The future of film is terrifying

The future of film is terrifying...

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I guess

Cry more in your hugbox

>the nazi wants to control all opinion
as expected

it's terrifying if you're a racist
don't be a fucking racist

Actual footage of negative movie reviews being burned

umm fucking this
yall action like we dont already gotta kkk president
just let us have one movie we never had a movie before this the one

The question is what kind of zogjuice you have to be hooked on to not automatically become racist after reading those comments.

based australia

Just hold on until the race war mon ami.

zog wants you to be racist dumbshit. the workers should be distracted with internal conflict. ever notice how this shit took off during occupy wall street?

Wonder Woman 2.0

capeshit needs to die already


all the fucking crying white kids who are mad 'because fuck black people' need to sit down, be humble.

lol the niggers are too dumb to understand her review and think she's racist

>call something bad

this is the future (((((they))))) want

Ugh, this.

this is fair criticism. No need to forward him anywhere.

>being displaced and uniquely put down in your own country isn't the real issue, rich people is!

>Same fagging this hard.

You must be a marvel righter, because you can't come up with different voices to your "different" characters.

>aussies trolling everywhere

based, also capeshit need to die

>colourful moments
>other negative review gave the movie a 3/5

its what happens when you make it ok to hate white people.

The kind where you're smarter than a monkey so you realize that, among twitter's 200 billion tweets per year, any person who looked could find numerous examples of anything they want.

To convey to a typical racist brainlet how large that number is: If you were to begin right now reading JUST the tweets from 2017, assuming a rate of one tweet every ~3 seconds and assuming that you never take a break, you would finish in the year 22,000.

So no, you aren't special for cropping together a few examples that "prove" your narrative you brainless shitposter. Fuck off back to your containment board.

>try to give your honest and innocent opinion, oblivious of the literal hitler zone you're about to stumble into

I wish I could pat her on the head and tell her it's all going to be okay

Watching Sup Forums shitlords loose their shit over other people doing litterally the same thing they do.

The alt right harassment that often transpires in just a single vaguely liberal twitter thread is far, far, far worse and and that harassment often spills into real life as well.

as much as we don't like Sup Forums related threads here, you have to admit that this does mean that both film-making and reviews will be looked at with more scrutiny AND possibly censorship because of the political climate that we live in now thanks to social media and certain people who believe they have entitlement. tldr: based australia is best australia

She's only popular because of her tits right? So why is she talking instead of stripping?

They're so fucking mad because she didn't like their little capeshit movie. How do they not realise how they've been manipulated into thinking this soulless product of a vast sociopathic corporate machine is somehow something meaningful?

damn, a handful of people on twitter are mad about something stupid. this is insane, what are we going to do?

this is the kind of people attacking /ourcinephile/

what is the context?
>critic dares to give negative review to Black Panther
>gets attacked as racist by hundreds of dindus

it is called being born in the US of A for the most part.

>reddit spacing



that's an embarrassing display if I do say so

She knew what she was doing when she published that. It's not outright racist but it's still pretty racist. Since it's not outright racism she gets to feign innocence and play the victim when she is in fact the aggressor.

>colourful moments
Definitely australian.

The Eternal Shitpostah from Down Undah

>Niggers are crying
>Sup Forums must be crying





eh i don't get it, let the niggers have their moment, then they can return to cinematic irrelevance

>is fat, overweight, and likely """"female""""

Why does this happen so often

Really dude

because she is funny and has a great personality you pathetic virgin

And you faggots on here do the same shit when people disagree with your opinion, what’s the problem

Who gives a shit? Only dumb retards use Twitter.

normies have ruined the internet

Fuck off, kike.

doctors, lawyers, engineers.....

When liberals say "hate speech is not free speech", this shows how wrong and dangerous their point of view really is.
Because now not liking a blockbuster superhero movie starring African characters is considered hate speech. Think about that.

Falseflaggers need to be permabanned.

I don't understand.
The movie isn't even available to the public yet.
How is she racist for giving her opinion, and how would they know if it's even good or not if they haven't even seen the movie yet?


>points out that the movie still has some good moments

Sheesh. How would she react if the movie was actually good?

Dont try to use logic, you'll only hurt your brain

You got Madea films. You take that shit and like it, user.

>it still has heternormative views on love
Imagine if Wonder Woman had a girlfriend instead of Steve

Niggers really are stupid animals.

It's over. We won.

Not liking a movie is not racist you fucking cum guzzling cucklord

This movie has really redpilled me on that aspect of liberalism

>colourful moments


Black fraility

>file name
You're a real redditor, "user".

She's Jewish


what a fucking clown holy shit.

She actually uploaded a photo of herself to social media crying over a film.

I can't articulate in words how the self-serving narcissism of these non-people infuriates me. You can tell she spent the entire duration of the movie thinking about how she was going to frame her latest virtue signal for the swaths of total fucking strangers that stalk her life. I'm so sick and tired of these disingenuous cunts who try to put on their best face for social media and act like they're overwhelmingly empathic humans with DEEP and MEANINGFUL lived experiences. It's some fucking corporate Marvel diarrhoea, pull yourself the fuck together.

People like this should all become an hero

Thanks doc