Betty & Veronica Vixens

Archie has announced a new ongoing series, Betty & Veronica Vixens, coming to comic shops in November from Archie editor and writer Jamie L. Rotante and Eisner-nominated Kim & Kim artist Eva Cabrera.

Betty's face looks terrible. Kim & Kim is terrible. Why was it nominated for an Eisner? Why does Archie keep hiring these terrible artists?

how come that an ''american icon'' like Superman gets so much shit whenever they try to change the character but another american icon like Archie gets away with doing that all the time?

can they be a couple in this universe

>yfw you scrolled so fast past the image you thought Veronica just had massive tits and isn't just holding a motorcycle helmet.

>“Betty and Veronica aren’t just two young ladies who happen to like the same boy—they’re two hard-working, intelligent and strong women who maintain a friendship despite their differences; consistently defying all expectations to overcome the odds stacked against them,” said Rotante in the press release. “That’s something I really wanted to explore with this series—and not just Betty and Veronica, many of the female Archie Comics characters will get a chance to tell their own unique stories in a way that’s fun and action-packed.”

>“Working for Archie Comics is a dream come true for me, and this was the very reason I started doing comics!” said Cabrera. “I feel this project was meant for me because I adore Motorcycles AND the Archie girls! I’m sure everyone will love it! Besides, who doesn’t love all-girl motorcycle groups?”

I'd say it's pretty fucking likely. If not B&V there will be lesbians.

What odds are stacked against the richest teenager in Riverdale?

Maybe she isn't in this story. I don't think Betty would be in a motorcycle gang, she's got a good stable home life.

But like...where is Afterlife with Archie? I guess Betty & Veronica are their cash cows.

I'm bracing for disappointment. Just like Jughead: The Hunger I'm more interested in what Robert Hack thinks the comic is instead of whatever it really it is.

listen all I want if for one universe where those 2 realize they want each other as much as they do archie

We got Harley & Ivy lessing out in main continuity this week, what more do you want?

for betty and veronica to lez out

But if that happens, you'll have nothing left in life to ever look forward to.

I know. I could finally kill myself


>betty ends up fucking jughead
it doesnt count when its not an acrual relationship

But Jughead didn't eat her burger, he got blocked by the serpents

>those wonky ass eyes
Always a telltale sign of someone who ignored the fundamentals because of "their style."

That's a really cool cover, but it leads me to believe this will probably end up being a pastiche of 1950s girls in trouble movies but with the lurid fun drained out of it.

because nobody actually cares about archie and nobody knows what they want with superman


huh we what now?

does anyone have this without the letters covering her face, just the art?
