This movie was fucking awesome

This movie was fucking awesome

I thought both the sequels were great too

Also best Dax a cute

Going to watch the 2nd right now actually

yep, one of my fav's

He's trolling you nigga, the sequels are literal cancer

the sequels are literal cancer rehashes of the original kino material

I already heard they were but I don't care.

>character goes crazy and tries to kill the others
I wish this trope would fucking die.

No, you just have shit taste. Hypercube was the perfect "more detail but don't ruin it" sequel, and Zero just went totally off the wall, it was great.

I'd stick my worm in her belly if you know what I mean

the idea works best in the original, where you dont have any info about the outside world


>hating on Hypercube

its shit but watch it with a friend and its a good time

It did seem a little forced. I guess there's bound to be one in every survival movie tho

He didn't go crazy, he was the product of an urban environment.

>he thinks he was telling the truth about being a cop

I'm still mad.

was that cube?

yeah good movie

shame its a meme franchise now

Hypercube was a lame syfy-tier dogshit with embarrassing CGI
Zero just ruins the original

The characters are named after IRL prisons.

Quentin (San Quentin)
Leaven & Worth (Leavenworth)


thanks, we all read the wikipedia page too

The 2nd one is complete trash, it doesn't seem to have any rules to it and is just some shit that happens. The 3rd one is decent enough, though, for a sequel of a sequel.


I saw Cube Zero before I saw the original
It was better.

Hypercube captures the tone of the original and explores the concept without spoiling it, who cares about CGI? And what the hell is wrong with Zero? You best not be mad about the No button, son.

the sound of the needles going back into the wall was really cool

it was boring trash with pointless hamfisted muh military industrial complex rants shoehorned in

>hamfisted muh military industrial complex rants shoehorned in
this doesn't make any sense. one character was a conspiracy theorists and said this once.

This movie was great first time seeing when I was 16, but the dialogue and characters looking back on it now are so fucking dumb. It all ends up feeling irritating cliche shit at the very best.

Horrible effects too.

how do you remember the dialogue of a time when you are 16? probably are 17 right now...that's why

I can't even remember what year I was 16 years old.

you guys are terrible. it is absolutely wonderful

watched the entire franchise, forgot everything. why were people put into cubes?

God was evil an shit

It wasn't that good. It was a smart movie but not a very good movie.

They were political prisoners of the government or people involved with the construction or operation of the cubes.

Childhood is marveling over Cube
Adulthood is appreciating Circle

Circle is highly underrated

keep meaning to watch this
any good?

Just watched this on a whim the other night and, yeah terrible acting and questionable character decisions aside it really is a fun movie.

Found it boring and hokey, extremely similar concept but not nearly as entertaining.

I hadn't seen this movie since ~2001. Genuinely surprised it held up.

Low budget, high concept. Which is a good genre. Watch it.

Cloverfield Cube when?

>tfw you will never murder clones of Andrew and proudly wear their ID badges as trophies

I liked "Circle," but the ending was kind of dumb

yes, cube is the best thing to ever happen on the scifi channel
i like the sequels too but the third one reveals too much

Sup Forums core

>The Thing is reddit
>28 Days Later is Sup Forums
nice try buddy, try lurking more

>The Thing is not reddit
Lurk more, newfag

>predator 2 over preadtor one
This is Reddit garbage

>zombie shit is Sup Forums core

Species is literally one of the worst franchises of all time wtf

the faculty was so based.

I'd like to add on what said - High concept doesn't mean good execution, and that has nothing to do with the budget. The third from last "twist" was so fucking obvious, it was obnoxious.

Don't listen to those faggots. 2 and 3 are great in their own ways and really complete the trilogy.

2 is actually my fave of the three.

I'm positive I watched the full movie but for some reason I don't have even the slightest recollection of how it ends. Should I rewatch it?

Pandorum fucking sucked

I know these pictures are always just one user's shit opinions but you've really outdone yourself here.