Voltron: Legendary Defender


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Shidge for rough hamster/banana ubermensch sex.

Galra are the latin lovers of the universe.

So much for no more threads

Commence with the galra and Pidge posting.

Whoever was trying to make that happen was an idiot tbqh famalamborghini

Ops a newfaggot. We literally said no more threads until the weekend.

>in love with a brother fucker

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Voltron finale. It confirms the real Shiro never comes back. (Pic is Kuron)
Listen: youtube.com/watch?v=VI-Lukyr4UY

shoo shoo back to tumblr with you

Let's just make this thread as /vld/ as possible.

Where else do you expect me to shitpost shidge? None of my friends approve.

I want to drag my tongue along Pidge's sweaty feet and then suck her big toe.

I can't wait until Season 4 happens and I can push Pidge/Matt like a complete faggot. Patt? Midge?

Lance has been raped by his relatives, school teachers, Iverson and maybe even by some guys from the blade of marmora and maybe even shiro.
He thinks that this must be his only redeeming quality and tries everything to prove himself wrong but always ever fails.
One day Voltron has to seek an alliance with a planet that wants a present. Lance offers himself and his services to the ruler to never return to earth again and live his life as a cumdumpster.

The others don't miss him when he's gone.

Keith is worst boy, worst galra, worst girl, worst leader, worst paladin, and worst character.

Please stop this, Vedder.... We get it.

>one half is a short angry ginger who loves video games and hates almost everything else
Pat, definitely

So which Galra do you want to stick it in?

/vld/fags cucked again by threadposting chads

he's had a hard life

I honestly can't remember any of their names. Galrafags get all mopey that whatshisface died and I'm never sure which of the 700 identical big purple dudes with robot arms they're talking about. They all look and act the same, the only stand out was the fucking mall cop.

What race would Allura be if she was an Earthling like the rest of the Paladins?

It's fine, we just gotta make it as shitty as possible then.

Posting best boy.

my wife



Best boy and... best girl? Could it be? Potor?

Is the pink part of her skin or is it makeup?

Black or Indian

I actively dislike lewd pidge and galra trash party so I don't have any saved and can't contribute, but I need y'all to post as much of it as possible to drive the tumblrs away.


Zarkon, Sendak and Kolivan.


I would get up Shidge for sweet, forbidden Pidge x Lotor love.

......those are boys user

just in case you didnt know

Indian, or white.

And by Indian I mean north Indian. Not Tamil.

Amerindian features but slightly darker skin.

She's like the Water Tribe; there's no one real ethnicity that quite fits.

I want Shiro to rape Lance out of pity

Good thing I'm a grill or else it would have gotten gay!

Could you imagine the hissyfit this would cause?

Pidge is for ___

What about Atlantean?

Who's the sexy red girl?

This isn't /x/.

pidge is a filthy fujoshi

Dying, so Matt can replace her on the team.

Conquering Poland

Your brother Sincline is better.

Are you suggesting we post it all over Tumblr, just to piss off the feminists?

Nah, that'd probably just wind up with more of them in here.

Padded training bras

Don't you fujos have enough men to demean without getting rid of best girl to add one more?


>piss off the feminists
>brother-sister incest

You're aware it's everyone that finds that weird, not just feminists?

What would be the team's reaction to finding Pidge's secret stash of slash fiction she writes about them?

I always thought she kind of look like Senait Gidey, who is an Ethopian from Canada.

> The galra had a big artillery installation plus robots and ships to control a village with about 300 people
I feel like earth would be a heavy hitter in this universe

What? I'm not shipping Pidge x Matt, I'm shipping Pidge x Shiro and Pidge x Lotor.

Besides, Tumblr feminists are the most fun to piss off.

I dunno man, have you been to Sup Forums at any point?


No need to kill her when you could put her to work making sandwiches for the rest of the team.

>brother-sister incest

You seem confused.

Sex slave Pidge?


i missed this meme

Is this show any good? Not sure if I should watch or not, but the dude with the white streak and the cute brown girl caught my eye.

may as well give it a 3/4 episode test, the first one is extra length and has pilot syndrome but it picks up from there.

Found the tumblr.

yeah, but don't interact with literally anyone online who has also seen it, everyone's fucking awful

I mean obviously we're all pretty biased. I think it's pretty good, and it took a big step up in the most recent season. The first couple episodes are the worst, but after that it's pretty decent. If you're into Shiro (dude with the white streak) you'll probably like it, he spends a lot of time suffering.

I hope season 4 is all about Pidge's massive constipation problems.

the dude with the white streak will cause you so much. abort this show and wait for all of the episodes to finish airing.

Someone should make one of these for pidge


Can't be worst then Keith shitting outside.

When somebody new asks about the actual quality of the show it feels like I suddenly have to put on actual clothes for a surprise interview

Do you think Pidge touches herself to the idea of Lance plowing her grillbussy every night?

Fuck off.

>he spends a lot of time suffering.
Oh boy, I love suffering. I'll probably check it out.

I know exactly what you mean. I almost have a script at this point; "the show is good, not mind blowing, and the first few episodes are kinda rough but the animation is really nice"

Middle Eastern or black

Shiro is only good for quadruple amputation followed by endless rape and impregnation at the hands of the Galra.

It's the same animation studio that did (the good parts of) LoK, and a lot of creative staff from ATLA/LoK sans Bryke, so if you dig those shows and space bullshit it's probably worth giving it a shot.

Her hair is poofy enough to make me think black but it's hard to say.

Leave these threads before you get spoiled

Shiro is quietly scandalised and doesn't really know how to deal with it, Lance starts screaming like a tard, Hunk is probably a little flattered and finds it funny and Keith just doesn't understand because all Keith understands is Shiro and sad early 2000s alt rock. Coran is disappointed none involved him and goes on a long speech about how he was a popular Altean erotic literature, no one listens or cares.

>impossible fantasy
Shiro decides disciplinary action is required, Pidge gets s p a n k e d

Lance never potty trained at all. Dude goes through so much underwear.

But you just posted a picture of the lovechild he made consensually with Slav while holding all of his hands.

Fill the whole chart with Nazi iconography.

Yes. And as your pic suggests she hates herself for it because she doesn't like how Lance treats women.
Deep down though she wants Lance to flirt with her.

Sauce? This is my fetish.

OP even linked to the last thread like a general would. They're probably trying to fuck us over.

Is Lotor a /his/ faggot?


Go back to tumblr

No idea, I got it from an old thread.

Human centipede starring Lance when?

>Samurai Jack was allowed to have 20 threads up at once
>Rick and Morty is allowed a dozen threads up
>Voltron isn't allowed one thread

The episode about Pidge getting scurvy from drinking too much red bull and then almost dying from being literally full of shit is going to be fucking wild.