>beats your capeshit

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Paul Dano as Willy Wonka
Millie Bobby Brown as Charli Bucket


How long has it been since the last willy wonka remake?


It wasn't bad.

is it about willy wonka only and not charlie bucket? would be shit.
>lets do a willy wonka origin story..... and gender swap him!

The only way I could accept a new Willy Wonka movie is if it’s stop-motion animation and by Laika.

>13 years

Fuck me

Another one? We just got a GREAT remake of it youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=OdAVwckh_EE

>released 13 years ago

I remember talking about this on Sup Forums when it came out. I thought it was like 5 years ago at best.

christopher lloyd is closest to book wanka, but its a bit too similar to doc, too old now though. otherwise theyll just get another chad to put on a ton of makeup

Better cast someone cute for the blueberry scene

I was 7 years old back then and didn't even know what Sup Forums was, you guys are old

It doesn't have any of the magic of the original but honestly the remake was more true to how fucking weird the book was.

would be ok if it was tilda swinton

>13 years ago
Guess i'm getting old, could've sworn it was like 5.

>been on Sup Forums 14 years this past January

You will never leave here.

I can see some improvements over the original

>Charlie & The Chocolate Factory remake in 2018

Meet your new Willy Wonka!

Hollywood ruining my childhood yet again.

they are fixing it after they fucked it up with tim burton



>willy wonka
is this name serious?

>nobody in hollywood has an original idea: 2018 edition

>tfw first heard about this site on a phpbb2 board that was pretty much the same levels of shitposting
>have been shitposting anonymously for nearly 20 years

>15 years ago


Plot twist: Willy Wonka is MADE of chocolate

More like "Will he wonk ya?" (but to kids, since he's a freak pedo)

>How long has it been since the last willy wonka remake?
yes my friend, but we need a progressive Willy Wonka, so he has to be black.

Also the boy will be played by a trans gendered white boy to girl transition actor who has a black boyfriend raised by a single lesbian mother.

Are you racist user?

What character gets blacked?

My guess would be Wonka or Violet Beauregarde

I feel good for something so utterly harmless and European as Paddington is doing well. wish Tin Tin or Popeye got the same fate.

That Peter Jackson Tin Tin movie was pretty good

>have Hispanic play Violet
>no one can tell if factory accident or just hit puberty

>gender swap him
it's really going to happen isn't it

>the cat in the hat was 15 years ago
these two really warped time

There they go ruining my childhood again. The original johnny depp will never be topped.

I first heard about Sup Forums on an animu forum (shoujoai.com), back in 2004, I think.


I was just on a forum loosely about tech and coding and liked manga/fetish shit

He would be perfect

I mean I get the joke but the fact that there will be a 2nd remake is absolutely terrible.

I would masturbate heavily to that.

been posting here for 10 fucking years kid.
You better leave now before is too late.

its like they don't even know theres a sequel.

Paul dano as Willy Wonka would be amazing.

That book was so out there it couldn't possibly be made into a movie

been on Sup Forums since the 60s. Namposting was the best.

Too young

I too remember the golden age of Nam' man

actually, the chocolate is made of wonka

The other day I was thinking about a satirical Willy Wonka movie that examines the cultural tension between 1st and 2nd generation Oompa Loompas as they struggle to keep their native culture alive.

user, Paul Dano has looked like a 12 year old for decades. This is probably as old as he will ever look.

My vote tbqh

>Dahl hated the first movie so much he barred Hollywood from making Great Glass Elevator

though he lacks that extravagance about him, depp didn't come across just as some plain shy recluse autist

Charlie will be the only black kid because the white kids have to all be bad eggs

He's too young. Depp was too.

Wonka is meant to be some crazy old guy giving away his fortune not a thirty year old doing the big brother volunteer program.

You shouldn't want to fuck him

>18 years ago

>28 years ago

Wes Anderson would unironically make wonka-kino

This. Tilda Swinton can do literally anything. But I hope in the future she does .........me

my question is why make a remake why just make a sequel to it. 50 years has past and Charlie now needs to find he's replacement who will take over why just continue to hash out the same old thing and fuck up the original

Reminder that Christopher Lee was in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
Reminder that Christopher Lee died.

that would be legitimate kino right there

This was unironically better than the Gene Wilder one