It was good, and honestly kino

It was good, and honestly kino

Here's your (you) .

It was so bad that the more I think about this movie the more I realize how good we had it with the prequels and how much they made sense

Honestly, the only bad parts were the casino planet scenes. Other than that I liked this movie. Sup Forums hating it makes me like it more. Also, I had no interest in seeing Black Panther until every thread on Sup Forums was about it, now I can’t wait to go see it

>I'm gonna do the opposite of what those alt Reich man babbies want.
Wake up son.

This was just like Cruise Mummy.
both visually nice to look at, but plot fucked up by idiotic things and bad studio decisions
difference is, Mummy got fairly railed, while for no fucking reason critics defend this garbage

never going to watch it

Didn't see it but glad (you) enjoyed it

For YOU!

Not Sup Forums or a big fan of star wars but this movie has to be one of the worst things I've ever seen. It's bad but you can't even laugh at how awful it is, all you can do is cringe and hope it ends soon.

>It was good, and honestly kino

Obviously not a real Star Wars fan and you're white and Gen Z.

Sure you did shill


New rule:
When one posts their opinion on a Star Wars movie, they must announce their real life age at the beginning of the post.

>letting someone's opinions dictate your behavior
Try being your own person

So so soooo glad to see a positive thread on here. This board has a neckbeard problem, and it tends to bring down the general discourse. Nothing will satisfy an army of angry GamerGaters stewing in their own contempt and nihilism.

This film was FANTASTIC. I was so-so on TFA. It still held onto the past with too much reverence. It almost felt like fan fiction, like it was consciously aping Lucas's style and his point-of-view.

Let's face it... Star Wars needed a real overhaul. It needed to be brought into the 21st century. It isn't going to be this narrow, parochial little thing enjoyed by a few alienated white dudes and manchildren anymore. It's got to mean something new to a generation that's grown beyond the original vision.

The team at Disney (Kennedy, the Story Group, and others) have set up a bright, diverse, and exciting canvas for creators to paint on in the future. This film was about letting the past die, and I loved that element of it. It was exactly right.

So so so so glad to see I'm not alone in seeing its many great qualities. This is OUR Star Wars now. The Force doesn't belong to a few embittered neckbeards anymore. It belongs to the world. And that's fucking beautiful.

Easily one of the top 5 worst movies of 2017. Easily

Wish this was a reality, how do I become a shill? Posting on here is effortless.

ur not reel star war fan >:(((( u dont agree wit me!!!!

>New rule:
>When one posts their opinion on a Star Wars movie, they must announce that the "are not the biggest fan of Star Wars"

gtfo shill


How do you even live life with such shit taste?

Top bait

a good question for those who didn't enjoy The Last Kino

Great comeback! Did you think of it yourself? Aren't you just a special little somebody.