Saves Pixar

>saves Pixar

What was Pixar's last good movie?

toy story


have they made a bad one?

imagine sniffing the panties

Good for a kid's movie or Pixar good?

Finding Dory


All of the cars

Cars 1, 2, 3
Monsters University
Toy Story 3 (don't YOU me)
Finding Dory

>Toy Story 3
Finally someone with a brain

You forgot Inside Out which is cloying dogshit

They ran out of ideas after Up.

Inside Out. Coco could be considered "good" but its nowhere near actually good pixar films.

Inside Out is up there with their best. You're literally retarded.


Cars 1, 2, 3, Toy Story 3, Brave, The Good Dinosaur, Finding Dory, Monsters University.

Get ready for a straightphobic black hero

>this boards delusional enough to believes Pixar needs saving

>Toy Story 3 (don't YOU me)
>Finding Dory

You're a gigantic moron.

It will never top the first one. It just fucking wont. It will be what Iron Man 2 was to Iron Man 1

I dunno, they’re starting to slip up lately. All they make now are sequels, and even Coco wasn’t as good as their old hits

Brave, every single Cars thing, The Good Dinosaur, Finding Dory, Monsters University, Bug's Life. and arguably Toy Story 3.

Coco was fantastic, faggot.

>main focus is the baby
>no timeskip

what? I was saying they're all good

>Elastigirl doesn't inflate


more like soy story lol

What's wrong with the original cars movie? I thought it was good, though I was a kid when I saw it but that's who these movies are for

>no timeskip
Such a bummer.

>Cars 1 was bad
This meme needs to end, it's top tier.
The rest of this post is just low effort trolling.

inside out was not good

Both of these.
Just sounds like a frustrating waste.

>someone didn't like something I did

but for real, anyone that defends Brave must be retarded

Seems a lot of people got angry Pixar did a movie with cartoonish cars instead of humans or something that needed fur software.

Nothing, it's literally kino:
>amazing American landscapes
>a classic redemption/hero's journey
>comfy scenes literally every 10 minutes >Life is a Highway
>racing scenes are shot beautifully
>even has a classic western feel with the episodic turn it takes in the middle

I hope they have kept her figures same

Brave was better than the Incredibles

I'll never get the worship of that flick

at this point it doesn't even matter what they'll do with it
maybe 20% of "Sup Forums" will like it, the rest will find some Sup Forumsshit to bitch and moan about and everyone else will say the first was better
there will be some shitposting for a few weeks about it, surely something about stronk womyn and vague (((political))) content, then it'll enter r34 phase, and after that it'll stop
on to the next one

What´s there to save ? They were already bought by Disney.


>Dat boob jiggle

Literally how did they get away with that.

Totally agree, ranks up there with Incredibles, Nemo, TS1-2, M-inc, wall-e.

>Bug's Life
C'mon man, that ones isn't on the level of their best, but it's still very good.

>but it's still very good.
Hopper is the best villain Pixar ever had.


Opinion disregarded

2004 was different times

>More Edna scenes
The fact that Brad Bird voiced her will never stop being funny.

>sequel of a cartoon
>14 years later
it's like they've accepted their main demographic is nu-males in their 20s
nothing wrong with that but it would be cool if pixar embraced that and produced some R-rated stuff

what is Cars and it's 10 sequels?

I can forgive UP, but Wall-E? C'mon, man.

Groping, somebody contact Buzzfeed.

for some reason that dwarf reminds me of andy warhol


are you literally a fucking retard?

only a moron couldnt see how great that film is.

even if you dont think its great....
it is objectively not a bad movie

all of these were good or at least decent, fight me

Here's the synopsis:
"Elastigirl springs into action to save the day, while Mr. Incredible faces his greatest challenge yet -- taking care of the problems of his three children."
god fucking dammit

interesting that's literally all the ones i haven't watched.
Except for Bug's Life, how dare you?
But I think it has something to do with the fact that i was in my teens-early adulthood and wasn't gonna go to the movies to watch a cartoon. Are you sure those are worse than the others, if you took off the nostalgia goggles? Did you not just grow out of it?

There had better be a scene with someone dabbing
>inb4 betting

maybe it was deliberate?

Yeah, I don't know about the whole synopsis being "we're doing the thing from the one episode of I Love Lucy but with superheroes" but who knows. There's plenty of room for twists and turns. My only fear is that it won't live up to the original.