Terrible Secrets About Shows Everyone Knows But No One Admits

Steven Universe isn't actually all that gay. There're, like, two main relationships (Garnet, Rose/Pearl) that are gay, and then there's some townie stuff, but that's it. (Topaz x2 is still vague)

Here's a secret.
The show is shit.

That's a whole lot more gay than most cartoons. So comparatively it's still pretty damn gay.


Pearl was Rose's confidant and right hand gem in the rebellion, they weren't exactly lovers, or at least from what we've seen in canon.

Even if they were lovers, Rose dropped Pearl like a bag of moldy potatoes for that Universe cock.

I would say SU's far more blase about it. Other shows (cartoons or otherwise) lay it on and make it the whole focus, but in SU the relationships just 'are'.

there is not a single good relationship in the show. Steven and Connie is average but it's puppy love

Rose and Greg?

Aren't there gay parents?

Isn't Stevonne a Transexual metaphor?

Clarence has two gay couples and Loud House has one gay couple and bisexual major character.

Plus, there's that egg show going around.

It's got little to no screen time because she's fucking dead. I mean I guess the best relationship on the show could be between a father and his wife that died 13 years ago but that's not really a good thing

>Aren't there gay parents?
Single parents and step parents but no gay parents. You're probably thinking of Clarence.

>Isn't Stevonnie a transexual metaphor?
Stevonnie is a literal fusion between two people; she's a metaphor for whatever you want her to be. Officially, Stevonnie represents puberty.

Still too much gay.

rose/pearl wasnt even a real thing, it was unrequited

>It's got little to no screen time because she's fucking dead.
Three episodes have been dedicated to showcasing their relationship

>but it's puppy love
You'd be surprised. My wife and I met around the same time.

oh 3 episodes out of 132? that's 2.3%

Topaz is gay incest. It's the most literally homo possible.

three whole episodes? Wow, truly amazing.

Reminder than gems don't have gender.

That whole jasper arc sucked "you can do anything you set your mind on" trys to be stronger than japser but can't " you don't have to be like jasper"

Again, she's dead.
Three episodes focusing on a past relationship is impressive by the virtue that one of the characters is deceased and most shows settle for one episode.

Well, to be lovers it takes two. But Rose never felt anything like Pearl and was more interested in humans.
That's like the whole thing about Pearl. How could you even miss that?
Pearl loved Rose with her whole heart but Rose just treated her respectfully and as a friend.

did anyone ever scan that artbook?

they are rock aliens whose bodies are light projections
they do not have any organs for reproduction so how can they even have a sexuality?

Degeneracy. That's literally a plot point.

>unironically using the word "degeneracy"

Steven Universe is one of the best western cartoons i've ever seen so i have to disagree with you

No gay parents.
The only gay townie is the arcade owner, and that's a thing we only know from art books because it never actually came up.
Stevonnie is a fusion, thus symbol of the relationship of the constituents. They (yes, officially a singular they because of the whole boy+girl thing making it appropriate. Like if Brangelina was a singular person or something) also carries a lot of meaning for all the first times in relationships, blooming sexuality and so on. Stevonnie is quite literally Steven and Connie as a couple. And the experience of growing up, to some degree. But trans people probably like the whole gender confusion aspect of it.

>has to openly admit that he disagrees
Just ignore it. If you're going to disagree, then at least bring up point of how it's good.

>The only gay townie is the arcade owner, and that's a thing we only know from art books because it never actually came up.
If it came from the art book, does that mean it was only conceptual?
There's a chance he might not be gay in the final product.

I personally like the music aspect.

I fucking hate the right-wing censorship idiots who want to limit the creative freedom of cartoon artists and complain whenever something has gay characters.

SU doesn't even care whether the relationship is gay or straight, every relationship is treated for what it is - a relationship

Can someone post those pics some studio artist drew, self-inserting as Pearl's boyfriend? It's for scientific purposes.

That's the easiest word to explain it desu.

I don't think the intent changed.
They just didn't push the point and could not bring it up organically.
So far he is not obviously shown to be gay. Which would make him look straight by default, I guess. But it does not say anything about the intent.

For a minute I think that you were talking about that guy from the PPG reboot.

>you secretly know that he's completely right and Rick is the asshole

No, that word does not describe it at all. It just makes a value judgement.
Words that describe it would be bionic simulation and bio-mineralic hybridisation for what Rose did to have a go at that sexuality thing.

Gay 'relationships' aren't relationships they're affronts to civility.

And no one is censoring anything. Not liking badly written propaganda isn't "right-wing censorship."

user. THANK YOU! You're on topic! Then again, if I had wanted a functional thread, then I shouldn't have started with SU :T

>The best episode of Samurai Jack came out long, long ago.

Steven Universe is shit.

OK KO is shit.

That's that a secret it's a shitty opinon.

I implied the word "degeneracy" from Homeworld perspective, but w/e. I was just a joke, and I missed the whole point of your post.

Here's another secret.
That's a poorly typed post.

SU would be better if everyone walked around naked.

I will say that Garnet is bordering on being preachy and even though I throughly enjoy Ruby and Sapphire's chemistry in The Answer, the last bit where Garnet says love was the answer, was always super cringe-y to me. Just because of Steven's saccharine sweet delivery.
> What was it, Garnet?
> The Answer?
> Faggot Ass Gem Love
> Woooooooow
fucking kill me. Pearl/Rose is handled very well, even though Pearl is a fucking nutter.

If Pearl were nutting, Rose would have had more use for her.

>last bit where Garnet says love was the answer, was always super cringe-y to me. Just because of Steven's saccharine sweet delivery.
Lighten up a bit.

Thing about the lesbian relationships is that they're only really two as you stated (Topaz are friends) and even then it was a one way attraction for Rose/Pearl

People who say that the show 'forces LGBT agenda' have probably not watched the show, honestly. The Tumblr fans like to make the show about them and twist it to suit their ideals, when it doesn't, it's like intense, irrational shipping evolved.

The show is at a weird point, a lot of fans can't see the townie episodes are boring, they might be necessary, but they are boring and they like to bring up resolved plot points (Pearl is over Rose, oh wait! She's not!)

And Garnet has turned into a one-dimensional character, we get it, shes a fucking fusion, her origin story was shit too, there's no way a couple could fall in love that easily, like why did Ruby want to save Sapphire? Did she just wanna fuck her? She didn't know her!

Technically the gems are always naked since their "clothes" are just part of their bodies.

The show outed itself as both plot-heavy and having LGBT themes during the end of season one, where they revealed in one big arc stuff like the gems being evil and Pearl being blatantly in love for Rose, and it all climaxed with the Stronger Than You scene.
And at the time, it was a huge deal. That shit basically sold the show to a lot of people and turned it from an Adventure Time knockoff to its own thing, and it was also when it became Tumblr's pet show. It got to the point where one particularly interested fan from that place got into the show's crew, and everyone was utterly charmed by this. That fan was Zuke, by the way.

So nowadays, SU cooled down on the shock factor and became a sugary coming of age cartoon that has just ended its worst season ever, but that one plot twist-filled story arc was just so iconic that it settled SU's reputation as "the Tumblr show" for the rest of its existance.

Now you know.

But they can take them off.

Steven Universe even sucks at sticking to it's guns with "Gay characters." They dance around and dickwag the subject but cannot pull the balls to outright confirm or just put 'real' Homosexual characters.

Laurie Penny certainly thinks this is the gayest show on TV

Hmm? Wait a minute here..

Why, Garnet and Pearl/Rose aren't real enough? And before anuone comes up with the genderless rock bullshit, they're obviously women, of course they're fucking women, and the magical alien part is just to give it a sense of spirituality and to cover their ass with CN who probably wouldn't let them have outright lesbians.

Do you think they can feel through their clothes? If you started gently rubbing Pearl's dress in your hands would she get turned on?
What if you ran your hand through the layers of Sapphire's dress? Is that why Rose had such a huge dress?

>implying your opinion is valid, specifically yours

>implying yours is

But that's literally the point. You're NEVER supposed to think Rick is right or a paragon of any kind. The only people who do that are literal Redditors.

You know they were jerking themselves to that setup. So when Garnet says it's just love, it's the mic drop moment for this lesbian couple because they're so in love with each other. But we've already seen that Square Gem and Leela Gem have a deep love for each other, about 3 times at the time when The Answer came out.

Runner-up for second shittiest Garnet line is when Ruby tells Sapphire to concentrate but she can't because, "I only want to look at you." Give me a fucking break.

Family Guy was never really that good, or anything special. It was just seen as such because it came out when the Simpsons' decline was becoming evident. It was funny, but should not have become the juggernaut it has.

Again, lighten up.
It was just supposed to be a sweet moment, don't look so deep into it.

>but that one plot twist-filled story arc was just so iconic that it settled SU's reputation as "the Tumblr show" for the rest of its existance.
Sorry, Danger and Eggs already dethroned it.

They all act like faggots tho.

It's not because they're not woman, but because they're not humans. They're aliens with a different standard than us, and different kinds of relationships than we understand it. SU only uses LGBT as themes and metaphors. We cannot 100% say fusion is a relationship anymore than we can say Fluorite practices polygamy or Lapis is a rapist. Rose, as far as we know is the only gem whose had actual sexual practices.

Call me when they confirm Connie has a girlfriend or something.

>Call me when they confirm Connie has a girlfriend or something.
This was actually confirmed by Sugar at SDCC.

Wow really?
Congrats on their part then.

More like sexless but I'll take it

...please tell me you're trolling.

There's going to be an episode about Steven helping Connie come out to her parents.

Well then I want a sauce, boss. Nobody's believing your ass until one is given.

Show a source, then. And there goes my attempt to avoid spoilers.

If people are going to keep going on about how they don't have genders because they're rocks, then you can't call them lesbians.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Listen mate.
if you don't want to watch shows with gay characters, don't watch them.

But don't force content creators to censor their content because you are triggered when you see gay relationships.

And btw, having gay characters in your show is not propaganda, the same way having only straight characters in a show is not propaganda.

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Can't they be gay rocks?

It should be sweet because it's written to be that way, not because omg duh lesbians. I don't know why they fucked Garnet over, when Pearl is written so well. Pearl making the hologram of Rose for the first time was very sweet. Cute things don't have to be hamfisted, Garnet is sometimes written with an agenda.

He's not completely right either. No one in the show is suppose to be.

You are still a moron. And Clarence had more depictions of a gay relationship than this dumpster fire of a show.

Well no duh, Sugar the alleged bisexual has been dating a black man for eight years.

They literally fucked in front of Greg...

here's another secret

that's enough gay for me

these niggas get it

plus the show if it were a good show with good direction is supposed to be about steven's duality and trying to reconcile not being fully a gem and not being fully a human + the narrative responsibility of the past being thrust upon him. not the gender drama that people imagine it to be for

>Egg Show


It's not canon. Rose is straight.

How exactly is that a secret? Great thread, OP.

That's not a secret, user.
At least it gave me a good waifu.

Googling "Connie gay Steven universe sdcc" and sticking with results from the past month has this thread on it's first page, he's full of shit.

Here's another secret: Sup Forums hates SU because it's not its' actual audience and therefore is too edgy to relate to whatever problems the characters are facing

Even it's early seasons which Sup Forums claims were good was still mediocre at best, but Sup Forums says the same thing about early Fairly Odd Parents and thinks American Dad is alright because they want to fap to it's ugly as fuck waifus, so fuck Sup Forums.

The Muppets actually are just puppets.

Thank you for telling us it's shit. why not just go to /hm/ and be a camwhore it's probably the only thing you can do.

Loud House is the only actual Tumblr pandering cartoon airing at the moment, and I mean literally pandering.
>Oh look, Lamp Loud is going to confess to this "Sam" character that's seems to be present when a male is centered in the scene!
>AH HA! "Sam" was a girl the whole time, give us reblogs pls! ;)
Absolute trash.

if they didn't have a gender then they wou'd sound and look female.

Sugar was once asked at a con if Stevonnie is a metaphor for trans.
She said no.

Here's a better secret.
Spoilers work like this.

>The sequel to "In a Heartbeat" everyone wants to see but no one has the guts to admit to it.