This is a weird fucking movie

This is a weird fucking movie

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Don Bluth is a God among mortals.

I loved it as a kid and had a crush on that girl, and I had a pee fetish as a kid so you can imagine which part of the movie gave me a kid boner

Forgot it was real for a while since I thought it was just a really vivid fever dream.

Fun movie though.

Friendly reminder that the kid that voiced Anne Marie was abused by her father to the point where she was having mental breakdowns on set and began plucking out her own eyebrows. If her mother hadn't been so adamant about keeping the house that they bought with her acting money, she would still be alive. Her dad went in her room and shot her while she slept, killed the mother, and then burned the house down. Pic related.

Well, I'm just glad she died and didn't have to deal with abuse anymore.

She died a year before I was born. Sometimes I wonder if my mom knew about that when she let us watch Land Before Time and OP related.

>that picture


Friendly reminder that we can't have a thread about this movie or The Land Before Time without it being ruined by this shit every fucking time. We all know the story.

just remove biglipped alligator moment and you've got a much better film.

>w why daddy? Why?

The cancer that is summer posts once again.

true dat

With the amount of actors who have died in his movies and the general accumulation of failed expectations that have followed him, it's a wonder Don Bluth hasn't murdered himself yet.

sounds pretty crazy. but is it wrong I'm not particularly affected by this at all, despite watching land before time and the dog movie? I dunno, violence against kids is so common these days that I just roll my eyes and hope all goes well for them

>I just roll my eyes and hope all goes well for them
She was fucking murdered user

aaaaaaaand this is what i was referring to. Everyone loses their shit if someone doesn't care as much as they do about sad stuff anymore. And the rolling eyes part I meant in general when referring to tragedies like this. people get murdered all the time, I used to be horrified but now I've come to expect it out of people. I'm just adapting to my landscape, that's all

Fuck you cunt telling the story is one thing but this shit isn't necessary.

>violence against kids is so common these days
what has led you to believe that the current level of violence towards children is unusually high?

>people get murdered all the time
t. thirdworlder
Normal countries don't have designated shooting streets.

Everyone that didnt discover co last week already fucking knows this, quit posting it in every fucking thread we talk about these movies

That's because in America they're schools, not streets

And in Europe they are concert halls.

No idiot you were supposed to say "I said first world"

Why are you showing us the cover of its porn parody?

Why do you autists post this in every thread?

>New Orleans in the background/Mississippi River
>Mountains too

Rewatching it as an adult, that raygun scene seems weird as fuck. It still would've been a little weird if they kept it a tommy gun, but in a "wow that made it in a kid's movie" way instead of a "what the hell is going on?" way.

4 posts. It took four posts for someone to bring this up. I knew somebody would, but I'm a bit disappointed it only took four posts before it appeared.

"Only"? I thought it took longer than usual.

Cry more pussy yes yes!

Wonder if she's in heaven playing with Charlie right now.

I remember years back I tried to commission someone to draw a shirtless Judith Barsi looking aroused, sweaty with heart shaped pupils sucking on the barrel of a shotgun like a penis then saying "Do it, Daddy".

One artist was almost about to pull that trigger but they feared the backlash and after a long talk, I decided to stop trying to commission it.

wtf user


and here i thought i had seen it all

I wonder where the two of you live. my city had day care workers make an underground fighting league involving the toddlers. Every other week some crazy guy stabs his child and tries to escape.

Is your sense of morality really that diminished? Were you willing to abandon your own integrity just for a couple of bucks?

Thankfully, you haven't made that artwork, but I hope someone breaks your arms for even putting effort into such a pathetic request.




the hell is wrong you with user?

They're people you've never met before user, dead long before you were a sperm in your father. I didn't care when Michael Jackson died, despite my parents bewilderment, and its fine if you don't care either; in fact, the only celebrity that I cared about was Robin Williams.

i bet shadman would do it.
but seriously user, you have issues

This is high quality bait.


Sounds like something Shadman would do.


Everybody dodged a fucking bullet there.

Well, except for her.


deleted scene

it was pretty good, some filler scenes could have been cut out but otherwise it was well made

it got really weird once the sequels started coming out, its that example of just using the base characters and ignoring any character development or setting from the source material,

surprisingly the tv series was kinda decent even though it had nothing remotely to do with the canon of the original and the sequel so it worked out for them

>Morality is like art in that it involves drawing a line somewhere.
Good on you for finding the edge user, don't jump

yeah robiin dying and Michael dying fucked with me. I'd choke a motherfucker out if I find out Steve from blues clues is dead. I'm actually worried we'll see something like this happen to robbie rotten
this has to be well timed bait. sure earlier I said I don't really care about her death like the others, but even I think what you said is pretty twisted.
if this is not bait, why would you do something like this? Not even shadman went that low to draw real sexualized dead kids (yet).
there is all sorts of shit you can fap to that don't have real kids, like loli or something .
what the hell man.

does buckshot even count as a bullet?

Does anyone have the last photo of Judy? She was 10 when she died, right?

God dammit, I hope you burn in hell. Here's an (you), you deserve it

shoulda kept looking friend.


why not?


Put me in the goddamn screencap

>Rorschach ever having sex
It's sad that this is the thing that annoys me most about this image. I need to get off the internet.

It's called degeneracy, dude. You've become so desensitized by your mass consumption of tragedy and media that you are no longer human. If you think child murder is no big deal, chances are your "adapting nature" will lead you to believe you murdering a kid for screaming at a grocery store is no big deal.

I say this not as condescension but humanitarian urgency: Get help. This passivity you have is not normal or acceptable.

It's a great movie.

>I'm just glad she died
This is ironic. Right?

Then you must also believe that someone who plays a video game where women are hurt by the player character or female monsters or NPCS that will turn them mysoginistic.

This post was poorly written. Do it again but try not to mangle the English language this time.

Ok, sure.

If you believe this-
Then surely you MUST believe video games with female enemies or NPCS getting hurt by the player will make the person playing them misogynistic.

Because if fiction changes your perception of reality, then video games must be DANGEROUS and make people violent. Or misogynist.

Hell, if a kid plays too many mario games without fall damage such as super mario world, super mario brothers 1 2 or 3, or super mario odyssey, why, it will lead to him believing that there are no real life consequences to falling from such dangerous heights!

I don't approve of the use of all caps but that was an improvement, good job.

I haven't been able to wake up today, I'm sorry.

>violence against kids is so common these days that I just roll my eyes and hope all goes well for them

Are you a Abo or Gypsy?

The point you're missing is that it's okay to not care. Broadcasting that you don't care is a douchebag thing to do. Yeah it sucks, yeah it's sad, but I myself and many others don't feel strongly enough or don't feel it necessary to let people know that it's a bummer.

Violent crime is down, where do you live that violence against children is common "these days"?

Who the fuck is talking about video games? I'm talking about you specifically and your warped sense of reality. I'm not condemning video games for the immorality of the players, I'm condemning you for thinking child murder is both common and unmoving.

I don't know if you played too many games, read too many fucked up books or watched too much Rick and Morty. Whatever you did to convince yourself that life is a nihilism of murder most mundane, YOU change it, not the industry.

>Who the fuck is talking about video games?
So television is a special case of exposure to violent media from video games? Why?

> I'm condemning you for thinking child murder is both common and unmoving.
You blamed television for this. And video games. When neither one of these cause these.
>I'm talking about you specifically and your warped sense of reality.
I'm someone else.

What was weird about the movie?

Seek therapy, user

>dog and girl become best friends forever
>dog doesn't visit or even mention her in the sequel

We are talking about actual children being murdered

humanity was a mistake

He blamed the reason user was so fucked up on what he watched.

I think the logic is she's no longer suffering and in pain. Let's play out a likely scenario for her life
>continues to get abused until probably around high school
>remember there were even less resources for abused children back so even if she gets help it's minimal
>likely unable to perform so probably gets shit from her mom
>drug sales/alcohol and abuse from those who supply until she dies
>read about it in the newspaper and feel bad

So she got to skip ~30 years of shit and pain. For the record I've worked with children who have abused like her or worse I've had one out of twenty turn out "normal"

Being dead is always worse.

I'm blaming the individual for allowing media to shape their moral landscape, not media itself.


She's dead or an old woman by the sequel. The sequel takes place in modern times aka 90s and the original was set in like maybe the 30s.

years ago I wouldn't even bat an eye at the 'people just want attention' scapegoat, but now, almost a full 10 years later, 90% of Sup Forums being shitposters and bad trolls, I fully realize this.

fucking hell that's not even funny but I'm still laughing
you're one sick puppy

My mistake then.

everyone on this board Is a douchebag. the real asshole is this guy for wanting to fap to a dead child and make fun of her death.
you must live in a soft place. I live in Brooklyn, a few months back a father murdered his baby. Rather than let that shit get me depressed I just learned to guard myself
guarding yourself isn't degenerate. I simply don't want to worry about insane shit. I wanna enjoy my life with my family and friends rather than be reminded of people like the Australian guy who raped abd killed an 11 year old and a baby.
passivity won't leas me to be violent. I have no desire to harm anyone. And about your imaginary scenario to virtue signal yourself, You need to already be violent in the first place to want to kill a kid over simple shit like being a brat. Sup Forums is ridiculous by labeling anything and everything "degenerate". I live a perfectly stable life. I have a 14 year old brother and the year old sister, a girlfriend, and a good stepdad. at most I really care the most about the people that actually matter to me (not saying I wouldn't help others in need or dint care at all, just that Mt family and I come first)
nigga I'm not the one bringing up video games, I'm the original user.

Why DOES the sequel exist, anyways?
It ends with dogs kissing each other on their non-existent lips.

why is everyone freaking out about this? it would just be drawing. drawings are not real.

its mostly just people that have only recently found out about Sup Forums

user, didn't you know?
If you find mermaids sexy you want to fuck a real fish.

I'd forgotten about this. Thanks Sup Forums.

Shouldn't she be out of prison by now?


that is a hot Ariel fusion. but honestly making porn of dead kids is very low, even fit shadman