.

directed by norman jewison

Still a Stallone controlled project tho with him as producer, this and his other failure Paradise Alley were hotshit made after his Rocky success (Not directed by him either, but still his project).

Martin, why are we filming all of my scenes first?

t. Whole Cast

paradise alley was good if you were a rasslin fan


Who is playing Bobby Kennedy? Pesci?

It's already been made, but i understand the netflix movie deals with Hoffa's disappearance

frank sheridan claims he killed hoffa

Yeah but it’s Scorsese directing and not literal who’s


Don't these people make a "goodbye to the world" movie every two years? It's like Cher and her Goodbye Tour. Been going on for 15 years.

>budget is over $200 million and climbing - source, The Playlist yesterday

>who cares about Jimmy Hoffa 20 years ago, let alone in 2018. Not a single user can make Hoffa's murder sound intriguing. Who even was Hoffa? No one cares

>the original "Paint Houses" title was tite. The Irishman sounds like some Ben Affleck pan and scan crapola

>another bullshit theory about JFK's murder. Spoiler: it was David Ben-Gurion, Jewish mafia, and a few Cubans. This "Irishman" had shit all to do with it, he's just some old faggot thug who self mythologized his crimes before he died. Did he find DB Cooper as well?

>the BR2049 sfx for Rachel looked shite on every TV, looked okay in theater, but this is Netflix. Also changing a face doesn't change the energy of an actor? DeNiro at 70 playing 30? May as well get that heeb Dave Franco to do his Neighbors impression

>the teaser poster was like Scorsese Viagra

>if it's crap, Goodfellas and Casino and to lesser extent Mean Streets will be slightly tarnished legacy-wise, like if Mayweather got beaten by white cracker, or like Black Panther joining Avengers

> (you)

>tfw De Niro and Pacino have a chance to redeem themselves before the end, after being in so much shit lately

Literally unironically dropping Cher facts on Sup Forums, and telling yourself you're straight. Ohnononono.

yeah because Dunkacino is so much better. Scorsese is old but he still makes good movies unlike Ridley Scott who seems to have been stricken by dementia

silver linings playbook

Fyvush Finkel, in his finalel performance

>he doesn't like sonny & cher
you're missing out dude

Bish, you need to check yourself.

>Norman Jewison
Don't mind my name goy, pay attention to those studly dullard-eyed guidos. Worth the price of admission! Enjoy this heated new classic about workers r-rights in America!

It's like if Uncle Junior was the lead character in The Sopranos, and they made him 6'7". Deniro is older than that actor too.

this is a pretty kino cast tbhfam

This is probably all 100 percent true. We can't act like Scorsese hasn't made bad movies (Gangs of New York, Age of Innocence) or that he hasn't gotten worse. Also, every movie on Netflix has been very mediocre, except possibly Beasts of No Nation. They would never let Scorsese point out who's really running the show, the gay, pedo, Jew Mafia.

Wolf of Wall Street was pretty trash desu

De niro is confirmed juden

plus action bronson has a role

>DUDE narration/f-bombs/freeze frames/tracking shots/quick cuts/nyc/multiple wives/rise/fall LMAO
here, i just solved the irishman

>almost everybody in this movie will be dead in 10 years

(((action Bronson)))
Jews, Italians, mafia, bodies in trunks, bad clothes, motherfucker said 2000 times in 2 hours, shot of blood and Virgin Mary, pay phone arguments, shiny new old cars, finger pointing, closeups of cigarette lighting, shots of historic events on old TVs, Pacino looking into distance too long, a pinch of nigger a dab of faggot, cleaning gun with cloth and tossing it

Time for my nap, right after my soup bought with pension

rape allegations on all four coming soon by (((yours truly)))

is there a chance it would be shown in theaters ?

underrated post

>Age of Innocence is bad
Pic related is you.
I'll grant you that Gangs was underwhelming, but it's still worth watching just for DDL.

Which one of them isn’t Irish lol I thought they were all Italian

Please stop, this is depressing as fuck.

If Netflix seriously spent 200M on this movie then I think they beat Trump on the reckless waste of money awards.

It's a celebration fellas, salud

holy shit joe pesci looks like a california raisin

Don't they have too spend the money though?

Fuck atleast they blew it on Scorsese.

watch the rosco ehhh

How did they decide too give Max Landis a budget & Scorsese at the same time?


literally everyone on Sup Forums will watch this

>hiring the two leads of vinyl

Marty should’ve called Adam Driver and someone from TWOWS back

>Ray Romano
sold desu

>all wh*te cast
2% RT rating incoming (completely deserved imo)

Black Panthes has been in the Avengers since the 60's. T. Comic faggit.

Drinks are on........ the house.

Yes, when the Avengers were created, they were named after the famed Jewish vigilante group called the Avengers who hunted down Nazi war criminals. This is on record. People like you have no idea.

>Age of Innocence
what the fuck are you talking about

the departed is 6/10 at best

My brother in law owns a small tavern in a old time mob city in lower PA. He fucking loves saying that because all hes ever watched is mafia movies.

>Scorsese is a master perfectionist
lmao, no director has richer goof sections on imdb than marty.

Please be good.

Fuck, that is a great fuckin movie motherfucka about the cocksuckin teamster motherfuckas. Fuck me great fuckin kino