How do we save Sup Forums?

How do we save Sup Forums?

Better the TURK than more capeshit


you and the rest of you faggots that got here after /q/ go back to reddît Sup Forums and Sup Forums

faggot who likes bbc confirmed

more memes

We NEED a hero

More NGE threads should do it

Hiro let Sup Forums die because he got greedy.
We're all still posting because we're too stupid to admit is isn't.

whats a matter user? you don't like big nigger dick?

Nothing good ever came from Sup Forums.

Use the filter you dumbo.
It's actually a great tourist redditor repellent

quick rundown on this meme?

Mentally deranged turk

fuck wh*te people

how do you mean? this is redemption


>be Sup Forums
>be poorly coded
>often have features break
lol what if the mod tools broke

Based black panther poster

KARA BOĞA means "Black Bull" in Turkish
