Sign the petition

Let’s sign this petition. The niggers will chimp out when they don’t get their money and Marvel/Disney will get hell from the SJWs and the liberal media. Keep it subtle, if any association with Sup Forums is mentioned Marvel can call it a racist scam and back out.

Get ready for Project Blackfired

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I'm literally writing marvel right now to give them the heads up


already did lmao

i hope this is becomes a thing


You're a few days late. Sup Forums and r*ddit have already shat up the petition with outrageously racist signatures. If you wanna sign, have the balls to sign with your own name.

>they've blatantly targeted the black community, because they want the one thing the black community has to offer in abundance - black dollars.
jesus christ

Donate to africa.

i mean that's not incorrect


Name? Please tell me that's a troll.

There's a petition for the movie to be broadcast in africa for free if you're interested

soo.. Disney now needs to pay every black person in America for using black actors in their movie that they've already payed millions of dollars? I'm not a racist person but American blacks are really starting to make me reconsider that position.

I don't think that guy's last name is skipper.

25%? It should at least be 3/5ths!

Where can I get some black bux?


Why not 3/5?

>Ben Garrison
>Adulf Gitler
A few of the names ive seen so far


I get the idea behind this raid, but The problem is it transfers our white money to black neighborhoods.

The only Thing this may hurt is Disney shareholders, of which a large percentage are white, Jewish, or banks

They who run disney sold blacks into slavery back in the day to become the 1% today.

Today those same people are still profiting off the hard work of the black community.

Its time to crash Disney with no survivors.

>The problem is it transfers our white money to black neighborhoods
that aint white money friend disney isnt owned or run by whites.

Does television even exist in the majority of Africa?

They would think 3/5th is smaller than 1/4th. some burger chain introduced a 1/3rd pound burger and nobody bought it because it was more expensive than the 1/4th pound burger but had less meat.

Holy shit it's just a superhero movie with more African American influence than anything else, why they need to turn it into a whole movement?

Even the 2016 Tarzan movie has more African diversity but since Tarzan has always been a white guy I guess they choose to ignore it.

signed! fuck disney and the people who run it.

rev up those accounts guys! we gotta make this happen.

You know this shit is never going to happen, it's only supposed to cause media drama

You ask that like that's the point.

What do if Disney decides to part with the 25% people are asking of them? It's not like they don't have a bunch of other blockbusters to put out this year, and it would reap them all the goodwill in the world with the social justice and BLM crowds.

Petition is over 5000 now.
Starting to make some mainstream sites.
TMZ picked up

For the lolz, do I really need to explain this on fucking Sup Forums of all places?

The SJWs have praised this movie for its "Diversity", which is code for "very few white people" and BLMs have praised it for its portrayal of what Africa might be like if the wuhite devil had never interfered, so let's fuck around with it for Christ's sake.

I honestly don't think she really hears the words coming out of her mouth. It's all a buzzing background of virtue signaling in her head.

goodwill doesn't make your shareholders happy

Take it to /i/ newfag

then millions of dollars will go towards helping poor people

It's not going to happen, you can't petition Disney into handing over money any more than I could petition you into handing me all your belongings if only I got enough signatures.
The only way this could happen is if literally millions of people decided to boycott the movie unless Disney forked over 25% of all earnings, a couple thousand people starting a retarded petition will do nothing but cause a media sensation if anything and hopefully a couple real-life Blacks and SJWs who literally boycott and condemn the movie.

black communities in Africa? the film has nothing to do with black americans

This is just viral advertising.

How many times are you people going post the same shit over and over?

That would be fucking awesome. The sight of rampaging hordes of subhuman and tribal niggers all marching to loot a fictional country would be MARVELous.

Disney shills doing viral advertising.

Also fuck you and fuck your trip code. Faggot. Everyone hates you.

Who cares?

>Adulf Gitler
I must be in a silly mood cause I'm bursting out with laughter right now

>Sup Forums "humor" everybody
castrate yourself simpleton


>Let’s sign this petition. The niggers will chimp out when they don’t get their money and Marvel/Disney will get hell from the SJWs and the liberal media. Keep it subtle, if any association with Sup Forums is mentioned Marvel can call it a racist scam and back out.
people know how to read user

fuck you. get shit on. huffpos already responded to me

Nigger, blacks was the source of slavery. It's not like whites went into the jungle with nets and took the best first negro they could find. They bought the black from other blacks. But that's not something that african americans like to talk about. Nor the arabian slave trade that exicsted long after america abolished theirs.

>Adulf Gitler

we are all slaves to the eternal kike user

If Disney actually do this, it will be a good thing. Giving money to the poor helps the society they're in. There are no real setbacks.

Are you retarded? Slavery had been around forever as far as we know.



>Trying to deflect from slavery
>Is actually serious
Ho-Le-Shit. You southerners got the inbreeding bbq going real good down there don't you?

1. You didn't.
2. Their response would be to ignore it because the cause still stands. They won't write a piece bashing a SJW petition.

You lose, either way. We win, child.
Lay awake tonight knowing this.

I will not allow that to happen.

I don't give a fuck faggot I'm just saying you're retarded if you think niggers invented slavery.


And that's why he's our Prez.

niggers AND southerners you fucking moron. Understand it now?

You just mad you ain't gettin none of these good gibs

>Sup Forums whines about niggers wanting gibsmedats
>actively tries to falseflag and instill a gibsme mentality


I don't get it, what does an actress have to do with lines that have been written for her by screenwriters?

If this image was supposed to be poetic justice it failed miserably because all it made me do was feel sorry for her

Imagine if your worldview was honestly this deluded and childish. Imagine if you really thought human beings you disliked had to behave like cartoon characters.

Have fun with your petition kids, I'm sure it'll really show 'THE LEFT' who's boss!

That wasn't scripted buddy. It's a live action reality show

>thinking (((disney))) will give one single dime to nigs

if disney were charitable in the slightest they would have already offered some free admissions for selected poor black children from the projects

I never said that nigger invented it. I pointed out that in the case with the american slave trade, niggers were involved by selling other niggers. This is not the picture that we see most of the time, we just see Elmer Fud going out in the jungle saying "Be wevvy quite, I'm hunting sambos".

Blacks was the source of slavery conected to America you stupid cunt. I even pointed out african AMERICANS in the fucking post.


They very definition of fake news

It's too late. We already won


Someone is trying to fuck this up.

>Tyronious Rapefordays signed this petition 5 minutes ago

Europeans are worse than niggers.

Who could possibly be behind such an action?


They're doing it all wrong. Alt right. Gotta be subtle about it.


LOL so deliciously easy. the right can keep their memes, the left doesn't have to know how to meme, we just need to be tactical and intelligent

Russian colluder here. I was in the team the got Trump elected.
I swear we have nothing to do with this

>they tricked us niggers into paying for their movie!!
>sign this petition to get your money back!!

Many more times yet. Don't you know how Sup Forums works? Stupid tripfaggot

Wait so the alt right was trying to give the black community 25% Of the movie profits? That’s the most unracist thing I’ve heard. God I want to see these headlines.

are you retarded on purpose user ?

You know memes

Isn't Cohen a regular name in Ireland?

>The only Thing this may hurt is Disney shareholders, of which a large percentage are white, Jewish, or banks
if they do it will, if they don't they looks bad, and everybody wins.


They pushed their agenda to sell the movie and now it can bite them in the ass.
25% is massive when it comes to production costs plus marketing, Disney will never do it
They'll be called racists, and either cave in or risk a PR disaster, either way they lose money

Why yes, I AM funny. Thank you for noticing.

Fuck that. I ain’t signing.

Nothing is going to happen, soyboy

>current year
>not a racist

Bix nood

Just got off the phone with the Racist Meme Making Team, confirmed they didn't give the go ahead on this.

Aren't you ashamed of being on a racist/neo-nazi website Sup Forums?

More like a sad irony
