Any movies with this aesthetic?

any movies with this aesthetic?

Other urls found in this thread:

looks fun



>me in the middle

Sebastian - When Everybody Knows


lol I literally thought this was a "this is my son/film buff" thread, good one OP

kek wtf

It is fun. I did it in my bathroom once but my mom caught me and got mad. It was worth it though.

This is why I never took showers at school, white kids would always be doing this shit


I've truly seen it all.

What if you catch a crack on the floor?

Olympia Part Two: Festival of Beauty

t. insecure closet homo
Nothing better than some good old shower banter with the boys

Why would I want another naked mans penis near me?

why wouldnt u

I was hoping I'd see a naked girl but nope.
Bunch of gay white people. *sigh*
Really disappointed in you, Sup Forums.
I really think the fags should stay in their home boards.

I once heard a story about a bunch of guys who did this and one guy mid-slide had his ballsack caught on an exposed screw on a drain and it ripped right off and his balls fell out.

chapelle was right

white people and their borderline gay tendencies

Because thats gay

That looks semi painful, rubbing your cock and balls against the floor like that.

It’s only gay if ur gay

It is not. It makes your male bond stronger when you suck each other off.

fucking wh*Toids

it's only gay if balls are touching

except nigger subhumans are vastly more homosexual then white people

Is this what girls fap to?