ITT: Dead careers

ITT: Dead careers

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Your'e only making him angrier than he already is by posting this.

He'll always have a career as long as Xehanort is around.


My own.

Why does he look like a future twitter tranny?

I hope he someday he can make a comeback in Hollywood when he gets older.

He was funny in Future Man.

i thought he was good on the Eric Andre Show

He was on Silicon Valley, Future Man and the latest X-files.

came here to post this

he's going to be in disneykino

stop bullying Haley

you only wish you can be 1/4 the GOAT shota he was

whatever happend to this guy ?

it's like his face stayed the same size

Mac's career isn't dead. And he's not even fat anymore.

Kek, I don't think this will ever get old

>he was

t. xemnas
Stay mad, no-hearted loser.

>tfw you ate Donald and Goofy

They could do a Fantastic Voyage world after they buy Fox.

He looks like he had down syndrome, he was only adorable as a little kid (Forest Gump, Sixth Sense)

I don't think I've seen someone who so strongly kept the appearance of their childhood face.

Pssh. Nigga was on x files last week

he has such a huge head. what happened?

He could play a young Robert baratheon if he bulked up

He looked rather good in the recent X-files episode

without HJO, we wouldn't have Slow Joey. op can kill yourself

Wish his oasis show got picked up on Amazon

His career stopped growing at the same time as his face.