*charges up fists with kinotic energy*

*charges up fists with kinotic energy*

Other urls found in this thread:


>you utter fool

It's called loosening up your wrists, faggot.

>he's never played super smash bros

>darude's sandstorm intensifies

that shot makes me wet
i really hope he has enough screen time and cruise doesn't hog the spotlight too much

Me when mom doesn't bring tendies from the supermarket

Are you a girl? If so, what's your kik & show me yummy pusy!

this is the tv equivalent of tapping the knife isn't


its the edgy sweat trail on the back again

hate this meme

Formerly .

Losening them up from what? Hes 250 pounds if pure muscle I highly doubt he needs any warming up


Judging by the sweat on his back he has been fighting for a bit now. He probably just eased them, just like you would if you've been writing for a while

>tapping the knife



>people with muscles don't need to warm up

Damn. Seeing him next to the lil' asian dude and the manlet cruise make him look real huge.


h-he's fast!!

it's a ck thing

It's just shot like Cavill put so much weight into it.
Also groomed like that he is aestetich as fuck

cooks tapping the knife on the board before they start cutting the food

>250 pounds
he's closer to 200

Just admit it looks stupid

It's a psychological power up

I'm straight and I'd go on a date with that guy if it meant he cooked for me

Why does he tap the knife?

>not fully utilizing potential energy for maximum damage
None of you have ever been in a fight, have you?

That's good hand coordination

why does he do any of the faggy shit he does? cause he's a faggot

figured he was getting his sleeves out of the way


That show was dope.

Man, that looks fucking delicious. I'm sure the steak is tasty too.

Wouldn't you want to make sure you have a full range of motion in a dress shirt?

One of the few dubs that works

lol this retard needs to be taught how to fight thats fucking pathetic

I never really understood why hitmen and criminals in movies always wear suits. I guess if they're good they can get in, kill, and get out without being noticed. But if they have to fight or flee, the stiff shirts, slimfit suits and fancy shoes would certainly become a hindrance


he's already sweaty and looks a bit disheveled, so I'm guessing it's midfight and he had been temporarily stunned. this is him shaking off the cobwebs, so to speak, and trying to get loose again.

"I think it's time for Cavill... to LET 'ER RIP!"


At first I didn't get it OP, 7/10 not bad

giv kebab chef

Will this fight be Kino? I mean, look at how fucking badass he moves and punches that other guy.

definitely. it has all the shit I love like people being smashed through walls and mirrors

why he looks so badass then at :3-4 he got all jobby ?

>and cruise doesn't hog the spotlight too much


kik is for niggers and underage kids user.

>kinotic energy

why do you think he's taking the time asking for it?

>kinotic energy*

Superior turkish food

kino guy for a pleb meme

>with kinotic energy*

I think he's doing that to loosen up his shirt sleeve so that it doesn't hold him back when he punches... that's my best guess.


Reminder these posts are being done by an intern to try to make the next MI movie a meme so you see it

>kinotic energy

I hope he succeeds

They are. Ever notice how Secret Service agents all have the same weird, boxy form to them? That's not because of body types, all of their suits and clothes are custom made to allow full range of motion. That's how weird their clothes have to look to give them the freedom of movement needed to actually fight in "suits".

Did he wash his hands before handling that meat?

what are some movies about powerful mustache that bring cinematic universes down?

Amen. I'm not even gay but Henry Cavill is absurdly attractive. He's manliness personified.

I hope he joins the IMF so he can be in the next one

reminder that this post was done by an intern to prevent the next MI movie from being a meme. it won't work, shill

Everytime I see these posts I get the hope at least this time the girl will actually show her naked body...

Is that a grilled Facehugger?

i think it is possible
there are rumors this gonna be Cruise last one
maybe they are preparing "Mission Impossible" for new generation cast
Tom, as great as he is, is indeed getting older. With average gap of 5 years between IM movies, he would be over 60 YO in next and close to 70 in another. He would be unable to handle stunts, and knowing his ego, wouldn't accept to CGI them

t. Soyboy

Why does he do this with his hands? Is he powering up some shit?

are we not going to talk about how confusing that entire bit is?

meme guy goes to the chink, lands a hit on the jaw, goes for a liver hit and then *poof* he disappears from the fight entirely. Chink guy's fighting cruise, then all of a sudden we get a shot of meme guy getting punched out

what the fuck? I had to pause the webm to make sense of what I was supposed to see, and it still didn't make sense.

well, hard to say, judging from trailer
also i think they used mirrored shot, look at superman's shirt

Yup. Went frame by frame to try to follow it. Hopefully they clean up the editing before release.

Trailer, edited to hell.
That is a mirrored shot, look at his hair and arm placement.

name one actress that is sexier than cavill, you literally cant. how did we get to this stage where men are more fuckable than women?

im not even gay btw

Imagine that scratching your taint as he tongues your asshole.

This, fucking love it. The punches look truly devastating.

you sound pretty fucking gay m8.

if anything, it'll be you doing all the tongue action you beta fuck

Imagine working wardrobe on that movie and stealing Henry sweaty shirts.


d-do you think he wears a jockstrap?

(no homo)

Its a tomahawk, the best part of the cow
>inb4 leanfaggots

enjoy your heart disease

nice try disney shill, go fuck yourself

the fuck is going on with this editing

Dont ever use any fat in cooking, since there is no self control and youd have eat the entire stick of butter
just portion your meat you instead of taking less tasty cuts you turd

How awesome it is in movies
Jackie Chan fighting > Boxing > Kickboxing > Krav Maga > Kung Fu > basic punching > grabbing something on the ceiling, lifting yourself up and kicking with both legs

It's a trailer retard

are there two asians in there? there are no frames between those, it keeps skipping.

>literally becoming limp wristed
Top soy

Literally a meme but he's got madskillz

it's just trailer editing to maximize spectacle it's not supposed to make sense

they maximized the mess, not the spectacle. horrid. still watching it though.

minimize your autism. horrid

this is Sup Forums, we're supposed to be autistic.

Why does every Cavill thread turn super gay? Is there a female equivalent that gets straight women genuinely moist?