Blu Ray Collection

I posted a few weeks ago about a blu Ray collection I was building. Here is where I am now. I have John Wick 1 and The Seventh Seal coming in tomorrow. Any recommendations? The majority of the movies here (with the exception of John Wick 2 , Blade Runner, The Revenant, and Heat) I had not seen prior to buying them but you guys have given me solid recommendations so far (surprisingly). I have enjoyed every single one. I have yet to start The Raid or finish Mother and Dunkirk however.


Bump pls help

birdman and black swan

>1(one) criterion
Are you poor?

Not bad. You should boost your collection by going to half price books and buying the used movies. They have a great selection usually. Pawn shops are good too.

>people are still unironically buying blu rays

Get with the times grandpa

Start buying some movies that you've actually seen instead of fucking around with random recs from faggots on Sup Forums.

I have Mulholland Drive, Le Samourai and The Seventh Seal on the way with Thief, Gomorrah, And Stalker on my shopping list on amazon.
>poor faggots are still tying to tell people what to do with their money
Move to Venezuela pleb

I have but I want to see new shit too dumbfuck.

Never thought of going to the pawnshop but the times I’ve been there now that you mention I have seen a fuckton of blu rays the rare times I’ve gone to a pawn shop

Op is pathetic in so many levels.

if you like those you should watch:
Eyes Wide Shut
They Live
Death Wish

You'd think that the main purpose of collecting movies was to physically own copies of films you cherish, considering you can watch any movie for free via torrent or streaming.

>L.A. Confidential
Master and Commander

I'd currently be building my ideal movie archive if I knew the medium would still be relevant in 5 years. It's called being smart.

Blood Simple is so underrated and forgotten. Glen Garry Glen Ross, some of the best acting.

I have half most of the movies I loved on DVD in storage. Before I rebuy those I’d like to watch new shit. So once again stop telling me what to do with my money you poor peasant.

>that mess of a sentence
Try again

Coen brothers are really fucking good. I haven’t seen all there movies but I’ve yet to see one that I haven’t liked. I especially like their neonoirs

It's not about being poor its about not wasting money on a dead medium

it's their not there.

They're always correcting my grammer

Rumor has it there's gonna be a 50% off Criterion flash sale tomorrow, if not, sometime this month. Just thought you might want to know OP. The Silence of the Lambs and the original Night of the Living Dead are gonna be coming out on blu-ray.

This this this. Between Half Price and Goodwill, I've picked up a bunch of DVDs for 3-4 bucks.

ARE you retarded
Thanks for the heads up if that’s true I’ll definitely buy Stalker, Strangelove and a few others. Criterion has a lot of good shit. You think the sale would be on amazon also or just their website?

Just their website.

Don't much care for physical clutter, so only have the following as they're things I rewatch from time to time:

Terminator 2
Con Air

Sucks to be thee.

I need to get nice shelves so I can post my collection.

Right now it’s mostly stacks and boxes.

No i

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