Lets make a list of all good robot and robot related movies and shows, which make you think

Lets make a list of all good robot and robot related movies and shows, which make you think.

>Ex Machina

I, Robot

>I, Robot
>Bicentennial Man

Mr. Robot

Robots is pretty kino and had a great cast

Star wars
The iron giant
Castel in the sky

i liked Automata, felt like it was off the radar

Hardmode: the message about the robots is a positive one. No robots usurping humanity or going on killing sprees.


short circuit (?) not sure if that was the name



Edward scissorhands


ohhhhh.... I'll bet none of you have seen this one :)

Is Ex Machina good then? Might stick it on tonight

and this

its fun

fun =/= good


My options are:
>Gosling Runner
>Wonder Woman
>Ex Machina
>Get Out

machina and runner are fun

fun =/= good

Star Trek: First Contact

Batteries Not Included

Confirm. Very pensive, especially at the end.


Mac and Me

Good movie, forgot it existed

it was literally kino as fuck

>no one posted AI yet

Moon I guess

You would lose.
My turn.


movie sucked teddie was only good character. They should have melted that fake kid the second their real son was brought back to life.

That movie creeps me out too much

only good part was jude law robot, and the nanny robot too "do you want a mommy?" *pushes him to her breast"

>I, Robot
why? its all the worst parts of product placement. it gives adam sandler movies an air of artistic integrity

Seconding Bicentennial Man. It wasn't super great but it definitely makes you think

because he saw it as a kid and thought it was epic, so now he parrots that the movie is good like a good goy

Will Smith has never been in a good movie, ever.

>artistic integrity
>under capitalism


Ex Machino and Kine Runner are both great


Chappie was basically a rehash of Short Circuit in music video form.

Ask me how I know you’re a Virgin, user...

>simpsons poster
Ask me how I know you are in the double digits ;)

You can’t ‘know’ a falsehood, tastelet

Time of Eve/Eve no Jikanl

How about real steel?