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Can I take something out for you?

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OG Vacation>Christmas Vacation>>>powergap>>>EU Vacation

only like five seconds but literally the hottest thing i ever saw as a kid
gave me a high cut panty fetish

European vacation is best or second best, and Las Vegas is worst dum dum

We don't talk about Vegas around here

it was pretty good fapbait, had a huge crush on Marison Nichols because of this movie

Oh, I was just smelling - smiling. I was just blouse - brousing.

>dad's favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation
>watch it with him every year
>mfw this scene comes on every time

I heard Chevy Chase is an absolute fucking asshole on set

Shame what happened to her.

Take out that character and it's almost a family film.

>ywn bang Nicolette Scorsese

What happened to her?


any older anons used to try and sneak watching a broadcast of the movie by yourself so when her scenes came up, you could oogle her properly?

I've seen Christmas vacation every year for 27 years and i laugh every fucking time

>the first 30 minutes or so are complete shit and then Cousin Eddie comes to save the movie

How can one character be so based?

European Vacation had the best jerking material. The slutty German girl and the French strippers gave me strong boners.

Why the fat chick daughter get replaced so many times

I found out about Scientology through my Chiropractor. He brought me to the Celebrity Centre in Hollywood and gave me a tour. The people were extremely nice. On the tour I saw that Scientology had solutions to how I could overcome any of my problems in life. I started studying the religion and applying the technology. Since then my life has been soaring upwards and I am reaching my goals and making new ones. The biggest success I have had in Scientology can be summed up in the following statement: It makes me a better person.

That is what I was looking for, how to be a better person, how to be in charge of my life, and how to help other people. Those are the things I get out of Scientology.

yeah, whip out your dick, you tranny

Saw this on opening day back in 89 when I was 11 and watch it every Christmas!!!FACT!!!

First was the hottest


how does he feel about having a fucking faggot for a son?

Completely disagree. The singing in the car is awesome TAKE IT RUSS.............. fa-la-la-la-laaaa-la-la-la-laaaa. The shopping center, as referenced, the christmas lights, the neighbors Well I don't KNOW, MARGOT!!!!....C'mon man, it's awesome..

My favorite though is when the grandparents arrive. 'And I've got these really painful burrs on the bottom of my feet, and if you rub them, I'll give you a Whole quarter......and I"LL GIVE AUDREY A QUARTER TOO, AUDREY!!!'....


I like how when they go sledding, Clark barrels into the parking lot of an old 90s Walmart.

Slices of life, in bubbles of time.

Talk about slices of life. The Shopping montage is full of things I feel like I'm the only one who remembers. Remember these? The sound they made...

I saw Vegas vacation before Christmas so Vegas vacation is the one that sits as a classic in my mind, weirdly

>Mr. Papageorgio
>don't get cheap on me now
>I won...I won da money
>all the fake casino games with the Sicilian from Princess Bride

where the fuck is he has vacation you nigger

No but can I put something into you?

Holy fuck. I'm old enough to have worked in retail and had to use these when the computers went down. Fucking pain in the ass.

>I saw Vegas vacation before Christmas
I hate you kids so much

I don't get it?


I'm 26, not even that young

kek you're such a fucking liar user.

Did anyone see Christmas Vacation 2 ?

You just prove my point user
>I'm 26, not even that young
and yet you all seem to mentally stagnate at 16

They used to play vegas vacation on cinemax every single week in the late 90s

I would literally watch it every single time. Every time.
I loved the daugther. I loved the cousin eddie stuff. I loved the buffet scenes

I really love the weird casino scenes.

Yeah i really love vegas vacation

No, I've seen it happen too. I was buying a coat and the store's phone and internet went down; they couldn't confirm the numbers, so they had to bring out the old slideroo. The girl working the till didn't know how to use it, so they had to get the manager to show her...she thought it was cool, but cumbersome....and I was thinking, 'yup...I remember the old days'.

Christmas shopping was the sound of screaming kids watching model trains and these sliding things...k-CHEH k-CHEH....

I saw this movie 20 years ago and i still have a crush on her.
I still get dreamy eyed when sheshows up.

I remember i had a porn tape in 2002( one of those two hours long) and there was a porn actress that looked almost the same as this girl. She did anal, had bangs on the hair,
I lost the tape and never saved her name

To this day I still search the internet to find this porn actress.