Michael Clayton

Thoughts on this Clooneykino?


I vaguely remember this being solidly made but boring and unmemorable as fuck


I think people just don't have the patience for political thrillers anymore.

You're so fucked.

Another middlebrow pile of shit from Mr "Please take me seriously because I'm planning a political career after acting" Clooney

Pleb my favorite film is Chinatown. Slow films are fine by me, this was just a grey boring morass of boredom. Stop posting on Sup Forums Clooney

Chinatown is not a slow film.


george clooney hasn't been in a decent movie since burn after reading

But Chinatown isn't a political thriller. This movie is in the vein of the Falcon and the Snowman or All the Presiden'ts Men.

Maybe its because they don't make movies like that much anymore but I liked it a lot. I find grounded political suspense more entertaining that noirish movies.

The year was a year of great movies, but I still think it really good. Better then a lot of MotY in a lot of recent years. Just had the misfortune of going vs. stuff like there will be blood, no country for old men, and the assassination of Jesse James.

Really fantastic film in all respects. The final scene with Clooney and Tilda Swinton was just great and that look of realization on her face when she knew she was toast was the ultimate payoff

The American was good.

only good thing about this film was that it featured the first poster to use the "big bold text over protagonist face" meme

good ass movie my dude

Chinatown is slow as fuck. There are less explosions and action scenes in Chinatown then in Michael Clayton. Half the film is just jack nicholsons superb acting as he talks to people.

How about Chinatown is not a ponderous film? The pace is quick. It is ore comedic. There are more chase sequences. That's what the guy probably meant.

Up in the Air, The American, and The Descendants where all good (but not great) films.

Thats fine man but i never find a political thriller to feel that authentic after it has been approved by the hollywood system that is entirely at the mercy of its corporate and political overlords. Beyond that i just didn't care what happened to anybody everyone was just doing the "it's serious, hollywood is being authentic, pretend like we're outside the elite like you pleb" kind of acting we most recently saw displayed in the post, another grey boring political thriller.

the american is garbage

>A law firm brings in its "fixer" to remedy the situation after a lawyer has a breakdown while representing a chemical company that he knows is guilty in a multibillion-dollar class action suit.

What about that description says "political thriller" to you?

well yes i'll accept that but it really wasn't the slow pacing or the ponderous nature of Michael Clayton that bored me. I was just bored full stop.

I enjoyed Fantastic Mr Fox too.

The corporate corruption and legal system part. You being serious?

Me again, like this scene it telegraphed the car blowing up from such a mile off i just wanted it to hurry the fuck up and explode. Who cares if Clayton's in it or not.

Corporate corruption and legal system.
These things are not politics. Are YOU being serious?

lol umm yes they are sweetie.

Unless you think only movies that involve the president and the congress are political?

Yeah scenes like that which were apparently made for the trailer didn't interest me, I actually avoided watching the movie for years because of the trailer being a compilation of all of those sort of telegraphed scenes of THRILLING! danger. The majority of the movie is not like that though. Its more about him untangling the web of corruption through investigation, which I do enjoy.

Always love a good investigation too but this film just missed the mark for me. Beside's his looks Clooney just doesn't do it for me

meh. Not that good

Have you seen anything that was made recently which fit the bill? I'm just fiending for more movies like that. Clayton is like street coke, stepped on over 9000 times with baking soda but at the end of the day still more enjoyable than being sober. If I could get some quality pure complex corruption investigation kino I'd love to try it.

Wait, so was White House Down a political thriller?

By that other guy's standards I guess so.

This is absolutely a political thriller. You're making yourself look stupid.

Would you feel better if the guy had just said “corporate thriller”? Don’t get hung up in the fucking weeds.

it's so fucking good. saw it in theaters glad i did. just barely ahead of its time.

You guys can both eat my ass, ok?

What about Independence Day, the president is in that a lot?

Was 20 when I saw it, and loved it. Watched it more than 10 times. It's probably a bit phoney and pretentious trying to look like it's saying more than it does, but it's a solid intro into intellectual cinema for young people.

Clooney made/was in some kino between 2005 and 2011