Why does Bishop look like he's of African descent if his parents are Aboriginal Australians?

Why does Bishop look like he's of African descent if his parents are Aboriginal Australians?

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>not essentially uglier and dumber niggers
The real question is how the fuck he isn't Rhino-tier in terms of intelligence. Or how he didn't get hit by a car or died because of sniffing too much petrol.

Before tumblr jumps on this, the Australian Abos are literally the inbred version of Melanesian. They literally forgot how to make fire during their time in the Outback. The Maori thought they weren't worth the effort of killing off.

Because in the 80s and 90s, referencing was harder and the artists didn't want to put the effort in.

Artists today have trouble drawing black people as anything but white people with darker skin.

Nice anecdotal racism. Back to Sup Forums with you

correct me if i'm wrong but this looks like ian churchhill art, and he can only draw one male face and one female face regardless of their ethnicity
this isn't really a good example

The filename says who it is and what it's from/

Know nothings (you might call them non-artists, or, more accurately, gimps) always accuse artist of laziness. It's their goto answer for everything they don't like.
Kinda lazy, really.

It's because it's his secondary mutation.

Because Americans don't know what Abos are.

t.Has never had to try and help abos.

That was an interesting six months.

>wahh wahh Sup Forums
Fuck off, cunt.

Because Fucking Liefeld

Portacio created Bishop.

It happened in the 90's, Rob takes the blame. Did you know he single-handedly broke the industry at least twice.

Fucking Maoris could have saved us a lot of trouble damn it

You live with/near them you wake up to the truth real fast.
>Muh 'not all'!

Yeah yeah, not all, but most, for sure.

Didn't Abos "invent fire" once settled and kill off lots of rain forest in ancient times in order to draw game out of the forest for food without a way to preserve what they caught?

Here is a non comic related link in anyone is interested.


he was intended to be black american, the abo thing was a recent retcon

You're lucky if an artist draws a black guy as a black guy and not a white guy with dark skin. I don't know if it's lack of exposure to black people, fear of being accused of being racist if they draw them different, but wrong, or what, but that's a thing in comics.

This is the only actual answer you'll get.

if by recent, you meant close to his original debut with Gateway as his grandfather or grandson paradox or some other wierd "siege perilous" trope

Yep. I believe it was in 2009; The Life and Times of Lucas Bishop. I think that was also when he was in that crazy phase with the shaved head and metal arm hunting Cable and Hope Summers as a baby.

Triggered, Sup Forums?

Triggered Sup Forums.

Bishop was at his best when first introduced hunting Ftizroy, then he kinda faded in obscurity after X Men Gold, and he was releavant again when Cable was his foil traveling through time trying to kill off Hope.

He's a good character, but he needs lots of consistent development like Duane Swizzneyirskipolishguy put in to make him releavant again

They already have the father/son paradox with Longshot and Shatterstar, so I think it would be fine to trash it with Bishop/Gateway. Besides, isn't Eden Fesi also related to Gateway?

>fear of being accused of being racist if they draw them different

I'm betting this is it.

>m-muh Paul
Go marry him already if you can't shut up about him, faggot.


In all actuality its because the Aboriginals are really close to the various African native tribes, lineage wise. The Aboriginals were one of the first if not the first human migrations out of Africa who traveled along the receding shore line into Australia and got stuck there due to rising sea levels, genetically they are incredibly close since there was little to no interference and cross breeding amoungst these people so their gene pool didn't really diversify itself meaning that according to genetic markers there about as close as you can get to African tribesmen without actually being in Africa.

But the real reason is because comic artists often dont do any research

They have cream for asshurt now. In case you didn't know

Storm doesn't have African features.

Does he also get credit for the good stuff in the 90s like Deadpool, Cable, Domino, X-Force, Generation X etc?

The abo retcon came ten years after his debut, from Claremont, who never had anything to do with Bishop, who was created by Jim Lee and Whilce Portacio. Claremont had already been driven off X-Men when he debuted.

Love Claremont, but that retcon makes no sense. Was it during the X-Treme years?

Yep, issue 4.

Abos are like gyppos. Everyone outside of those areas goes "how racist" but even your most liberal Roofags seem to hate abos and all have the same stories. Really activates the ol' almonds don't it?

Feel the same say.

Storm is generally alluded towards being his grandmother.

District X was a good direction to go with him, then House of M happened

Comics before the 2000s had limited colors and that was the designated black guy color.

I thought originally Gateway was supposed to be a mentor and it was heavily implied that Storm was his grandmother.

Also kind of surprised they've never brought back Shard what with wanting stronk POC womyn or whatever.

Go buy it, then. You clearly need it.

>He's a good character, but he needs lots of consistent development like Duane Swizzneyirskipolishguy put in to make him releavant again
That "development" killed the character dead for close to ten years. He had nice development throughout the '90s and early 2000s: he was the man out of time willing working with his heroes to prevent the terrible future he came from. The times he came from hardened him and he constantly struggled with being the good hero and fighting his natural instincts. Over time he mellows out and manages to adjust finding his place in the X-Men and the world as the sort of go to cop for mutants.

Then Messiah Complex and Cable happened and completely poisoned the character. Nice to see Bishop back in his classic look with Soule basically saying he's just going to ignore/not mention all the shit he did in Cable. Best if it's all swept under the rug.

t. Sup Forumstard

No, not even the stuff he certainly had a hand in creating. How new are you?

Australia is the way it is largely because Abos burned everything down before anyone else got there.

I always thought it was just lack of skills. Sameface is a consistent weakness, along with lack of body types.


1:50 for beautiful Aboriginal music.

Unless you're Storm in which case you suddenly have to look ultra-nig.

Bishop is a pointless character. They already had Cable why make another big muscle gun shooting time traveller guy?

The parallel native/abo problem facing Canada and Australia respectively is pretty neat. Aside from the French the two countries seem like mirrors of each other.

Cable's from the far-future, Bishop is from the near-, one's a soldier, the other's a cop.

Here is some Canadian injun music for you. Prince Chuck loves it

>when Sunspot started looking more and more white as time went on until Ewing's New Avengers/U.S.Avengers
>still just looks like a white guy but brown

Claremont retconned Bishop into being Aborigine purely to make him related to Gateway. He also retconned him in being born in New York, not Las Vegas.

The Bishop mini by Ostrander is pretty good. Nothing mind blowing but a decent read. Hopefully Mountjoy shows up in Astonishing since Fitzroy's long dead.

My main issue with this is that it's like 0.00001 percent of abbos ever leave Australia, so the chance of two of them being out of the country, let alone New York, is astounding.

Well, it's Gateway. It's his power to teleport and he does that to travel all over the globe.

Because he was supposed to be Filipino

I'm pretty sure Cable wasn't a time traveler yet when Bishop debuted

Liefeld says it was definitely his intent that Cable be a super soldier from the future. Being Nathan Summer was a full-on retcon, yeah.

Yeah, if only they hadn't turned it into an uninhabitable desert it could be an uninhabitable jungle with 18 foot monitor lizards

I thought they might be Italian or at least very religious since they named him Bishop


I had to look that stuff up on Wikipedia, the articles will mention the ceremonies, but not give any hint to what happens in them outside of being a celebration, unless you actually read the articles on them.
And the one with the fgm, semen and blood cocktail? Wasn't even mentioned in the article on the ceremony! Sometimes it really seems like information is hidden to make indigenous tribes appear better

He was more likely named after the character from Aliens. 1980s action movies were a huge influence on most of the Image founders.

I Mean he is a mutant...

Yeah, wasn't he called Cable because he was supposed to be the connection between the past and the future or some shit?

Let's dance
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio
Let's sway
While color lights up your face
Let's sway
Sway through the crowd to an empty space

If you say run
I'll run with you
And if you say hide
We'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall into my arms
And tremble like a flower

My headcanon is bishop calls himself aboriginal but he is like 75 % white and only a quarter abo. Kinda like American Native Americans who have more Euro blood than native blood.

Sup Brett? When you gonna do more Backlash?

My issue is that Abos are so far behind the rest of humanity I can't imagine the X gene activating in them

We can dream

Gateway is supposedly his great grandfather, so he could conceivably be 1/8 Aboriginal and 7/8 black.