Why is Lesbianism so attractive to film? I just wish more lesbian shows were set outside of prisons...

Why is Lesbianism so attractive to film? I just wish more lesbian shows were set outside of prisons. This isn't a knock on gay guys either. But there's something much more beautiful to seeing lesbians than gays on film.

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>Lesbianism so attractive to film

Because you need two attractive women for that. Dumb question tobehonest

how many takes do you think they needed for this shot?

One women making love is 100% sexy.
2 women are 200% sexier.
Basic maths for basic heterosexuals men.

This movie was shit. Couldn't even finish it.

Enough to make the actress question her own sexuality.

Someone post the webms

No, this is a blue board.

There's something so beautiful about two women kissing each other passionately. I can't quite explain it.

Love this plen opinion.

The blue haired one is definitely at least bi

>tfw my sister is a lesbian

>No, this is a blue board.

Dunno why this is spoilered, it's not even pornographic. I was watching a cartoon the other day, it was full of alien lesbians.

What webms?

>tripcuck says no fun allowed


Non-simulated sex scenes that are basically porn

>tfw anons sister has had a cute girls pussy and possibly ass in her mouth

Good for you user.
You don't have to worried about her bringing some KANGZ home anytime soon.

Lesbians love for each other is more on a emotion level rather than lust like it is for gay dudes

>tfw anons sistr gets moar pusy then user

This. I had a few girls tell me they felt romantic feelings towards their girl friends, sometimes sexual but they didn't consider themselves lesbians or bi.

Its the purest form of love.

>I had sexual feelings about a member of the same sex but I'm not gay I swear

Turns out you're just as mentally ill as your dumb whores friends.

>Tfw you'll never have a love trio with two girls, and you all love each other immensely
>Tfw you'll never impregnate them at the same time and make them mommies

It seems like the good life having a love trio. You've got two girls and they've got a guy, everyone wins.

There is less of a distinction for women. Intense feelings easily become romantic ones, even for straight women.

pre-Victorian times it wasn't uncommon for men to show huge amounts of affection for each other (the male/male friendship was considered the highest form of bond one could form on earth). naturally this could well involve a cheeky assfuck or suck job. shame how things have changed so.

So are all women really at least somewhat bisexual?

>naturally this could well involve a cheeky assfuck or suck job.

stop lying.


all women are definitely attracted to other women. Because they feel emotions much more than men that attraction is much more likely to become romantic or sexual.

nothing gay about it

All humans are bisexual (to an extent), male and female. Makes just tend to repress these feelings, whereas females do not. However the opposite sex is more attractive in almost all cases.

Why is that?

Actually it's because women are beautiful and men are gross. The female form is easy for all to appreciate.

>All humans are bisexual (to an extent)
fuck that, I hate all that faggot shit. gross

male lesbian fantasy garbage. fuck this low quality trash and the scum that fall for it

It's two hot girls doing lewd things together as opposed to two guys diddling each other's shitpipes. Pretty self explanitory

t. Charles Darwin

>this is what faggots actually believe

>The female form is easy for all to appreciate.

this , its harder to explain why most women are straight at least in behavior.

Because women are beautiful. Two men kissing is disgusting, two women kissing is hot.

quick mafffths

The appeal to men has a limited scope while the appeal of women is broad.

It's true, brainlet. Pray nobody tells you about the Greeks.

>All humans are bisexual (to an extent), male and female.
prove it


>ywn be a cute lesbian

>can't post webms from BLUE is the Warmest Color on the BLUE board


Start a thread about Henry Cavill.


They were simulated, retard.

Because you are a straight male who is attracted to women and the idea of two chicks kissing and you watching makes you hard because you want to think that they are part of your harem and doing it for you when in reality these girls probably wouldn't want you the room. And the idea of two men kissing or even a man kissing a woman grosses you out because if you look at another man being intimate it makes you emasculated or violated. These girls are in love but you act like lesbians exist so you can have something to fap to. That's why.

>nobody will ever be this attracted to y ou

you didn't need to add the word "this"

It was needed given the context of the post I was referring to.

She could bring a KWEENZ

when the lesbians are pretty. not landwhales

source please?

This film would be significantly less kino were the actresses uglier. Lea Seydoux was riding the line.

Lesbians being hot is a Jewish trick to accept homosexuality into the system
>These are lesbians? Wtf gay rights now drumpf!!!!
-America's doomed future

Are you saying girls don't diddle each other's shitpipes?

>dumb drumpftard opining on a french movie
made me think desu

>This isn't a knock on gay guys either

You forget you ain't on reddit, friend? Knock on faggots all you like

he probably just didn't want to offend you

>Yuri loving cuck

Remember that good looking lesbians are a myth and that Hollywood promotes lesbians to straight women to make them leave men.

Not surprised Sup Forums fags eat it up. Enjoy your shitshows



Nah. They are just more attention hungry

Because they never show real lesbians. Real lesbians are fat af

makes me wish I was a girl instead of an ugly man

>Yuri loving cuck

Remember that good looking lesbians are a myth and that Hollywood promotes lesbians to straight women to make them leave men.

Not surprised Sup Forums fags eat it up. Enjoy your shitshows

>real lesbians are fat af
You're just as bad as the jews running the lipstic lesbian propaganda.

Not really. Homosexuals are very very very rare. Most are pretty much lying. She's probably felt a biological dick in his cunt, mouth, or ass within the past 6 months.

wtf I love kino now

Look at a nice erection coming out of a hairless body.


That's just a general obesity problem that affects both sexes


lesbianism is fucking boring as hell, literally nothing is happening

Its true though.

99% of lesbians are ugky man hating dykes

this. how am I supposed to get a nut off without seeing a fat juicy cock (no homo)?

you're not supposed to look at the dick
confirmed gay

no wonder director made em reshoot this scene 300 times

no you're supposed to pretend it's your dick even though it's obviously not your dick and you're totally not being a fucking cuck watching another man rail a bitch hahahahaha

Based french kino man.

its still pretty bad in film. you should check out lesbianism in anime. its called yuri and its the best thing man has ever created

>i cant quite explain it
I can, it’s fucking hot

>yuri bait
Fuck it. They are never real lesbians. At least in the films they kiss and shit. In anime it's almost always a fucking bait.

>hiding an erection

you dummy you only watch 100% het free anime like a real man and 'yuri bait' wont be an issue. most of the greatest anime are yuri or at least have subtext that you can goggle into existence

It's not only hot. It's beautiful in a non-pornographic way. The best ones are those young Victorian girls experimenting with each other. Modern SJW lesbians are annoying.

yuri is the purest form of love. you should join the masterrace

I don't watch anime, heterosexual or homosexual. I like lesbians in film, my biggest problem is how they almost always insert some heterosexual romance, cheating or similar crap in nearly every lesbian film.

Only men can be gay. Lesbians don't exist, they're either man-hating "political" lesbians or chicks experimenting in college.

There is literally nothing wrong with that

yeah thats true. this is why you have to watch anime. yuri does not exist in film. only women pretending to be lesbians shooting porn or it gets ruined by all sorts of bullshit

I'm okay with interracial couples if they are both girls.
