Why has Jessica's career stagnated? Do you see any surprise comeback in the movie industry?

Why has Jessica's career stagnated? Do you see any surprise comeback in the movie industry?

She owns a massive company doesn't she? I don't see why she would bother acting again, seemed like something she just did for fun.
She wasn't particularly good at it anyway.

She's a freaking billionaire. She probably doesn't give a flying fart about the hollywood shitshow.

It seems that these days, any female celebrities can "create" a cosmetic specialized company and become a billionnaire in a few years (Alba, Kylie Jenner, Paltrow, ...).


Of course, the hard part is marketing. All their products are basically the same, so once you have brand recognition, it isn't too hard. Then you can expand from there, get more investors, open into other products, and really start to differentiate your brand

OP, because she's FUCKS NIGGERS and dumb fucking roasties like her don't seem to realize that is a career killer. Doesn't matter if they're only "acting", no white man wants to see a non-black woman with a nigger. Bryce Dallas Howard is only famous for being Ron Howards daughter, otherwise no one gives a fuck. Seriously, who the fuck says "man, I can't wait to see the next BDH movie!". Selena Gomez's career is dead for the same reason, Arianna Grande, same, Amy Acker, Jodie Foster etc....



i'm looking forward to the next Laura Dern flick


>Amy Acker
she was never big in hollywood
she's done some kino roles though, also cute as fuck

She's not a good actress.

She has a billion dollar company and 3 kids. She probably just has better things to do then be the hot girl in a mediocre Dane Cook movie.

Billionaires don't give a shit about jewwood

I want Sup Forumstards to give me one reason why Castizo Futurism is not based



God I wanna fuck her wearing that watch.

Reeee she's not a billionaire, she's an owner of some percentage of a billion dollar company reee but even so probably has too much money reeeee


Do you think she would let me fuck her? Pls

I thought Paltrow operated at a loss, true vanity business.

>Amy Acker
She's on The Gifted right now, was on Once Upon A Time and Person Of Interest just before that ( and I pretty much ignore anything that's not a genre show so there might well be other stuff besides ), that's about as far from "dead career" as you can expect for a woman her age in Hollywood, senpai.

It's a shame she never had a proper nude scene

The "billionaire" is part of the marketing. None of these bitches are THAT rich because they're just the face, and the people who actually run shit aren't going to let the face get everything.