Is it good Sup Forums, i have 3 days off wageslaving and i don't want to waste my free time watching garbage

Is it good Sup Forums, i have 3 days off wageslaving and i don't want to waste my free time watching garbage

What do you think?

its meh

No, watch Money Heist instead.

No, the beaner detective ruins the show

no cuz she is ruined by BWC during the series

It starts out ok but turns in to shit.waste of time.

How does it feel being wrong?

Why the fuck do the switch between languages in the middle of conversation, and act as if they can understand each one.

It's annoying as shit. Just stick to one.


its enjoyable if you like cyberpunk

it's got mediocre characters, a fucking shitty plot twist, and lots of camp. i liked it like i liked logan's run.

Yeah, it's literally one of the shows you can only really enjoy if you just look at the pretty lights.
Poe was a good character, though.

Completely whatever until about 2/3rds of the way through when some REALLY stupid shit happens and it goes off the rails.

vai trabalhar vagabundo

I waited the entire season hoping they would kill off the mc's sleeve. Terrible actors. And it's only technically cyberpunk related, so don't go into it hoping for a full dose

It's alright until episode 7 or 8 when they decide to diverging from the books.
Also tits

She has a nice pair of tits and a lovely ass.

who gives a shit you fucking virgin, she's still a shit character

Watch until ep 5 then just pretend the show ends there.

And a face like a paper mache head. Also she was annoying in the show. But I liked it up until the last few episodes. Season 2 with Tak as interplanetary merc when?

It's not bad but Dark is a much better Netflix watch rn

Why does she only look attractive from the side? Face front she looks like a fucking goblin. I notice in the show most shots of her are at an angle or to the side.

this guy had it right from the beginning

It's shit, watch Hannibal instead.

Ok so I'm 8 eps in and I'll tell you what I think so far. In short, it's not that good but it's also so absurd at times that it's supremely entertaining.
Netflix appears to be using this as a sort of Game Of Thrones killer. It's a high budget, fantastically set character-driven adult drama with tons of violence and nudity. The issue is that the characters aren't interesting enough to carry the show. I'm not done but at this point, I really don't care about anyone. Another big issue is the acting, nobody has any charisma or presence at all.
Having said that, there's still a lot to like. The visuals are gorgeous, and the world feels huge and vibrant, full of crazy places. The world-building is kind of lacking but conceptually it's interesting. There's a lot of really cool sci fi ideas (sleeve-jumping, zero gravity fighting, digital torture, boomerang bullets) that make it really fun as long as they don't get drawn out. There's an entire episode dedicated to digital torture that overstays it's welcome but in short scenes, it's really cool to see a bioengineered clone that secretes drugs when it's aroused, or the protagonist's old body being used in underground gladiator fights. The writing has a lot of fresh ideas that you can rely on, even when the characters aren't investing.
Overall, it's worth a watch, but if this is their answer to GOT, I don't think it succeeded. It's enjoyable enough but it's not high art or anything