What does Sup Forums think of this?

What does Sup Forums think of this?

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Fun and silly kino

Funny enough to compensate for nonsensical plot

Pretty good.

Quipshit that further proved that Shane Black is the father of modern blockbuster. It will never reach the importance of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang but it belongs to the same gallery of souless quipping corpses walking through sideways of Rodeo Drive.

If it has the goose, it's kino. Simple physics.

Extremely over-rated on Sup Forums

Pleb's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang made watchable only by the period vibe.

bang average and ryan gosling is terrible in this

It's inferior to The Last Boy Scout and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but still a good movie (and better than capeshit, of course).


pure reddit

Sup Forums loved the gud bois when it came out but I bet if this thread gets past 15 posts it'll be a bunch of contrarian niggers and cancerous newfags claiming the opposite

its already starting

pretty good
a nice throw back to buddy cop movies, even if they aren't cops

The second half felt completely different tonally from the first, like the studio decided it had to have a typical Hollywood finale where everything resolves itself nicely

>The Last Boy Scout
Why are you even comparing these two movies?

>govt gets away with multiple murders in the end scot free

Sup Forums is gay for Ryan Gosling, so anything with him in it is automatically "le kino xD"

Both are detective films written by Shane Black. I've always considered these three movies as a trilogy.

I've heard that they're doing an all-female remake for tv.

Yep. It's happening.


I liked the rice

Jesus Christ... They haven't learned anything from the Ghostbusters remake.


>Learning anything

Too many Hitler references. Yea, we get it, he was a bad guy. Fascists REEEE

It was a bit cynical, but still a pretty safe ending

What? Why!?

boring, couldn't finish it

learned it was directed by the same guy as kiss kiss bang bang, one of the worst movies I've ever seen

literally can't understand how people can like this shit. Random youtubers are funnier than this

I’ll tell you why we liked it. It didnt do well at the box office, and Goose

And when the show tanks, they'll say it's because of toxic masculinity and the evil white male.

You're too stupid to watch these movies.

>"rebooting" a 2 year old film as a tv series

>"rebooting" a 2 year old film as a tv series with an all-female cast.
What could go wrong?

(((Hollywood))) is in free-fall at this point.

fun well done

>asking what Sup Forums thinks of a movie that includes a lewd loli

Dude really?