Try to resist, I will wait

Try to resist, I will wait

looks like every blonde bimbo


I can't. She's too powerful.

>"give me your credit card and you can have sex with me every time you want"

wat do, lads?

She tried to Jew /ourguy/ Johnny sperg out of his kino money by lying. Fuck that bitch.

give her my expired one

I would legit let her cuck me
no cuck

Yagg deserved it

obediently do as she says, duh

Would let her steal my soul and my wallet/10

i can't die without fucking one of this.

how much do i need to pay her for one escort night?

Only if she agreed to procreate. Even if I'm broke later and disgraced, I can die knowing that I plowed the Fields of Aphrodite and that my seed lives on through her with at least half Top-shelf genes.

>implying neets have credit cards


She can have my only working card; my salary deposit account card due to have €400 in a few days. If I fuck her twice before she realizes then I’m fucking golden


I Unironically fucked hotter girls. She's good looking but nothing special lads.

>when she knows she’s going to ruin any chance humanity has to explore the universe

ywn have your essence and sacred bodily fluids sucked dry by this succubus

>the she-is-nothing-special-I-know-hotter poster

pathetic display

>Sorry, honey, not now, i am watching spacekino

>would you let me destroy your balls user?

>it’s another user brags about his made up sexual conquests episode

Why doesn't some just kill her and necrofuck her?


good for you. I have fucked hot girls, good looking ones but nothing like this.
can you imagine when she discovered his autism. awkard as fuck.


I'm good looking and have a big dick.

Looks like the kind of girl that exclusively goes for black cock

So am I and I haven’t had sex since I was 17, 5 years ago

Go on.. I'm intrigued now.

Mera/Black Manta cuck angle when?

I really wanna see Amber take a BBC

What's wrong then? Are you shy? If you have normie friends and can go out with them you'll meet some hottest. If you're good looking and not a sperg they'll fuck you. If you have a big dick and know how to use it they'll come back for more.


>couple hundred bucks to fuck a GODDESS

I cannot. She has been my waifu for a decade.

I would bid 50% of my lifespan to fuck her for a weekend.

>give her the credit card
>she uses it to buy me a chastity cage then locks me up and throws away the key


this now a gold digger thread

give her my credit card obviously, I'm not gay

>locks you up in that tesla roadster's trunk.

hey man, not cool she had a fucked up life

Jesus Christ



to me she's 11/10

I mean shes really hot but shes still a thot

was that kino, Sup Forums?




>tfw she wouldn't know I even exist if I went to school with her

best girl

I read somewhere she's Ayn Rand fan, so there's a 100% chance she's a shitty person

Nothing wrong with Rand

Can you imagine if she was able to get half of Elon's fortune and ultimately fucked over humanity's chances of space exploration, electric car and all other types of technological innovations just for her own monetary pleasure without even a bit of remorse. That would be fucking hot

>ywn wear a puka shell necklace and smoke weed with her whilst talking about space n shit
y even live boyz

Hopefully I get to fuck Her at least once before she realises I’ve got next to nothing in my account

I too would've left my wife for this.

peg me amber!!

Bullshit, she turned down Musk

Amber Heard core:

>Good fun:
The Joneses
Drive Angry
Never Back Down
Pineapple Express
3 Days to kill

>Better than porn:
And Soon the Darkness (Duuuuuude)
The Informers (Oh my fucking god hnnnnnggggg)
Rum Diary (Prettiest woman on film ever?)
Syrup (Amber Heard gf simulator)
The Stepfather (hell yeah)

>Acquired taste (Amber fans only)
The River Why
The Ward
All The Boys Love Mandy Lane (shit movie, but she is jailbait in this so, yeah)
Machete Kills (she dies in it)

>ywn put a baby in prime 18 year old fertile Amber
A pity she is a divorced, childless, roastie socket for men instead of a revered and loved wife, mother and woman.

christ she's so damn plain


fuck her till she realizes theres no fucking money on my credit card

Mandy Lane was Borderline Kino, wtf are you on about?


There is no way she wasnt molested

Pretty easy to resist someone who you'll never ever meet and even if you did wouldn't be even the tiniest bit attracted to you...

probably why she got the gay.

Yeah... being hot as a literal kid is not so great i think, better to be a late bloomer

Didn't pay attention to the thread, saw this offhand while scrolling and though that old meganposter was back until I actually looked at the pic.

sadly i remember that retard too

Sup Forums is a magnet for the mentally ill