Just binged the first episode, when does it get good?

Just binged the first episode, when does it get good?


it doesn't. now set yourself on fire in order to remove the images from your brain

I binged your mom lol

It gets good when the fat announcer guy shows up

Versingetirex surrender was Kino despite being slightly incorrect.

Based on the version Cesar wrote himself.

>one episode

the 2nd episode

i just binged OP's post

what did we think about this?

Didn't buy this guy as Ceasar. Too cartoonish. Not chad enough, doesn't radiate intelligence and strategy, like say Tywin Lannister. Didn't make it to third episode. Hated the pauper soldier being cucked by the mud from GoT.

That said, Rome did so much legwork for GoT, from the sets, to the scope, to the nudity/violence. Never seen this pointed out until I did imo.

Are you seriously trying to imply Rome lacked sufficient on-screen chaddery?

aka incorrect
don't fall for 2000 year old propaganda please

When I was a newfag, I defended Sup Forums. As an oldfag, I shall not abandon it. I give sincere thanks to OP, who has generously presented me with the most promising theme imaginable. I address you directly, . Please listen as if you were a Chad normie, and not a shitposting, autism-addled wreck. You are certainly not without accomplishments: it is a rare man who can boast of permabanned before even coming of age. You have brought upon us memes, pasta and reposts. You are Sup Forums's Helen of Troy. But then a Redditor's role has always suited you best.


How does binging one episode work

8/10 troll

Who is /ourguy/?

Marc Antony or Octavian?

if soyboy: never
if conservative: at the intro of e1s1

One time i binge ate a single pringle

I just marathoned your mom lmao

>not liking Rome

By grace of Roma, for twelve moons hence, OP is proclaimed TRIBUNE OF PLEBS

Octavian aka small COCKtavian is not my emperor. Roman Republic and not '''Roman''' Empire ok. Praise Jupiter.



>tfw you think Marc Antony has out chadded Octavian but he reverses the entire situation in a single autistic outburst
>tfw Octavian drives Antony's waifu to suicide with his stone cold autism

>binged the first episode
>one episode
>binged the whole thing all at once
get this mad lad outta here

it's a good show OP, binge the whole thing

>tfw watching episodes of rome between playing Rome Total War and watching Rome documentaries.


watch the Borgias too, I basically can't remember what was in the Borgias and what was in Rome. And Medici: Masters of Florence, can't tell shit apart anymore.

Recommend me some good Ancient Rome docukino.

>Never seen this pointed out until I did imo.
Had me until this

Sup Forums here. Is this shit red-pilled? (For a Jewish owned channel that is)

>iS ThIs ReDpIlLeD?
it's about ancient Rome, how i it supposed to be """"redpilled"""?

Mike Duncan's History of Rome, Kings and Generals channel on youtube, Dan Carlin podcasts.

>tfw reading Machiavelli's The Prince and playing Medieval 2 Total War between watching episodes of Borgias

It requires a lack of ADHD to fully enjoy cerebral drama


Not be an American

But the two are certainly not exclusive

By order of the triumvirate, during his residence here, all mockery of Jews and their one god shall be kept to an appropriate minimum.

Historia Civilis on yt

>binge watch breaking bad
>everyone says its pretty solid
>get to s3e3
>mr white literally gets cucked
>turn off never watch again

What a huge meme is this shit, the main character is the biggest loser in the entire show lol

Rome was Sup Forums before Sup Forums someone post Pompei walls shitpost

New hardrive
Looking for the newsreader gif of

>coupled himself with the sorceress
>blackens his eyes with soot

bonus internet points for newsreader gif off

>Tells the story how it is not how (((they))) say it was
>No forced diversity
>No muh strong womyn who don't need no men
You get the idea
So it's Rome post (((Christianity)))? Not watching it then

>julius caesar
>post Christianity
american education at work

before, it's about the fall of the Republic and the rise of the empire under Julius Caesar and Augustus


Augustus channeled his autism into such great things.

*gesticulates wildly*

>So it's Rome post (((Christianity)))? Not watching it then

lurk moar

it's about the unbelievable adventures of two bros 4 life

Imagine if we would have seen Pullo tricking people into believing he is the son of God in season 3.

All mockery of Jews and their one god shall be kept to an appropriate minimum.

>we literally only have source
>a faithful adaptation of this is shown on TV 2000 years later
>a Sup Forums soyboy gets upset


fucking newfaggot


Season 3


Its a fun show, you may enjoy it. Just be prepared for Titus to go full retard and back.

I wonder if he decided to do that himself or if he was told to do that, because Jesus Christ. It's the best thing.


Unironically this. I wish I had watched his Roman political vids before Rome.

My only gripe with this is that they made Cicero into a fucking cunty woman.



The jew in the show is a filthy, greedy, trashy scumbag.

Don't forget his terrorist brother.

Postin in a gets thread
