What the fuck is dynamite doing? Are all their licensed comics super political now?

What the fuck is dynamite doing? Are all their licensed comics super political now?

>an espionage thriller being political.
I am shocked.

Sup Forumsmblr will take this bait

remember when it was ok to punch Hitler without it being a super big modern political statement?

It was ok because the threat was still very real.
Now it's known that when they show "nazis" they don't mean actual WW2 nazi, they mean "people who vote for Donald Trump".

Remember when white people weren't considered racists for existing?

you mean aside from punching a literal nazi aka Red Skull

Dude, shut the fuck up.

>he's talking about Hitler

marvel has retconned red skull and hydra as a whole to not be nazis anymore

they still always worked for Hitler, whether or not they were a separate organization, they were once part of the Third Reich

The issue at hand is the implication of ''Nazi'' in today's political climate.

>implication of Nazi
the implication of Nazi is that someone is a national socialist who closely follows a model of racial hierarchy

Someone post the first issue. I want to read it now

I don't care how many faggots you pull out of your ass- we should be able to talk about literal Nazis without people going full retard and saying "I happen to identify with Nazis! I'm offended!" for fucks sake.

>people on the internet are idiots


You mean people that have had no political relevance in over 70 years but still somehow are a threat in America because a Republican is in the White House?


>blonde haired blue eyed American superhuman punches Hitler in the face, created, written and drawn by two American Jews and published ten months before the attack on Pearl Harbor when America's only involvement with the war in Europe was selling arms to the UK
>not a super big then-contemporary political statement

That was back when Hollywood was wary of making anti-German films for fear of accusations of pushing the Jewish Agenda. By '42 the floodgates opened and every single B-Movie and saturday morning republic serial had evil Kraut and Jap saboteurs, in spite of the government's directive to the big studios to not inflame nationalistic fervor. Audiences didn't give a shit, they hated them.

On the one hand you're wrong; people are crying out for violence against "nazis", labeling anyone who disagrees with them a nazi, and it's a big fucking issue if people then believe that the accused is indeed a fucking nazi, and deserves being punched in the face. It's not a productive dialogue to have and should be addressed.

On the other hand you're absolutely fucking right, bring on some nazi-punching and nazi occultism and springtime for Hitler shit.

>James Bond involving international politics

Who could have guessed?

I agree with her but not necessarily with the examples she provided.

Who said White supremacy wasn't a threat? Remember before the saydis knocked down the towers, white supremacist and anti-government right wing groups were responsible for the Oklahoma city bombings.

Go cry about it on tumblr.

But they never "always worked for Hitler" They explicitly didn't work for Hitler, and their founder Von Strucker believed he, not hitler, deserved to rule and pretty much everyone involved dismissed the nazis' scientific racism, on account of the master race stuff making very little sense in a world where literal mutants have literal superpowers and being aryan has nothing to do with it.

In fact, them being "like nazis a whole bunch, but distinctly not nazis" was a deliberate choice made by the writers specifically because of limitations on the story that making them actual, literal nazis would have would constrain their options in undesireable ways.

>Grocery stores are racist

What's this cunt going on about?

>Remember when white people weren't considered racists for existing?
Remember when Sup Forums didn't exist and hadn't yet turned Sup Forums into Stormfront 2? Those were good times.

I have a better idea, how about you go to tumblr and cry it about it then take a snapshot of it so you can go to Sup Forums and cry about it.

If this equivalence was true, then being racist wouldn't be a bad thing in itself

Also, I wish she included the water distribution service, so it would be more memable

Yeah, I fear to walk out my door lest I be lynched by the paramilitary neo-nazi gangs that terrorize American society.

The FBI still considers right wing/radical Christian/ white supremacist groups to be the biggest domestic terror threats in the US.


99% of those Islamic terror attacks are committed in the Middle East against other Muslims. You're much more likely to be killed by a neo-nazi/white supremacist in the US then an Islamic terrorist.

>go on Tumblr
>people with victim complexes complain about crap that doesn't matter
>go on reddit
>people with superiority complexes complain how everyone that isn't them are stupid despite themselves being dumb teenagers
>go on Sup Forums
>get both

Gonna need some proof there,lad. Not a buzzfeed article either.

>Why is this spy comic political guys?

More like what do white supremacists have to do with international espionage? These people are either backwoods recluses or deadbeat hooligans.

>wah why are the white people getting defensive when we attack them

It's funny how they kept releasing James Bond books because they could kinda over saturated the market for James because Mr comics somehow

>what do white supremacists have to do with international espionage?
Everything, there's white supremacists all over the world who plot and conspire. Keeping tabs and collecting intelligence on them is really the only reasonable thong to do.

Yeah let me know when you're subjected to mass incarceration and getting murdered in the street by porky just because of your skin cap'n dumbass.

That doesn't make it right and you know it

I don't know m8, considering what trivial bullshit progressives consider racist transgressions, white people are pretty oppressed.

>white people are pretty oppressed
this will always amuse me

He was untrue in his declaration but lets say 90% are in the middle east atleast from 2001 to 2010.
From 2001 to 2016 terror attacks have increased dramatically.
Muslim related Terror groups are considered by most US Bureau for Counter Terrorism (They are multiple ones) the biggest danger international (and with it bigger for the interest of the USA) but consider these Terrorist groups not as potentially dangerous on US soils.
For US soils they have named a number of Terrorist groups, I'll be back when I have read more on it

>Calm, reasoned agreement to non-Sup Forums opinion.
>"Go cry about it on tumblr."

Sup Forums is dead

stormfront lives again

That wasn't a ''non-Sup Forums opinion. It was anti-Sup Forums. It was completely on the other side of the extremist retardation spectrum and deserves nothing but instant dismissal and contempt.

No you don't get it they are part of an oppressive authocratic regime whose iron fist is tweets from people with colorful hair.
We proud rebels endure this dictatorship of the left, though they genocide us by the thousands every day with their Hollywood casting.

Will we manage to survive, or will political correctness kill more untold billions? Only time will tell. The war rages on.
It's 1984 people, we need to fight them despite their tanks in every street and the state of martial law they have proclaimed.

I can't tell if the black one a guy or a ugly chick

Wait, did Killchain #2 come out? What the fuck?

Issue #1 wasn't really political, unless you think having the CIA as antagonists is... political really.

7/10, I almost thought you were serious for a second

There's a black one!?

maybe don't commit crimes?

White people commit crimes too.

Calm reasoned agreement to the fact that Literally EVERYONE is racist.

and they get shot at too
amazing how this comes full circle

Not everyone, just white people who benefit from systematic racism.

they sure do, but when they end up behind bars it's not blamed on institutional racism


When an unarmed white person is shot, do people also assume they were guilty and that the officer was justify in killing them?

Or what, you'll call your wife's son?

>Being this stupid

This is the fate we deserve for being shitty edgy teenagers mid-2000s trying to offend everyone to feel powerful and inadvertently attracting literal nazis because we pretended we were farcical nazis.

Now we're not even the funny tryhard nazis, we're just the boring whiny-ass "muh white people problems" nazis. It fucking sucks.

>Call police to report that you were robbed
>Police show up
>Shoot you dead

I'm going to say yes since white people getting shot doesn't make national headlines.

Bond has always been political, it's just so old that you're ignorant of most of the underlying political arguments

this is one of those things where someone tallies up all the "shot at a church" "shot in a school by a fucking loser" kinds of incidents and you say

>not terrorists

because clearly someone shooting up a school is a patriot exercising A2, someone shooting up a church they've never been to before in their life for political reasons is a Soros plant and all the victims already died on that Klingon transport ship two months ago and the relatives are crisis actors, and we ALL KNOW that (((they))) faked Oklahoma City to prepare the way for rfid chipping white males so that the

i mean honestly

can't you just skip to the fucking end

see, this is what i mean

Bond started with a guy who'd literally done international espionage against white supremacists and wrote heavily about his experiences (in among the fictionalized crap)

but all you remember is the invisible car and that guy with the metal teeth and the Russians

Why would they?

Is this bait?

Maybe there's an issue with the police shooting EVERYONE.

But you can't have THAT conversation because of the NRA.

sprinkle some crack on him.

yeah yeah that's what all the innocent white guys behind bars tell ya

it's totes not about race to them, they just joined the local AB affiliate because they like giving blowjobs and they're in for a stretch

What happened?


I would gladly take a ban if it meant everyone else in this thread went with me. Just nuke it from orbit, Hiro. Just fucking do it. You have to be sure.

Nazis were the bad guys!

>not terrorists
It's almost terrorism implies forwarding a political goal.

This thread could only exist on Sup Forums Holy shit, you faggots deserve all the hate you get from the other boards.

What point are you trying to make? Did you actually read that post?

Yes, and lone school shooters are not terrorists.

You clearly didn't read it then because that's the point he was making too. He was pointing out how people don't TREAT them like terrorists because they're not muslims.



>all this butthurt and no statistical proof that white supremacists are the biggest terrorism threat to America

Ugh, hoisted by my own illiterate petard.

I misread your post. The school shooters thing aren't ALWAYS terrorism jobs, but the church shootings things almost always are. Same is true of planned parenthood attacks, but they're not reported as terrorism.

Well that's barely political. Especialy for a spy comic.

But my white people problems, user! I'm being oppressed!

>audiences didn't give a shit, they hated them
lmao how deluded do you have to be to think this?

>the church shootings things almost always are
>church shootings things
One incident and your acting like it's an epidemic.

9/10 I honestly thought you were from Sup Forums for a second.

>vilify white people
>mock white people when they tell you to fuck off

It kinda is, there's a lot of these attack being perpetuated by white supremacists and other anti-government right wing groups but people don't label them as terrorists attacks.

See Of course not being able to provide proof of your claim must mean it's a conspiracy to hide it.

>all white people are Nazis
The only one vilifying white people is you.

>Can't talk about lesbians without people shrieking about tumblr
>Can't talk about punching nazis without Sup Forums sperging out
>Can't complain about people hamhanding trans stuff into fiction without stirring up both sides into a category 4 shitstorm
I hate this future.

Me too, extinction by global warming when

Are you fucking kidding? Cap punching Hitler was a HUGE political statement. That comic cover is fucking legendary because it is part of what inspired the American people to finally call out Hitler's aggression. This was all pre-holocaust, but it was still a very risky call-to-arms against fascism at a time when America was not interested in meddling in the affairs of foreign politics.

It's not a conspiracy, just prejudices. We assume that when a white person commits a crime like shooting a las vegas deputy and drapping a nazi flag over his body that there were just lone wolves. But a islamic terrorist attacks hapoens and every Iman has to assure the public that No, not every Muslims want to kill white Christians.

When global warming will actually exists.

Holy fucking shit, you're a retard. You literally don't know what terrorism means.

This thread makes me glad I'm not white. You get all sorts of hang ups and issues. Either you are all supremacists or self loathing race traitors. Not saying my race is any better but I'm just glad I don't have your problems.

idk man I hate the violent dumb criminal label
a. lot.