This film would be a huge piece of shit without its final sequence...

This film would be a huge piece of shit without its final sequence. I've never seen a film that turns out to be a masterpiece because the pay off redeems everything that happened before.

What? Do you mind elaborating cause I saw this and have no idea what you're talking about.

I only knew lady bird existed because of hank hills dog

anyone else?

Yeah what? What did you not like about the previous bits that made you love the end so much? I thought overall it was mediocre and consistently so

There wasn't any depth to the film until she finds out this choir singing in the church. This single brief, fleeting spiritual experience turns this little, annoying, narcissistic brat into a woman. The whole "coming of age" thing the film tried to pull out suddenly made sense.

That sounds like the most lazy and contrived attempt at character development I could imagine.

Oh, it's a thread by a delusional Christfag. Dropped

>There wasn't any depth to the film until

This is a pretty standard coming of age movie, but I think it still may have been too smart for you. Whether you thought the movie was good or bad, I'd say it was at least consistent in offering deeper insights into the characters every few moments. Like when she asks her mom if she "likes" her, or when she ditches her fake friends to attend prom with her forgotten friend. Or when she reconciles with her gay friend. There were tiny moments of growth throughout the entire thing, and the ending doesn't somehow make previous events "make sense", its just the same continuation.

OP is totally putting his own moral ideas into it, making it about faith or some thing. In the actual movie the event is very mild.

Same but I know who the dog is named after

But why was that so significant? Her relationship with the church wasn't so strained to begin with that that should be a noteworthy development.

It wasn't about the church, it was about how it reminded her of home.

Well the whole religious thing was always in the background but it was nothing but a ritual that the character went through with a sense of contempt. The final church scene made sense, it was necessary but I didn't expect it as I thought Christine would remain a solipstistic cunt, much like those girls you usually see in indie "quirky" movies.


I'm not a Christian.
Those "deeper insights" aren't deep at all.
It was definitely a spiritual experience. She was reminded of home and also felt a profound sense of attachment to her roots after that. The night before, she was acting like a hedonistic and self-destructive person.

They are just as deep as "wow church=home now I am a good girl" as you are suggesting happened, which totally misses the point. The core conflict is the relationship between a mother who loves her daughter, but doesn't "Like" her daughter, and a daughter who finds her mother controlling yet desires her affection deeply. Whatever spiritual BS you are putting into it is totally your own beliefs bleeding into it. And somehow going to a college party is hedonistic and self-destructive? Are you a fucking mormon or something?

I thought it was overrated as hell anyway, maybe because after haring people gushing about it I was expecting better. It brings absolutely nothing new to the table, it's just a generic coming of age story where a girl is selfish and does bad things but them it's alright because she also did some good things and had an epiphany and tells her mother she loves her. Really? It doesn't have anything special in terms of cinematography or composition either and all it's themes are shallow as hell.

People are looking too deep into this.

Its a basic tender coming of age drama. A modern Napoleon Dynamite/Juno type movie. Its meant to be cute and fun and sometimes have a heartfelt moment. Thats it.

She felt nothing but contempt for a guy she was about to sleep with and she was so drunk that guy had to call an ambulance, that's self-destructive. That core conflict was shallow until she managed to truly find reconciliation with her mother.

>conflict without resolution is shallow

exactly my thoughts. just shows that Sup Forums has pleb taste as usual considering how they say this is movie of the year material

In this case, yes.

made by women though so its the black panther of juno films

As good as the movie was its lesson is really not much more than "don't be such a brat", and it really seems like only my bratty ex girlfriends seem to have loved it
People want to call it some revolutionary coming of age tale but I'm quite sure it only speaks to the experience white teenage girls. Thoughts?