What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

That's really funny, as the bell curve uses the psychologist administered IQ test

>but love pseudo-science when like the bell curve when
>when like the bell curve when

why are anime lovers all so retarded?

That's her point retard.

Can you not understand what she said?

>0 replies

and you just failed the test

Psychology as a degree is pretty worthless though not much you can do with it for a job. also sage

I'm anti-psychology and anti-identity politics but if I'm forced to play your game, I'm going to use your own categories against you.

Agreed, whoever this idiot is I don't think they understand that you only need a small number of brilliant people to push the field of psychology but you need a large number of engineers, doctors, teachers (with relevant studies like maths and the sciences) to maintain modern civilization.

kek are Sup Forumsbabies really THIS stupid?

>it's wild to me that right-wingers decry psychology as a wasted field of study


Make up your mind child.

>The science on Climate Change is settled

Well which is it Liberals, science isn't a tool you can put down when it's inconvenient to your obsolete ideology.



>Psychology as a degree is pretty worthless though not much you can do with it for a job.
Are you fucking high?
Becoming a psychiatrist, psychologist, or taking up andragogy or pedagogy, are jobs that pay for themselves by curing individuals and damaging them at the same time so they keep coming back.
It's the greatest scam job in the history of mankind.
You also get to judge whether random faggots in STEM get to be accepted in any high-paying job which requires mentally stable and capable individuals going through a psychologist exam as a barrier, and also can fuck with police officers and soldiers.

Psychology is trash though. You'd have to be fucking retarded to call it science

The difference is that climate science is an actual science.

What right wingers decry psychology as a wasted field of study when veteran mental health is such an important topic?

Leftists hate psychologists the most, because they are the biggest clients with all of their mental issues, hormonal imbalances, and general temper tantrum propensity.

one of the lowest paid majors

you need to be a doctor to become a psychiatrist

See, this is how you troll properly.

>waaahh everything i dislike is evil pseudoscience
fact: bell curve has never been "debunked" like these butthurt losers like to claim, nor has any of the politically motivated "criticism" been of any scientific value
bell curve continues to hurt the butts of thousands of losers in denial and there's nothing they can do about it beyond lying or misrepresenting it

It is only low paid if you are retarded and stupid enough to get employed into a government venue and not do your shit private and intelligently.

There are multiple different schools of psychology. It's not all the same.

Evolutionary psychology is alright. Psychology which justifies which is just there to justify being a cunt isn't. Borderline personality disorder = you're a cunt, you're not sick, you've just a cuntish personality.

>Abloo hoo hoo hoo i'm in charge here

Fuck off brainlet, Nazis got us to the moon, just because you don't personally like Eugenics doesn't discredit it.

Humanity hasn't got time to waste sitting around making you feel good and morally smug.

enjoy doing 5 million hours unpaid in order to get credited and then get no clients.

No civilization lasts forever. You're already fighting a losing battle from the start.

Imagine being so disconnected from reality that you think right-wingers hate psychology

What better IQ test than real life?
Arabs live in barren deserts that were colonized and fucked by Westerners, yet still have the intelligence to play the Westerners, take control of their resources such as Oil, and build advanced infrastructure.

Blacks settled between the 10 degree parallel south and 10th degree parallel north, the Congo-Nigeria lines, live near and around lush forests and rivers, beautiful coasts, with lush resources and precious metals ON TOP of bigger oil reserves than the Arabs have. Haven't done shit in comparison to Arabs and still live in mud-huts planning how to genocide the nearest tribe and rape and eat their babies to absorb their spiritual force and such crazy shit.