Biopic when? There's already a Marx one

Biopic when? There's already a Marx one.

Couldn't do one without making her look like a hypocritical psychopath who was desperately trying to rebrand the worst traits of man as the best and the impulses that are most incompatible with civilization as the source of that same civilization. She was a deeply traumatized young woman who fortunately for her credibility was not in short supply of similarly damaged people trying to find a cognitive framework for justifying how they can let a man starve to death at the entrance to their factory.


t. commie



You must be over 18 to use this board

The funny thing is that happened by the millions under communism but no capitalist would let that happen because it'd be bad PR.

Pretty much, Nobody truly gives a shit about some jewess who REEEE'd out shitty novels because Uncle Joe took her shekels.

t. I too, love soy milk

>the only alternative to laissez-faire is Bolshevism

Wew lads

Either you're pro freedom or you're not.

Wasn't there a movie with Helen Mirren about her or she involved in the story somehow?

>what is a false dichotomy
Did you ever actually read Rand or are you just a libertarian brainlet?


>120 of screaming "HELP! HELP! I'M BEING OPPRESSED" while people watch her filling her tax form

boy, that sure sounds entertaining

Sorry, I'm just being a libertarian brainlet

Marxist millennials

>I'm against freedom

It's always enjoyable to see the left win briankets try and argue against an ideology they have no clue about.
Of course their arguments appeals to emotion as that is the basis for the left wing ideology.

>implying taxation isn't theft

Are you seriously suggesting Rand is historically significant on the same level as Marx?

The reddit of this thread.

Best comment, the salty replies are delicious

>salty replies

Are you reading a different thread than I am all I see is agreement or mild disagreement at best

Misguided altruism is always worse than unapologetic selfishness.

this. atlas shrugged hasn't even been translated here


there's a tv movie with Helen Mirren and Peter Fonda.

My god, Fonda must be rolling around in his grave

Nobody wanted to watch the Atlas Shrugged movies, why the fuck would they want to watch about her?