It's incredible if you think about it, at the time this show aired...

It's incredible if you think about it, at the time this show aired, Peggy was supposed to be a caricature of a terrible wife. She spent Al's money, she wouldn't cook for him, she was lazy and nagged a lot, but looking at it from a modern perspective, she doesn't seem so bad. She gave Al children (HIS children), she made some effort to maintain her body in good shape as shown in many episodes where she's exercising at home, she gave him sex whenever he wanted and sometimes at least in the first few seasons she would show that she actually cared for and loved him a lot despite her (and his) flaws.

How many marriage-worthy women can you find nowadays with these same qualities? You are blessed if you can find a woman nowadays that is lazy and nagging but at least will raise your children, stay faithful and not get disgustingly fat. Most modern women have all of Peggy's flaws and MUCH MORE without any of her qualities, Peg would be great marriage material today, as strange as that sounds.

Other urls found in this thread:

This was also back when you could raise a decent family in the suburbs on the single salary of a mall shoe store salesman. Even though money was tight, they still had enough to go on the occasional vacation.

Yeah, things only got worse.

This trash belongs on Sup Forums

Al had erectile dysfunction from stress. Peg either kept in shape to tempt him or to tempt other men. It's a miracle Peg didn't try to sleep with Jefferson.

>She gave Al children (HIS children),
Oh sweetie

It's not a miracle, it's called being a faithful wife, something modern women don't even know the meaning of.

t. unmarried virgin

uh no sweaty. jefferson is a proto-numale cuck until al shows him the way and the truth with no ma'am.

I refuse to believe anyone in the world but Al could produce such retarded children.

>women won't sleep with ME, they're all whores!!!!!!!!

t.worthless hole

You are quite bad at logic.

>manlet son
>blonde daughter
>his children

>s-stop making me think, everything is f-fine IT WAS HER TURN

My point was what it says about you that you consider this something special.

You're mentally ill.

A lot of them are though, especially the 18/24 year olds. I work with a few and they're proper sluts, even brag about it. We're past slut shaming it seems.

Married women are just as bad, I chat with a lot online. Just dirty texts/pics. Still, I've had women fucking themselves while they're man is asleep next to them.

It takes a strong man to deny what is right in front of them.

No, YOU'RE mentally ill.

Jefferson coasted through life with his good looks. He didn't have to be Chad like Al in highschool to get laid, his existence was just as enviable. Al didn't show him shit, he already had a low opinion of women by being a male gigolo con artist.

You can’t handle when people reply to you

I just wish women werent so fucking fat nowadays....

i can tell you can't and that you dont understand basic logic.

But according to you wanting a faithful wife is the same as calling every woman a whore...
I guess youve fucked around quite abit and is now sad that you can't find a nice guy.

Now that your holes are old, well used and lost all value.

This. I know a guy just like that. In shape tatoos girls think he’s cute and funny. Ends up in relationships with them where he ends up moving in right away and they’ll put him on their phone plan and pay for all his bills / car stuff.

Then eventually they break up and he does it with some new chick.

Jefferson just lucked into Marcy and he’s ok being her bitchboy as long as she keeps the money coming but he clearly doesn’t give a shit about her.


it says more about you pointing it out than him
delusion of grandeur are one hell of a drug it seems

Idk why ppl r sperginf about u saying this tbhf
Loyalty is pretty valuable for a relationship and kinda harder to find dating now

specially in a post-Tinder century

just post prime peggy and kelly fap images


Fatties are not typical waifu material but they can be a lot of fun. Just as long as they're between TH I C C and fat though.

Idk cellulite is pretty disgusting
Most "thick" girls are shaped like a watermelon
A thin waist is always necessary

They're all Peggies because you're all Als.

>argumentum ad orifice
Found the roastie

Found the lazy roastie

the point of the thread is that Peggie is better you retard

>its a Peggy tries to make Al horny with her braaaaps episode

It's a woman, it can't think critically.

>she made some effort to maintain her body in good shape
Confirmed for not watching the show, the character watched fitness shows while knocking back bonbons en masse. She even turned a health trainer into a couch potato like her.
>she gave him sex whenever he wanted
Which was never, that was the joke. The moment they got married and had kids, sex became a chore.

NO! Modern women are Marcys, false feminists that let themselves go and that talk about equality but all they really want is a real man.

Does it make a woman not feminist if they want a man?

So after multiple years of marriage, how is that a moment?

Also we are not judging Al, we are judging Peggy. Peggy wanted sex, its irrelevant to us if Al wanted sex. The analysis is based on the woman, not the man. A wife that wants sex is a good thing, regardless of Al's autism.

when they yell about toxic masculinity and then go for the biggest douche chad they find. Yes, that is what i call a hypocrite.

>not /r9k/

This you cant talk about how husband wife relationships in television have changed

Well user, today's your big day. Give us your best essay on how husband-wife relationships have changed in television shows.

no read through the thread entitled faggot

>things are so different now, not like then!
How the fuck would you know what anything was like before you joined in? Are you comparing your dating life now to your dating life in the past before you time traveled? No? Then shut the fuck up.

>How the fuck would you know what anything was like before you joined in?
there is this thing called parents, sorry to hear you never had those

Peggy was a satire on late 80s early 90s suburb wives that we're living the 50s dream of not working still but starting to listen to optah to demand more. Kind of like carm in sopranos but the white trash version.

They bought in as kids in the 60s and then demanded more for notjing.

Now family is completely destroyed in many ways and women end up being Toasties until they hit 35 and want a soy to provide.


Imagine being this bitter about people discussing dating now vs then
Whats up with u whats ur story
>people on tv cant be older than 20

>Al is so gay he doesn't want to fug peggy all day errday

he's right you know
truly a different time

People on Sup Forums SHOULDN'T be older than 20. No grown human should visit this board.

sup reddit

A jew and a black wrote this show. Remember it.

You're not though. You're just venting about the negative traits you project onto modern society and using an old sit-com as a platform to do so on the wrong board.

Shows reflect what life was like at that time. Comparing it to now things are really different. I dont get ur argument are you saying it isnt tv related?

hes not

waaaaah why do women avoid meeeeeeeee


nice non-reply

I'm banging a 19 year old, a 23 year old and a 29 year old. I just got treated for the clap

Paying for sex isn't actually pulling tail you know that, right?

t. foreveralone permavirgin

I'm pretty old boyos. I was in my 20's in the late 80s and early 90s. Women have always been whores. With the advent of low cost internet in your palm it's just easier to find them. There are plenty of good women around, youre just not gonna find them on tinder or any other quick gratification dating app.

I've dated super young and girls my age, she is not a determining factor of maturity. I've met 40 year old that still over drink and act like whores. I've met 22 year olds with ambition and loyalty that just want kids and a family.

not nice use of buzzwords and shallow anti feminist

please dust the cheetos from your fat fucking beard and reply

Aaaaaaaaallllll, lets have seeeexxxx

still a non-reply

"seek help"

>just want kids and a family

>youre just not gonna find them on tinder or any other quick gratification dating app.
And WHERE, pray tell, do you find young women that have the qualities you mentioned while also looking decent and on top of all, SINGLE?

this comment is sexist

I just love Peg Bundy.

Wrong. Gimme stuff.

Doesn't feel so good, now does it?

women dressed with style in the 80s

Thats what happens when you let liberals run your country for 20+ years

being a sniveling soy will never, ever get you laid. feminists only want attractive successful men too.

8 is the new 20 years

This. Back then you could buy a 2000 sq ft house and raised a family of four on minimum wage. It was a better time.

no they want guys with confidence

succesful too

Indeed amazing how society turned into shit but liberals think ''its fine because muh oppreshun now womyn can be sexually depraved without backlash''


why are you in the women's section though?

Don't you have any creativity? there could be a thousand different reasons to do so why are you there?

Also confirmed grotesquely obese, wouldn't even grope.


So all women are biological creatures. Damn, don't tell the intersectionalists.