Who could play him in a movie?

Who could play him in a movie?

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Emma Stone

Tom Hardy could pull it off

Keanu Reeves. Maybe the guy who played Rorschach.

David Hayter
I'm not David Hayter btw

hmmm sure thing buddy


Can he pull Liquid though?

Legit surprised he hasn't killed himself yet. What do you think it must be like, defining yourself by the character you voice, who even looks like you, who even HAS YOUR NAME, only to get fired from the role and replaced by Le Raspy Voice Man?


Fuck Kojimbo for replacing him though, seriously, I like Kiefer but Hayter IS Snake, there's simply no one else.

Hayter is Solid Snake.
He's only good as Big Boss in Snake Eater, and that's because in that game Snake basically is Solid until the end.
Kiefer is Big Boss.


You got quads, so I have to respect your opinion, but I heavily disagree with it.

hemsworth brothers as solid and liquid

good for mgs3 but not solid nake

pic related as old big boss

I wish

Karl Urban

Tom Cruise

Idris Elba

I unironically think Christian Slater would make a good Snake.

I don't particularly mind (besides, old BB in 4 sounded different) but fuuuuck does it feel wrong hearing Chief Kief saying Solid's lines in the Deja Vu mission.

Fucker looks like he evolves into this at level 36

Manu Bennet


Bale or Huge Jackedman as Snake
Kurt Russell as Big Boss

Michael Biehn, duh


MGSIV with Keanu as Snake and Big boss played by Kurt Russell

>Kurt Russell as Big Boss
and Michael Biehn as Old Snake

Scott Eastwood

Good choice

too bad he can't act

Depends on the tone of the movie. If they try and capture the cheesiness and comedy of the games or if they try to do a straight, serious adaptation of the story. A mix of both would be someone like Kurt Russell or Josh Brolin but they dont look the part anymore. Chris Evans is probably the closest fit I think.

Literally anybody has the capability of playing him in a movie.

Idris Elba

Keanu Reeves as Snake
Kurt Russell as Old Snake (ending cameo)
Michael Fassbender as Liquid Snake
Jeff Bridges as Revolver Ocelot
Some roided out guy as Vulcan Raven
Some newcomer as Otacon
Stephanie Joosten as Sniper Wolf
Probably lots of CGI as Grey Fox

>David Hayter
He'll fit right in.

Doug Jones as Grey Fox

Guyver 2 was a mastapiece

>Some roided out guy as Vulcan Raven

Hueg Jackedman

Just looked him up, what do you think of him as Mantis?

clint eastwood

If he was a little bit younger then Eric Bana. I always thought he was the right choice.

>people suggest different actors for Snake, Liquid, and Big Boss
>use dumb throwaway dialog in MGS4 to justify why

every time

>Stephanie Joosten as Sniper Wolf
nah, sniper wolf should be hot... joosten is just cute

Fair. Suggest someone else, but not that fucking overrated bimbo scarjo

He could play both in the same movie and they could just get someone else to do the voices. He's just weird and lanky and doesn't mind putting on costumes.


Del Toro calls him the human wire armature

His face was literally based on Kiefer's and that's an older picture of him, he looks too old now

Probably some fag as the whole MGS series is extremely gay.

Fuck off he doesn't even sound like him

Keifer is a drunk retard that screwed Kojima in negotiations to charge him 10x what they were paying Hayter

Why do you think he rarely speaks?


Well since Sniper Wolf is actually Kurdish and not european how about a Kurdish actress?
Belcim Belgin is pretty hot

He's too vertically challenged to play him

A huge, jacked man.
And maybe Hugh Jackman

You wish

A gay homosexual man.

MGS3 Ocelot: Taron Egerton
Naked Snake: Hugh Jackman


>Fuck off he doesn't even sound like him
Wow you're a genius user, you figured out why people like Kiefer. How'd you do that?
Hayter in 4 and PW sounds like a guy with larengitis doing a Batman impression.
Kiefer sounds great. He speaks rarely because Kojima has the taste of the average Sup Forums user and loved Drive. When talks his lines are meaningful, instead of repeating every else's words.
>Ground floor basement?

Kurt Russell

>Kiefer sounds great. He speaks rarely because Kojima has the taste of the average Sup Forums user and loved Drive.

He talked less because they have to pay him by the amount of lines he records.

Same with any voice actor. Hayter racked up a huge cost due to the union.

Who could play Kaz "Take no prisoners" Miller?


Hugh Jackman is the best choice for Snake. People saying Keanu Reeves are r/asianmasculinity tier retards.

Quints *

make the movie a comedy staring jack black.

hayter looks nothing like snake, what are you on about

His appearance in the deerhunter was the basis for shinkawa's design.

Metal Gear Solid would not work as a movie. Metal Gear Solid's core narrative is as much about being a video game as it is about super soldiers, genes and memes.

MGS1 and 3 could maybe work in heavily truncated, dumbed down forms.

Hes literally young Kurt Russel

>Jeff Bridges as Ocelot

I never realized how badly I needed to see this

ive just read this thread and it is amazingly sexist. why cant snake be played by a strong woman. its 2018!

this is the only non-sexist post in the thread: but it should be a woman of colour.


Metal Gear is an amalgam of different already existing movie franchises anyway. The only difference is a giant walking nuke launcher that would never convincingly work on screen. It also represents a genre of mid 80s testosterone fueled action films that are long dead anyway. Although... as a callback to those it could work, maybe something sort of like "Dredd?"

Gwendoline Christie

>jordan vogt-roberts

If he pulled it off would he die?

Tom Cruise

>this is the only non-sexist post in the thread: but it should be a woman of colour.
wow uh transphobic much? who said zhe had to be cisgendered?

o.m.g. im so, so sorry. im whipping myself and checking my cis privilege right now. i was just thinking though, wouldnt it be ableist to have someone who is neurotypical and able-bodied play the part of solid snake. it would just be awful if we offended someone.


>"Committing to the ideologies, the philosophies, the weirdness and the Japanese elements and the fourth-wall breaking and all these great things, that's what Metal Gear is, and that's why the franchise has endured so let's embrace that as opposed to being afraid of it.
>fourth-wall breaking

please dont do this to our movie, director jew.

it would be extremely painful

>tfw when it's current year so Kaz will never have his Kaz "massacre at KFC" Miller movie

>tfw when
Autism +3

Could see these working... Don't know about their acting skills tho

Yeah fuck that shit.

>snake turns to face the camera
>"hey audience. kept you waiting, huh?"
>whole audience erupts into fits of laughing and clapping.



There were 4x more lines hidden in the gamefiles that were never used, the game wasn't finished.

i didnt even finish the unfinished game. got bored half way through.

Reeves would be better as Grey Fox.
Plus Snake isn't happa.

Big Boss is only 5cm taller than Kiefer.

Not sure. Its more about mannerisms than the look. Snake is a video game character, kinda passive. Hes just rugged, stubborn, he almost has no character since hes the 'player character'.

>His face was literally based on Kiefer's
No it wasnt. It was just a mocap promo video you saw on the internet.

>Plus Snake isn't happa.

did you play mgs. in the game vulcan ravan mentions solid snake having some asian dna. hes a shaman so he magically knows or something.

>Raven later faced Snake a second time within an underground warehouse. Here, he managed to briefly curse Snake with the raven on his forehead, stating that he now had the mark of death. Raven also commented on Snake's ancestors having originated in Mongolia, similar to himself, and that he possessed "blood from the East" (referring to Snake's Japanese heritage).[14]

Manu can’t hide his accent for shit though.