So Duke Thomas new costume was already updated, and everyone complaining he looked like wolverine are in the wrong

So Duke Thomas new costume was already updated, and everyone complaining he looked like wolverine are in the wrong.

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He looks like Wolverine

maybe you are thinking of this and not op image

Nope, the yellow and him being short make him look like Wolverine
They should just cancel his book before Marvel sues

The suit's ok, the name is terrible.

>Literally The Virtue Signal
Nobody cares, he'll be forgotten like Harper Row. Also nothing makes sense about Duke's costume and name

He doesn't look like Wolverine, he looks like a power rangers knock off

I kinda like it. I enjoyed Tony Patrick’s X'ed so I’m thinking this might be good after all.

I liked him better when he was with the Robin crew.

Harper row never actually had a role in gotham, just a plot made snyder oc. Duke is the same, but at least has some sort of role that sets him apart

You mean bullshit importance? This is just another attempt of Snyder trying to leave his mark on Batman user.

By your logic, Tim, Steph and Cass should all have been forgotten too, but instead they got continued roles and their own books, and now everyone likes them.

I don't care if they're dudes or chicks or black or white or aliens or what the fuck ever, I like new characters a lot better than rehashing the same movie characters ten million times.

wolverine is white though hoss.

duke is the miles morales of DC.

Dont make this about race or sex user, this is not what its about you fucknut. What does Duke or Harper add? Nothing. The Batfamily is HUGE and frankly we didnt need more added to the roster thank you. If anything, either of them could have joined Dick's team or something similar. Duke didnt need a fucking bat logo either

and a metric fuckton tougher and lethal...

Despite all the bitching thats the thing about Duke I don't mind, he's way the fuck out of his league.... Escrima Sticks?! he better be at least half as agile and skilled as Dick to pull that shit off.

and so far nothing I've read about him (and Ive read all the backups in all-star batman, etc), has any real explanation for why he's capable of any of this shit.

Pretty sure the Reaper is already hanging over him and it'll have something to do with all the Rebirth shenanigans.

he wuz a "robin" n shit. had to be bailed out by the real robins during robin war which was a shit crossover. maybe duke is a meaningful character in snyder's eyes since he was traumatized by the joker? by that token anyone and everyone in gotham qualifies as batman's sidekick.

That's an incredibly feminine costume. It looks like a blouse.

The Signal?

Is this setting up some kind of twist where he's actually Signalman's son?

why are y'all mad about writers for batman trying to leave a mark on the character? Think about it: you get the dream big job. the one that pays the most. and you're telling me that they shouldn't leave behind some kind of stamp so it doesn't get forgotten like the shitty doug moench run? They should just write plain old shit?

The problem isn't that Snyder tried to make a new character, it's that he's putting the cart before the horse. Instead of making a new character, seeing the public reaction to it and then reacting accordingly, Snyder created two new characters and then basically decided through editorial mandate "THESE ARE YOUR NEW FAVORITE CHARACTERS. EVERYONE ELSE IS SHIT." It failed with Harper after he tried to devote the vast majority of The Robin anniversary special to her, and soon it will fail with Duke.

For contrast, when Morrison created Damian, from day one he planned to kill him off as part of the conclusion to his 6 year batman epic. He created Damian in order to tell a story, not to "leave his mark." Yet when Damian did eventually die, enough people cried out how much they loved the character that DC brought him back to life.

Write good stories first, and then if people like your shit your characters will stick around as a stamp to be remembered by.

I would just tell fun mysteries for Batman to solve

LITERALLY just the new Orpheus, and he'll be treated just as shamefully within about five years.


I totally didn't see that before, but now that you mention it ...

I guess putting down that hard line that there will never be a black Robin had it's own drawbacks, like requiring an original costume design from the-house-of-stealing-Marvel's-ideas.

So who do you think they'll inevitably kill him off with? Joker? Bane?

>from day one he planned to kill him off as part of the conclusion to his 6 year batman epic

Who's to say thats not what's gonna happen with Duke?
Only in Dukes case nobody will cry for his return.

Yea never gonna happen.

The list of characters and designs DC and Marvel have cribbed from each other is hilariously long.

Fuck Stan Lee is a villain in DC comics.

Snyder's already left his mark.

The Court of Owls is in animated movies and tv shows.

The Black Mirror is referenced in Injustice.

Quit be butt hurt about action figures punching each other.

Yea nope.

They're not gonna kill the first Black "Robin"

And Didio loves Snyder so much he gave him his own line, hired his students, gave him a dc teaching class, and ridiculous event comic.

That's a lie actually.

Damien was planned to die at the end of his first arc, but then editor Peter Tomasi convinced Grant to keep him alive.

>Duke travels back in time to the early days of Bruce's career
>Sacrifices himself in an explosion
>The explosion resembles the Bat Signal
>"You truly were the Symbol"

Why, whatever do you mean?

The Signal....

Lark was a way better name than Signal

Nothing wrong with dreaming big, but if you lay a big fat goose egg on the apollo theatre stage, you're going to get WHONK WHONKed off.

Now, have you got ANY reason why anybody should give a fuck about duke? Even Batwing had more going for him at this stage than Duke.

Snyder cares about him so you should too, and Snyder is god's gift to DC and also Batman himself, user, just accept it
Also, Duke is the most important batfamily member and is superior to all Robins


Snyder has done two stories people will always call forth in Batman history and one moment of a new guy as Batman (Gordon). DC will gladly let him do what he wants because he did some pretty lasting stories and moments for them.

Wait Hamner is on art?

God fucking damn it, I have to read it now.

Both suck.

This character is called The Signal. He's a useless creation that DC keeps reinventing in a desperate attempt to have him catch on.

Still waiting for a female sidekick called Nightingale, and she fights other bird-themed villains like Penguin, Magpie, Court of Owls, etc.

Batman with a black sidekick just looks wrong to me.
Like people were calling him racist and he bought his own black boy to prove them wrong.

You mean like Marvel?

yes, just like marvel.

Who actually cares about Duke?

I think there is a porn comics with heroine named Nightingale.

Seriously, my dream for the Batfamily, is for Dick becoming Batman, Cass Cain as Nightwing, Tim as Robin.

Damien, Batwoman, Batwing, Harper, Duke in the garbage bin.

>Tim Robin
This is literally the most boring dynamic in the world.
I'd prefer Bruce and Tim over this, and I don't even like Tim

>Cass as Nightingale
But why tho
She has so little connection to Dick. Your just filling in gaps with Legacys that make no sense

>all this Harper harping
It's pretty clear at this point she's not Bat-Senpai, the same way Gotham Girl isn't Bat-Senpai, she's just a supporting character.

Timfags are so gay.

>I guess putting down that hard line that there will never be a black Robin
What the fuck are you talking about, the reason he isn't Robin isn't because he is black it's because Damian is still popular especially due to including him in things normies see like Injustice and on the comics side they don't want to mess with Super Sons. No one from DC ever said anything about no black Robin you false flagging shill.

I didn't liked the one he had before, while i dig this one, even if he shoudn't use batons

>I like new characters a lot better than rehashing the same movie characters ten million times.


Duke sucks.

that user was probably referring to duke being robin in futures end

Hire this man!

>>Literally The Virtue Signal

heheheh. I wonder if that was intentional

But then doesn't his comment make even less sense? Not to mention that futures end issue was probably drawn when Damian was still dead

Let's try to predict the next new addition to the Batfamily after Signal.

signal and gotham girls baby

>>Tim, Steph and Cass should be forgotten

That is entirely correct

>why are y'all mad about writers for batman trying to leave a mark on the character?
Save that for creator owned. If I ask someone to paint my house they don't get to make it pink and green just to make their mark. I want it to resemble my house as it is now.

Same thing with Big 2 comics. "The greats" get away with it but "leaving you mark" is the stuff of assholes.